Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191


Picture of black activists pointing toward the assailant of Cassius Madison (person lying on the ground).

In April of 1968, Jerry Dover died of old age. The Dover family invited Cassius Madison to attend the funeral. Madison attended, remembering Dover's efforts to save his family during the Second Great War. On April 4, 1968, Madison's last day before leaving for New York (his new home after the Second Great War), a group of black activists in Georgia found Madison dead and saw an unknown person with a sniper rifle.
Eugene McCarthy, Humphrey's successor, who chose not to run in the upcoming 1968 election, announced that the DOJ would find the assassin and Humphrey's assassin as quickly as possible. Finally, in late April, the assassin was found, who also admitted to assassinating Humphrey: Frank Blades, the elder stepson of Jefferson Davis Pinkard. Blades was put on trial in May, found guilty in the summer, and given life in prison.
Does anyone here have a high-quality version/recreation of the Freedom Party eagle as seen on the cover of "The Victorious Opposition" or something similar?View attachment 821292
I've tried to look for the original artist, but I couldn't find a name or any type of reference.

It was probably a stock photo that was slightly modified. (Although, I find it hilarious that, when looking at the Del Rey version of Blood & Iron, you can see a Black Raised Fist symbol on the white/grey? ribbon that the Confederate Eagle is holding on its beak)

I remember trying to digitally pull the image from the cover, but it always came out all blurry and incomplete due to the text.
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Georg Otto Dietrich (August 20, 1917 – August 4, 1969) was a German Empire Navy Commander and founder of the German Freedomite Party. He was possibly the first in the postwar period in the German Empire to prominently use Freedomite symbolism. His beliefs and writings have continued to be influential among people with similar views, particularly in the German Empire.


  • George_Lincoln_Rockwell_1.jpg
    250.6 KB · Views: 66
The Insurgents groups during the Utahan troubles

Old Map of Occupation Utah era 1934. I am sorry for using Alamo

During the Utah troubles, many groups arose to combat the US occupational forces within the State of Utah who operated across the territory who use many terror methods on military leaders who held power in Utah to weaken the Occupation. Throughout the Great revolt of 1915, Occupied period and Third Mormon uprising, many notable insurgent groups who infamous in Utah troubles who fought against the US Military and we will lists the most notably ones in the conflicts before Operation Antipode refuge.


NNM insurgent scouting for US troops on somewhere in Summit Country, 1925 ca

The word “Nauvoo” pop up numerous times of the latter-day Saints history on the US to it’s very beginning as a militia group led by the very founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, who fought off against anti-Mormon groups in Nauvvo and propaganda against the Book of Mormon. They defended the Mormon pioneers against natives tribesman in the search for the promised land against persecution and defend it territory of Utah before the American humiliation begins in the South. Soon 18 years later, they started on rebellion of independent state of Deseret then swiftly ended by the US military brutality afterwards. The official nauvoo legion dissolved, and become illegal in the US as “secessionists group” but their legacy have not died off I see you will find out soon enough.

Arguably the most famous of the insurgent groups called “National Nauvoo Militia”[1] who created during Utah between the Occupation period. They were responsible for attacks against the American occupying forces and Collaborators in the Military rule in Interwar period and NNM were active outside of the major Utahn cities were many US units station at and NNF got the hit and run attacks in of Utahn countryside.

They were a nuisance at the Gentile occupiers[2], and were targeted for this harassment of the US troops in Utah back in the 20s and late chaotic 30s, most people support them or being similar to the IRA back in Ireland during the independence war and reprisals were harsh against the local Mormon inhabitants by the US forces. They rarely target civilians in the fighting of Utah as they don’t want to the same and hypocritical as the US military in occupied Utah but target public square across the US and targeted politicians military and lawmaker supporting the occupation of their holy place.

When Al Smith begin focus on Utah unlike previous presidents notably Hosea, he listens to the Mormon plight and addresses the problem of the Utahn occupied with the represents of the Mormon, Heber Young that ended with the Salt Lake Agreement[3] that allowed military occupation ended and the Mormons represented to control with Utah as long it didn’t interfere with US sovereignty. Soon life began to normal again.

