Photos of the Kaiserreich


Artists rendition of French soldiers digging in in northern france, late 1939. The lightning German advance at the start of the Second Weltkrieg caught the communard forces off guard, but the offensive was stopped in its tracks at St. Quentin and Reims.


German soldiers crouching in hastily constructed trenches outside Munich, Bavaria, 1940. After the entry of the Swiss Commune in the second weltkrieg, Communard soldiers opened up a second front in southern Germany. By mid 1940, an elaborate trench system stretched across the nearly 1,000 kilometer western front from Calais to Munich.

Image from the popular tabletop and video game franchise "The Iron Crusades". Developed by Swedish game company Bullseye Games. Iron Crusades takes place in the far future of 3887, where mankind is slowly rising out of an interstellar dark age. Following the collapse of the Alliance Coalition, a political union of various modern day Alliance blocks that managed to colonize and conquer much of the Milky Way galaxy.


There are several playable factions in The Iron Crusades. Ranging from the imperialistic quasi feudal Celestial Empire and obvious mix of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires, the aggressive and warlike reptilian Race Vsa'kraks to the Workers Khanate the unholy hybrid Ungern Sternberg's Russia and the Totalist Union of Britain the Void Cultists servants of eldritch abominations inspired by the works of H.P Lovecraft, the highly advanced assimilatory race called the Collective that were byproducts of Alliance Coalition experiments in Nanotechnology.

The Iron Crusades have become the staple of noble and grimdark fiction in Europe. With various successful spin off books, comics, video games and even a popular, orginally fan made adult animated movie trilogy by Erasmus Brosdau. That grossed a collective 5.07 billion dollars in the box offices.
Just an OOC: in my TL, the CSA is Syndicalist (heavily) but has "American characteristics", meaning that entrepreneurship still exists. TTL, entrepreneurs still exist in the Syndicalist system to give their fellow workers quality goods and services. TTL, entrepreneurs are as famous as actors and sports stars: because American culture doesn't let anybody gain billions at the expense of a few, the alternative is that American culture gives the Entrepeneur status as a well known hero: someone who helped the Syndicalist economy grow into something even better. Of course, that status depends on how successful the product is: guys like Marcus Lemonis would be George Clooney big: whilst a certain city's Entrepeneur might become more of a local legend than a widespread figure.

Also, rewards still exist: custom personal property, and even cool mansions they can have designed to their liking. Obviously, these mansions are less of a villa, and more of a larger townhouse, and they do have to share this building with other people (randoms, they can't fill it with their buddies) but in the Syndicalist entrepreneurs mind, they don't care: just knowing that they designed this building to their liking is something that many cannot say.

So that's my vision of a democratic Syndicalist America: DIRECT DECENTRALIZED PLANNING mixed with the good old American spirit of individualism, adopted to a society that exists for the vast prosperity of all instead of a select few.

Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xaver Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius von Habsburg - Crown Prince of Austria, King of Hungary and others.
After World War II, Europe split in two - Most of Germany and Austria were under the control of the International, which contributed to the severing of the monarchy of the Gasburgs. Hungary only pledged to pay reparations to the Russian Republic, and to surrender significant territories of Romania and Yugoslavia, to adjoin the northern regions as part of a new state - Czechoslovakia. At the same time, Otto distrusted the Hungarians, and compiled the entire government and generals from the Germans (migrants or descendants of the colonists).


Hungarian officer of German descent, mutilated and hanged by insurgents.
The difficult economic situation and the dominance of the Germans in higher positions provoked the insurrection in 1956. In October, King Otto was overthrown, and general elections were announced. At the same time, the Soviets of Workers, who put forward the Syndicalist Slogans, arose. Afraid of a possible revolution, the Russians led the troops. As a result of the negotiations, Hungary remained a republic, but an exceptional law was to be passed against the socialists.

Zoltan Tildi - First President of the Republic of Hungary (1957-1961)
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Two Gurkhas in the service of the Syonan Prefectural Police. While most Gurkhas either serve in the militaries of the Federation of India, Canada or Britain, a sizeable contingent are employed as police forces in Japanese Syonan - a decision that has contributed to Syonan being easily one of the safest places in the Empire of Japan. For their part, Japanese military personnel have a healthy professional regard for Gurkhas...and IJN personnel on shore-leave walk very softly in Syonan...