NNM responded as they were happy with the outcome of the meeting with Al Smith and will demilitarize with the agreement of 1937 Agreements. They say that they only will be all right with the US military didn’t interfere with the Mormon faith again and will allow fellow members to be involved with Utah affairs as long it doesn’t who didn’t agree with the agreement.

NNM integrated with Utahn politics, as representatives of Mormons, and many people of the organization were happy in finally ending the conflict, but few things this is bogus, as the memory of oppression and atrocities of US troops still process among the Mormons people in Utah.[4]

Nevertheless, the Organization officially dissolved in November 26, 1939 and many other members were into government of Utah.

Many of the former members were executed by the Mormon radicals for Collaborating in Utah who were in few decades were allies, including former friends and families members in the same causes in the third Mormon uprising.


Three Joseph Fighters shooting out of the window during the early stage of the Salt Lake Uprising 1941 ca

The origin of the Joseph fighters[5] was originated to far back as the late 1880s for groups who nickname by the Americans as “Joseph riders” who were participate in the first rebellion in Utah against the Americans during the second Mexican war, who scout and patrolled along the Utahn desert to spotted or raid against US forces led by both Custer and John Pope. They were more of a nuisance to the US Army, and were a small part of larger uprising of the 81

They arose back into step of Utahns ground when the Second Mormon uprisings started and the Mormon start rebellion against the Billy yanks when they fought the Butterboy in FGW[6]. Instead of being nickname by the US occupiers, they were named themselves “Joseph fighters” as to honored their founder martyrdom and will fight for Joseph Smith and his legacy and they succeeded because they fought in the front lines against the Yanks with many of them using barrels artillery and notably flamethrowers like the infamous Gordon “flaming” McSweeney at the each major city of Utah. They have fought till the surrender of their high commander, Heber Louis Jackson and lay down their arms to the Billy head.[7]

While many of the Joseph fighters surrendered and sent to federal prison for treason and the secession, some were still around to continue to fighting for Joseph Smith and Mormonism in the early years of occupation era. They along with the Nauvoo militiamen were a great fighting force and work together to be back against the US enemy on their promised land of the Deseret[8], bear, teamwork, as well as a battle experiments of the 1915 rebellion would help tremendously with battling against the occupation forces of the US. They were viewed as a lot more dangerous and formidable insurgents been with the Nauvoo militia as they are no strangers of targeted innocence for freeing their leader and bombing Public Square that even the relationship with NNM were unease of the actions they took especially with civilians and drift away with them at the late 30s

When the whole 1937 treaty was an actor across Utah, most celebrated, but the Joseph fighters were rejected on the issue as they did, it got a free Utah, but still under US control as a state is in the treaty. They are still in the US, and therefore not independent status and AI smith only want Utah for his coming 1940 election.

Many of the members who agree with the treaty left the organization into normalcy at the last peace of Utah[8] and only the Anti-treaty JF[9] were active in the area but not Terrorist actions but only Anti-Treaty propaganda across Utahn area.

When the Second Great War started, the anti-treaty, Joseph fighters, take initiative, and rebel against “US puppet government of Deseret” as stated by the JF commander, Joseph Douglas Smith as it was still resentment at the US occupation, as well as brutality oppression in the two rebellions in 15 and 81 still alive among the Mormon populous in Utah.

The Joseph fighters control much of Utah as they along with the infamous NL controlled as “Independence state of Deseret” follow the exact teachings of the book of Mormon but compared to other rebellions this one was the most bloody has they convinced it’s now or never or Independent Deseret.

They were also radicalized and extreme within the Joseph fighters as the union will most certainly destroy any remnants of Deseret, and will fight to the hardest to be against the US and to secure independence of the Mormon people.

They become more and more ferocious and battle hardened because of the experience of the 1915 great revolt, as well as the occupational era also help with guerrilla tactics against US forces in the rural and urban areas. Even the Billy Yanks call them more to the common in the 1881 names, “Joseph Hellfighters”[10] as a fighting like hell in the 3rd Uprising that only match in normally enough, Pittsburgh and reputation of them were immense to fight specially, with using people bomb as a weapon.

The Joseph Hellfighters while formidable and fight to the cause, they did become more and more extreme up their ideals and turn into people are used people bombs against US soldiers as their weapon along with recruiting children as young as 12 to joined the Meat grinder of Deseret front against the American.

The worst of all of this is all of this was all for nothing when the US steam rolled into Salt Lake City when it’s turn into rubble during the course of the siege. Many of the Joseph Hellfighters along with the high commanders were executed and sent to federal prison for treason, conspiracy, and secessionists against United States.

All considered Joseph fighters to be finished at April 8 1945 as the last high member Rick turner[11], officially dissolved the organization and end it into history.

The legacy of JF is an tragic one as many of them in the beginning were planning for the Mormons cause but slowly and externally into the worst version of themselves to using children and people bomb against the Yankees for the memory of Joseph Smith…. .. . He probably be sad what it’s become


Infamous Nephites Legionnaires Ambushes US convey on the road near Provo road, 1943 ca

One of the many insurgent groups in Utah during the Third Mormon rebellion, Nephites Legionaries were the most feared, hated and radicals groups compared to the Mormon fighters. The Nephites Legionaries (or the NL for short) believed in that the people “Nephites” from the old book of mormon, managed to survive in Utah, but the damm yankee trying to eliminate the last remnants of the Nephites. Dammed yankee were degenerate Gentiles, who will destroy Utah and it’s remaining nephites population. Nephities plan to restore the Nephites nation and will cleanse any non-nephites from Deseret state to not repeat the same like with the lamanites, not too similar to the snake promise with the African problem in the CSA.

NL first form during the early stages of occupation period, but rarely do then just spout their pseudo-ideology propaganda and small attacks against the US gentile in Salt Lake City. They’re radical groups didn’t have a great relationship with the others mormon militia as they disagreed on the history of Americas, Nephities race and Mormonism in history; nevertheless they did some part of the resistance against US occupation forces inside of Utah (only splatter about their beliefs and supply the other functions groups in Utah).

They’re also known to be affiliated with freedom ideology and even the founder of the Nephities, Walker Jack[12] described the snake as “Featherstone would be a great Mormon fighter against the imperialist Yanks” and would reported that many of the notable members of NL believe that Nephites were the great whites race that dominates America before the Lamanian Indians wipe them out. Ironically the CSA were friendly to the natives, even under the snake presidency, and would not bode well with Nephis planned genocide against the indigenous people of Utah

They become more prominent in the Utah troubles as the 30s continue with even more as featherstone supported them with ammo guns and supplies in their cause all the way. NL even organized their attack like the other Mormon groups against US officials up till the shocking surprise of 1937 treaty of Salt Lake which opened up the Mormons with opportunities and restore them into power back in Utah. It’s hurt many insurgent group, but especially Nephis tremendously as the main reason why recruitment when up was because of theOccupation and criminalizing their religious sect in Utah.

In those four years, Nephites forces were strong during the occupational days as the last peace of Utah were finally have the Mormon people to rest and to not fight against do US forces for many years now. They would be forget and later dissolve the future before Featherstone invasion of Ohio which caused the US be helpless to suppress uprising in Utah.

When the Joseph fighters begun the rebellion on Salt Lake City, NL rejoiced and quickly going in against the feds out of Utah to spread the wicked ideology among the populace as this is the only chance for Mormon independence from the US military once, and for all. They were the most the most ferocious Mormon group of any other insurgent in the conflict as they will house to house, fighting, and even invented for creating the method, “people bomb” who cover the victim with explosives charges leave them to either US military, or even civilians area to spread the message of their hateful fantasy which creates paranoia against enemy forces specially in urban combat.

Even with this tactic, as well as hard urban warfare fighting, not only rival to Pittsburgh or Richmond that make on insurgence, Billy yank and civilians into a living hell. It did not go well with the Mormons favor as US barrels go through the streets of ruins, Salt Lake City, as well as bombing runs across the counties to make insurgence support diminished.

The last Nephities Legionnaires forces tried to advance against US Barrels at West Valley City and ended with disaster as many of them were killed by the Billy bullet.