HIJMSS Harushio at sea during the Indonesian Civil War c. 2003. While Japan took no active role in the conflict - Indonesia being a Commonwealth ally and Japan having no liking for the rebels - the IJN maintained a high level of alert during the conflict, enforcing an exclusion zone to ensure no 'spillover'.


Australasian Army troops on patrol during the Indonesian Civil War in 2003. Commonwealth intervention in the conflict, taking place between the Commonwealth-backed central government and Islamist rebels, would see order restored to the archipelago and the rebel groups eliminated or forced to surrender by the end of 2004. It would, however, lead to a brief rash of anti-immigrant sentiment in Australasia following the terrorist attack in Darwin in 2004.


Cast picture from Australasian 2008 miniseries Hammersley. A twelve-episode programme following the historical patrol vessel HMAS Hammersley, the series - made following interviews with Hammersley's surviving crew - set out to tell the story of the vessel's involvement in the Indonesian Civil War, culminating in its participation in an operation to rescue Sumatran civilians held prisoner by rebel forces. During this operation, the captain of the Hammersley moved his ship in closer than recommended to the landing zone, owing to the SAS forces dropped ashore having had one of their ribs damaged and concern for the safety of the civilians being transported to the ship. During this, a rebel fighter was able to hit the Hammersley with a shoulder-fired missile, killing several crew including the captain and severely damaging the vessel. Despite this, thanks to the actions of XO Lieutenant Narelle Ramshawe, the Hammersley was able to retrieve the civilians and SAS personnel and return to friendly waters. Many viewers praised the show's accuracy and attention to detail, though some criticism was levelled at the 'young, beautiful' nature of many of the cast.
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Image from the popular tabletop and video game franchise "The Iron Crusades". Developed by Swedish game company Bullseye Games. Iron Crusades takes place in the far future of 3887, where mankind is slowly rising out of an interstellar dark age. Following the collapse of the Alliance Coalition, a political union of various modern day Alliance blocks that managed to colonize and conquer much of the Milky Way galaxy.

View attachment 361262
There are several playable factions in The Iron Crusades. Ranging from the imperialistic quasi feudal Celestial Empire and obvious mix of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires, the aggressive and warlike reptilian Race Vsa'kraks to the Workers Khanate the unholy hybrid Ungern Sternberg's Russia and the Totalist Union of Britain the Void Cultists servants of eldritch abominations inspired by the works of H.P Lovecraft, the highly advanced assimilatory race called the Collective that were byproducts of Alliance Coalition experiments in Nanotechnology.

The Iron Crusades have become the staple of noble and grimdark fiction in Europe. With various successful spin off books, comics, video games and even a popular, orginally fan made adult animated movie trilogy by Erasmus Brosdau. That grossed a collective 5.07 billion dollars in the box offices.
OCC: Original source of the images?

Vizekonig Johannes Hermann Schmidt of Mittelafrika in 2007, shortly before his death from a stroke. Schmidt had been born "Ian Douglas Smith" in British Rhodesia during the waning years of the Weltkrieg. While Rhodesia would remain in South African hands for the next twenty years, it would be annexed (along with the rest of South Africa) into the Vizekonigreich of Mittelafrika by the jingoist Vizekonig Hermann Goering, who was intent on claiming all land south of the Sahara for Mittelafrikan rule. Schmidt was one of a number of Rhodesians who felt that they would be better off under the rule of the Vizekonigreich, instead of a Dominionist South Africa that increasingly began to proffer natives more rights, which Schmidt and others felt was a threat to their traditional powers in the region. Many Rhodesians undertook voluntary Germanization in order to better assimilate into their new state - as well as to be allowed into government positions. Schmidt rose steadily through the ranks of the Mittelafrikan bureaucracy, and took over as Vizekonig following Goering's death from cardiac arrest in 1963. Schmidt would remain Vizekonig for the rest of his life, dealing with numerous native revolts whilst simultaneously enabling the immigration of German and other European populaces into the region to replace the quickly dwindling native numbers. His funeral in Daressalam was attended by millions of Afrikaners, as well as Kaiser Frederick IV of Germany.