After Third Mormon Uprising, NL were responsible for war crimes against not only US forces but targeting American civilians, as well as even Mormon ones as well for either “Gentile” or “False Nephites”. After the 3rd Mormon uprising, many of the former members were trials and executed by the US military including the main leadership of NL. The remaining members who did escape from US authorities, were either blended in Antipodes or are in the US who hide from Militarized Utah[13] until 1952 where they find the remind of NL and execute them.

They are the only group that hated by both American for committing war crimes against civilians and Mormon as they only hurt their reputation and only see them as terrorists. The only ones who admire them are Anti-American terror groups like the Sons of Freedom or the illegal hatred group FLDS[14] in Australia.


Soldiers of the Beehive battalion about deploy for the next offensive against the US forces during the Siege of Salt Lake City 1943 ca.

Unlike most on this list, the Beehive battalionwere created at the third Mormon rebellion in the midst of the Deseret fighting and the reason why people remembered them is how they were the most tragic of any of them, since most of them were young adults to children that sent into the fighting against US forces in the battlefield. Many of men’s and boys fought as infantrymen but also the woman and girls work as nurses at front to back line in the control areas of the Deseret who were a great help for the Uprising

Many of them want to join it to fight against the union oppression to have a homeland or the Mormon people or some they want just go home watch wants to by pressures groups or an Nephities officer commend them to join in. Plus with hope and confidence along side with massive propaganda against the Yankees. Many of them join the flock against who unknowingly will felt machines on fire and artillery into their skin and flesh. Some of them did not see his family again and through others they were capture of prisoners of war and sent into camps for away from their home.

Even for all their efforts, they were desperately fighting against the inevitable defeats in Utah and soon all of their sacrifice was in vain or independent Deseret as soon the last Mormon resistance were crush by union barrels on the ruins of Salt Lake City and finally the last uprising of mormon in the American continent.

Many of the members were told by US forces to go home and not turn into radicals as they were traumatized by the event of 1941. Soon after the Great refuge of 45, many of the former beehive members finally trust after what they’ve been through.

They were the only ones who is sent to refuge in peace

1: “Nauvoo” have a similar repetition of the IRA with them being a mascot for Mormon, resisting against the US government and military throughout the Occupation era.

2: “ Gentile occupier” is for the term against US forces who were stationed in Utah during the times of Occupation Period

3: Salt Lake Agreement were established between Mormon and American for recognition of the Utah State that similarity inspired to the Good Friday agreement in the Irish troubles in Northern Ireland but in 1937 Utah

4: There’s is still a resentment of atrocities and violence against the Mormons by the US forces even after the Salt Lake agreement, similar to what happened of Ireland treatment of the British empire in the famine, oppression and discrimination

5: the name, Joseph fighters were actually inspired name by fellow user on this thread @Jett-Power for his used to be equivalent group of Al-Qaeda, did Joseph Smith movement that he changed when I recommend the Nauvoo legion to used. Thanks buddy for credit me.

6: Butterboy was a a nickname for Confederates by Yankee troops in the trenches for their butternut uniforms that always wore by man that looks like boys Here it the terms I made

7: Billy head is a nickname that were nickname for the Mormon rebels during the Second Mormon Uprising and also in reference to the US hollow helmet

8: "Deseret" is term by Radical Mormon referring to the old name in the Book of Mormon, Deseret instead of Utah which prefer by Billy Head during the Utahn troubles. It's similar to Ulster and Ireland pre-FGW and SGW

9: Terms for the period of the last peace lasted four years in Utah were everything was a normall and peaceful life before hell break loose when the confederate invaded Ohio and started the radicals group take over Utah that started the third Mormon uprising that’s by far the deadliest and bloodiest uprising in Utahn soil

10: Anti-treaty were a faction of the Mormon insurgent groups who disagree against the treaty of 37 who started nothing more than a puppet state establish in Utah and were still on the US control that was nothing more than an empty promises by the US government. All of the people who take part in the third Mormon uprising were a part of the anti-treaty faction.

11: Joseph fighters become more and more extreme as fighters who fight like hell to beat back and pay the price to any step of ground the Yankee and their beliefs as necessary evil for independent Deseret that the term Joseph fighter Renamed into Joseph Hellfighters by both Mormon insurgents and US forces in Utah.

12: Rick Turner who were the last high rank member of the Joseph fighters who are captured by the US forces as Salt Lake City 1944 and he responsible for the planned masses uprising in 1941 and attacked against American troops in Utah back in the occupation days. He responsible for the use of people bomb being involved during the conflict as effective method for a union retreat of Utah, he work with the terrorist group, NL for working together to rebuild and creation of Deseret.
He was executed by firing squad at Winnipeg prison 1945 for treason, and war crimes charges against US personnel.

13: Walker Moroni Jack who was the leader of the radical Mormon terrorist group, Nephities legionnaires that beliefs of Nephities still alive in the Nation of Deseret and will achieve the goal of independent with force and violence make them the most extreme radical Mormon sect that ever exists in history

He responsible for most supplying and guns to rebel factions across Utah before the Salt Lake Agreement back in 37 who closer and closer Ally to Featherstone cause of White Supremacy that already match of his ideals. He joined with the Joseph Fighter revolt against Utah government, and started to plan his own dream into reality that started his horrific reputation in the latter days saints history.

His control of Deseret was horrible as boy as old as 12 were forced to fight against the Americans as well as allowing the torture of US captives and noncombatants who disagree with his teachings. He also what responsible for creating people bombs for more affective means psychological warfare against the Americans they’re on cities and in Utah.

He was killed by Unknown man that was likely the end of the siege of Salt Lake City in 1943.

14: After operation antipodes refuge, Utah was empty of people and the US military views it as an opportunity for creating much more powerful weapons, and developing superbomb capabilities in the light of rise of the frozen stalemate happening between Japan and the US on the Pacific. Many scientists, engineers and military officials goes to Utah for military studies and research purposes that finally ended in 1954 where it available to settled by Americans again.

TI;DR: US turned Utah into a state size Area 51 in the early Cold War between the US and Japan

15: Fundamentalists Latter-day Saints is a offshoot of both LDS and RLDS church that take the extreme approach on Mormonism and the teaching of Joseph Smith that is linked to Alt-right groups, forced marriages, antisemitism and anti black racism that is recognized by both US Australia and Zealand as a hate group
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The Insurgents groups during the Utahan troubles
View attachment 821351
Old Map of Occupation Utah era 1934. I am sorry for using Alamo

During the Utah troubles, many groups arose to combat the US occupational forces within the State of Utah who operated across the territory who use many terror methods on military leaders who held power in Utah to weaken the Occupation. Throughout the Great revolt of 1915, Occupied period and Third Mormon uprising, many notable insurgent groups who infamous in Utah troubles who fought against the US Military and we will lists the most notably ones in the conflicts before Operation Antipode refuge.

View attachment 821341
NNM insurgent scouting for US troops on somewhere in Summit Country, 1925 ca

The word “Nauvoo” pop up numerous times of the latter-day Saints history on the US to it’s very beginning as a militia group led by the very founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, who fought off against anti-Mormon groups in Nauvvo and propaganda against the Book of Mormon. They defended the Mormon pioneers against natives tribesman in the search for the promised land against persecution and defend it territory of Utah before the American humiliation begins in the South. Soon 18 years later, they started on rebellion of independent state of Deseret then swiftly ended by the US military brutality afterwards. The official nauvoo legion dissolved, and become illegal in the US as “secessionists group” but their legacy have not died off I see you will find out soon enough.

Arguably the most famous of the insurgent groups called “National Nauvoo Militia”[1] who created during Utah between the Occupation period. They were responsible for attacks against the American occupying forces and Collaborators in the Military rule in Interwar period and NNM were active outside of the major Utahn cities were many US units station at and NNF got the hit and run attacks in of Utahn countryside.

They were a nuisance at the Gentile occupiers[2], and were targeted for this harassment of the US troops in Utah back in the 20s and late chaotic 30s, most people support them or being similar to the IRA back in Ireland during the independence war and reprisals were harsh against the local Mormon inhabitants by the US forces. They rarely target civilians in the fighting of Utah as they don’t want to the same and hypocritical as the US military in occupied Utah but target public square across the US and targeted politicians military and lawmaker supporting the occupation of their holy place.