Canadian Prime Minister Bill Davis and Princess Elizabeth at Queen's Park, Toronto, during the Princess's royal visit to Canada in 1973. The Conservative government under Davis, which led two successive majority governments between 1970 to 1980, was marked by drastic improvements in education and social services in Canada, bolstering the strength of "Commonwealth Conservatism" in the Dominion. Davis's leadership was also marked by an increasingly progressive religious-social climate that saw progressive Protestantism take root in much of the British Empire, leading to social reform including decriminalisation of homosexuality in Canada. While this brought Davis into conflict with King George VI* and his social conservative views, he developed a friendly rapport with more liberal members of the Royal Family, including Princess Elizabeth, whose tireless patronage for Imperial unity and charitable and philanthrophic causes in many of the Dominions made her a beloved figure in the Empire. Davis's premiership is credited with bringing an end to the state of political limbo within the Empire that characterised Canada in the 1950s and 60s following the end of Reconstruction in the United Kingdom, reasserting the Dominion's confidence and status in the British Empire, and helping to build the institutions of imperial equality that predominate the political system of the British Empire.

* Not OTL King George VI, who remains as Prince Albert, Duke of York; rather, the KR TL son of King Edward VIII and Princess Isabelle of Orleans, born Victor George John Arthur, who succeeds his father on the throne following his passing in 1968.
Some stuff on my 'verse's version of Warhammer 40,000

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Idris Elba, renowned British actor and most recently star of the Brightlance 40,000 TV series Love Can Bloom (as Assassin), where he acts opposite Morena Baccarin as Farseer Taldeer. The series, one renowned even by those not fans of science-fiction, tells the story of an Assassin programmed by an anti-alien Imperial splinter group to kill an Eldar leader, thus to destroy the alliance between humanity and the aliens. The Assassin, however, falls in love with his target and sets out to protect her, fighting off both the Forces of Disorder and Assassin's former handlers. Both ultimately expose the conspiracy at the heart of the Imperium, and are joined in wedlock by the God-Empress of Mankind.


Isha, Mother-Goddess of the Eldar in the Brightlance 40,000 setting. Though captured by the Lord of Disorder Slaanesh at the moment of its birth, she was then rescued by the Lord of Order Tara - Slaanesh's polar opposite, created in reaction to the birth of Slaanesh. She led the remnants of her people to ally with the fledgling Imperium of Man, and now rules the Human-Eldar Empire as the Empress' co-ruler and adoptive sister. The background fluff for her is that she works tirelessly to reverse the claim that Slaanesh maintains on the souls of her people.


Sister-Captain Diana of the Silver Spears Legion of the Sisters Triumphant, star of the comic-book series All Alone in the Night. Diana has received positive feedback for being the first (canonically) LGBT character in the Brightlance setting, and her (possibly doomed) relationship with Seeker Mortia of the Embroidered Guard (the Empire's secret police) has been praised for its emotional depth and complexity.
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Chairman George Brown after an Assassination attempt in 1970 by the IRA. The attempt on his life led to a new chapter in Anglo-Irish relations and for a restart of peace talks with various Irish groups and devolution ultimately leading to the end of Mosley's Direct Rule from London. Chairman Brown would win a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the issue in 1976.


Chairman George Brown after an Assassination attempt in 1970 by the IRA. The attempt on his life led to a new chapter in Anglo-Irish relations and for a restart of peace talks with various Irish groups and devolution ultimately leading to the end of Mosley's Direct Rule from London. Chairman Brown would win a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the issue in 1976.

Considering that the syndicalist refuse to even take part in the Olympic games due to the sporting event being viewed as being 'capitalist' and 'aristocratic', will their government officials ever even consider the idea of accept a Nobel Peace Prize? Especially since that Alfred Nobel was a businessman who sold arms, and hence, using syndie logic, a war profiteer, an oppressor of the working class, and an unredeemable enemy of the people.

I think it will be far more likely for the Internationale to be like the USSR in OTL, and create their own Stalin/Lenin Peace Prize
Considering that the syndicalist refuse to even take part in the Olympic games due to the sporting event being viewed as being 'capitalist' and 'aristocratic', will their government officials ever even consider the idea of accept a Nobel Peace Prize? Especially since that Alfred Nobel was a businessman who sold arms, and hence, using syndie logic, a war profiteer, an oppressor of the working class, and an unredeemable enemy of the people.

I think it will be far more likely for the Internationale to be like the USSR in OTL, and create their own Stalin/Lenin Peace Prize
I could see a Syndicalist Norway still using them for there soft power and long term image


I could see a Syndicalist Norway still using them for there soft power and long term image

Hmmm... Good point. Especially if Norway is still officially a Constitutional Monarchy, instead of outright transforming itself into the Socialist Scandinavia Union.