When Al Smith begin focus on Utah unlike previous presidents notably Hosea, he listens to the Mormon plight and addresses the problem of the Utahn occupied with the represents of the Mormon, Heber Young that ended with the Salt Lake Agreement[3] that allowed military occupation ended and the Mormons represented to control with Utah as long it didn’t interfere with US sovereignty. Soon life began to normal again.

NNM responded as they were happy with the outcome of the meeting with Al Smith and will demilitarize with the agreement of 1937 Agreements. They say that they only will be all right with the US military didn’t interfere with the Mormon faith again and will allow fellow members to be involved with Utah affairs as long it doesn’t who didn’t agree with the agreement.

NNM integrated with Utahn politics, as representatives of Mormons, and many people of the organization were happy in finally ending the conflict, but few things this is bogus, as the memory of oppression and atrocities of US troops still process among the Mormons people in Utah.[4]

Nevertheless, the Organization officially dissolved in November 26, 1939 and many other members were into government of Utah.

Many of the former members were executed by the Mormon radicals for Collaborating in Utah who were in few decades were allies, including former friends and families members in the same causes in the hird Mormon uprising.

View attachment 821343
Three Joseph Fighters shooting out of the window during the early stage of the Salt Lake Uprising 1941 ca

The origin of the Joseph fighters[5] was originated to far back as the late 1880s for groups who nickname by the Americans as “Joseph riders” who were participate in the first rebellion in Utah against the Americans during the second Mexican war, who scout and patrolled along the Utahn desert to spotted or raid against US forces led by both Custer and John Pope. They were more of a nuisance to the US Army, and were a small part of larger uprising of the 81

They arose back into step of Utahns ground when the Second Mormon uprisings started and the Mormon start rebellion against the Billy yanks when they fought the Butterboy in FGW[6]. Instead of being nickname by the US occupiers, they were named themselves “Joseph fighters” as to honored their founder martyrdom and will fight for Joseph Smith and his legacy and they succeeded because they fought in the front lines against the Yanks with many of them using barrels artillery and notably flamethrowers like the infamous Gordon “flaming” McSweeney at the each major city of Utah. They have fought till the surrender of their high commander, Heber Louis Jackson and lay down their arms to the Billy head.[7]

While many of the Joseph fighters surrendered and sent to federal prison for treason and the secession, some were still around to continue to fighting for Joseph Smith and Mormonism in the early years of occupation era. They along with the Nauvoo militiamen were a great fighting force and work together to be back against the US enemy on their promised land of the Deseret[8], bear, teamwork, as well as a battle experiments of the 1915 rebellion would help tremendously with battling against the occupation forces of the US. They were viewed as a lot more dangerous and formidable insurgents been with the Nauvoo militia as they are no strangers of targeted innocence for freeing their leader and bombing Public Square that even the relationship with NNM were unease of the actions they took especially with civilians and drift away with them at the late 30s

When the whole 1937 treaty was an actor across Utah, most celebrated, but the Joseph fighters were rejected on the issue as they did, it got a free Utah, but still under US control as a state is in the treaty. They are still in the US, and therefore not independent status and AI smith only want Utah for his coming 1940 election.

Many of the members who agree with the treaty left the organization into normalcy at the last peace of Utah[8] and only the Anti-treaty JF[9] were active in the area but not Terrorist actions but only Anti-Treaty propaganda across Utahn area.

When the Second Great War started, the anti-treaty, Joseph fighters, take initiative, and rebel against “US puppet government of Deseret” as stated by the JF commander, Joseph Douglas Smith as it was still resentment at the US occupation, as well as brutality oppression in the two rebellions in 15 and 81 still alive among the Mormon populous in Utah.

The Joseph fighters control much of Utah as they along with the infamous NL controlled as “Independence state of Deseret” follow the exact teachings of the book of Mormon but compared to other rebellions this one was the most bloody has they convinced it’s now or never or Independent Deseret.

They were also radicalized and extreme within the Joseph fighters as the union will most certainly destroy any remnants of Deseret, and will fight to the hardest to be against the US and to secure independence of the Mormon people.

They become more and more ferocious and battle hardened because of the experience of the 1915 great revolt, as well as the occupational era also help with guerrilla tactics against US forces in the rural and urban areas. Even the Billy Yanks call them more to the common in the 1881 names, “Joseph Hellfighters”[10] as a fighting like hell in the 3rd Uprising that only match in normally enough, Pittsburgh and reputation of them were immense to fight specially, with using people bomb as a weapon.

The Joseph Hellfighters while formidable and fight to the cause, they did become more and more extreme up their ideals and turn into people are used people bombs against US soldiers as their weapon along with recruiting children as young as 12 to joined the Meat grinder of Deseret front against the American.

The worst of all of this is all of this was all for nothing when the US steam rolled into Salt Lake City when it’s turn into rubble during the course of the siege. Many of the Joseph Hellfighters along with the high commanders were executed and sent to federal prison for treason, conspiracy, and secessionists against United States.

All considered Joseph fighters to be finished at April 8 1945 as the last high member Rick turner[11], officially dissolved the organization and end it into history.

The legacy of JF is an tragic one as many of them in the beginning were planning for the Mormons cause but slowly and externally into the worst version of themselves to using children and people bomb against the Yankees for the memory of Joseph Smith…. .. . He probably be sad what it’s become

View attachment 821344
Infamous Nephites Legionnaires Ambushes US convey on the road near Provo road, 1943 ca

One of the many insurgent groups in Utah during the Third Mormon rebellion, Nephites Legionaries were the most feared, hated and radicals groups compared to the Mormon fighters. The Nephites Legionaries (or the NL for short) believed in that the people “Nephites” from the old book of mormon, managed to survive in Utah, but the damm yankee trying to eliminate the last remnants of the Nephites. Dammed yankee were damned degenerate Gentiles, who will destroy Utah and it’s remaining nephites population. They were will restore the Nephites nation and will cleanse any non-nephites from Deseret state to not repeat the same like with the lamanites, not too similar to the snake promise with the African problem in the CSA.

They first form during the early stages of occupation period, but rarely do then just spout their pseudo-ideology propaganda and small attacks against the US gentile in Salt Lake City. They’re radical groups didn’t have a a great relationship with the others mormon militia as they disagreed on the history of Americas, nephis race and Mormonism in history; nevertheless they did some part of the resistance against US occupation forces inside of Utah (only splatter about their beliefs and supply the other functions groups in Utah).

They’re also known to be affiliated with freedom ideology and even the founders, Walker Jack[12] said that “Featherstone would be a great Mormon fighter against the imperialist Yanks” and would reported that many of the notable members of NL believe that Nephites were the great whites race that dominates America before the Lamanian Indians wipe them out. Ironically the CSA were friendly to the natives, even under the snake presidency, and would not bode well with Nephis planned genocide against the indigenous people of Utah

They become more and more prominent in the Utah troubles as the 30s continue even more as featherstone supported them with ammo guns and supplies in their cause all the way and even plan their attack like the other Mormon groups against US officials up till the surprise 1937 treaty of Salt Lake that opened up the Mormons with opportunities and restore them into power back in Utah. It’s hurt many insurgent group, but especially Nephis tremendously as the main reason why recruitment was up was because of the US occupation and the illegal of their religious sect in Utah.

In those four years, Nephites forced were not at his used to back when the occupational days as the last peace of Utah were finally have the Mormon people to rest and to not fight against do US forces for many years now and would be soon dissolve in the future, before Featherstone invasion of Ohio where do US is now in a crisis.

when did Joseph a fighters begun a rebellion on Salt Lake City, NL rejoiced, and quickly going in against the feds out of Utah to spread the wicked ideology among the populace as this is the only chance for Mormon independence or US military or destroyed that Latter-day Saints once, and for all. They were the most the most ferocious Mormon group of any other in the conflict as they will house to house, fighting, and even invented for creating the method, “ people bomb” who cover the victim with explosives charges leave them to either US military, or even civilians area to spread the message of stupid hateful fantasy which creates terror and paranoia against enemy forces specially in urban combat.

Even with this tactic, as well as hard urban warfare fighting, not only rival to Pittsburgh or Richmond that make on insurgence, Billy yank and civilians into a living hell. It did not go well with the Mormons favor as US barrels go through the streets of ruins, Salt Lake City, as well as bombing runs across the counties to make insurgence support diminished.

The last Nephities Legionnaires forces tried to advance against US Barrels at West Valley City and ended with disaster as many of them were killed by the Billy bullet.

After Third Mormon Uprising, NL were responsible for war crimes against not only US forces but targeting American civilians, as well as even Mormon ones as well for either “Gentile” or “False Nephites”. After the 3rd Mormon uprising, many of the former members were trials and executed by the US military including the main leadership of NL. After the war, the groups who did escape from US authorities, were either blended in Antipodes or are in the US who hide from Militarized Utah[13] until 1952 where they find the remind of NL and execute them.

They are the only group that hated by both American for committing war crimes against civilians and Mormon as they only hurt their reputation and only see them as terrorists. The only ones who admire them are Anti-American terror groups like the Sons of Freedom or the illegal hatred group FLDS[14] in Australia.

View attachment 821350
Soldiers of the Beehive battalion about deploy for the next offensive against the US forces during the Siege of Salt Lake City 1943 ca.

Unlike most on this list, the Beehive battalionwere created at the third Mormon rebellion in the midst of the Deseret fighting and the reason why people remembered them is how they were the most tragic of any of them, since most of them were young adults to children that sent into the fighting against US forces in the battlefield. Many of men’s and boys fought as infantrymen but also the woman and girls work as nurses at front to back line in the control areas of the Deseret who were a great help for the Uprising

Many of them want to join it to fight against the union oppression to have a homeland or the Mormon people or some they want just go home watch wants to by pressures groups or an Nephities officer commend them to join in. Plus with hope and confidence along side with massive propaganda against the Yankees. Many of them join the flock against who unknowingly will felt machines on fire and artillery into their skin and flesh. Some of them did not see his family again and through others they were capture of prisoners of war and sent into camps for away from their home.

Even for all their efforts, they were desperately fighting against the inevitable defeats in Utah and soon all of their sacrifice was in vain or independent Deseret as soon the last Mormon resistance were crush by union barrels on the ruins of Salt Lake City and finally the last uprising of mormon in the American continent.

Many of the members were told by US forces to go home and not turn into radicals and many more traumatized by the event of 1941, soon after the great refuge oh 45 New Zealand, and Australia many of the former beehive members finally trust after what they’ve been through.

They were the only ones who is sent to refuge in peace

1: “Nauvoo” have a similar repetition of the IRA with them being a mascot for Mormon, resisting against the US government and military throughout the Occupation era.

2: “ Gentile occupier” is for the term against US forces who were stationed in Utah during the times of Occupation Period

3: Salt Lake Agreement were established between Mormon and American for recognition of the Utah State that similarity inspired to the Good Friday agreement in the Irish troubles in Northern Ireland but in 1937 Utah

4: There’s is still a resentment of atrocities and violence against the Mormons by the US forces even after the Salt Lake agreement, similar to what happened of Ireland treatment of the British empire in the famine, oppression and discrimination

5: the name, Joseph fighters were actually inspired name by fellow user on this thread @Jett-Power for his used to be equivalent group of Al-Qaeda, did Joseph Smith movement that he changed when I recommend the Nauvoo legion to used. Thanks buddy for credit me.

6: Butterboy was a a nickname for Confederates by Yankee troops in the trenches for their butternut uniforms that always wore by man that looks like boys Here it the terms I made

7: Billy head is a nickname that were nickname for the Mormon rebels during the Second Mormon Uprising and also in reference to the US hollow helmet

8: Terms for the period of the last peace lasted four years in Utah were everything was a normall and peaceful life before hell break loose when the confederate invaded Ohio and started the radicals group take over Utah that started the third Mormon uprising that’s by far the deadliest and bloodiest uprising in Utahn soil

9: Anti-treaty were a faction of the Mormon insurgent groups who disagree against the treaty of 37 who started nothing more than a puppet state establish in Utah and were still on the US control that was nothing more than an empty promises by the US government. All of the people who take part in the third Mormon uprising were a part of the anti-treaty faction.

10: Joseph fighters become more and more extreme as fighters who fight like hell to beat back and pay the price to any step of ground the Yankee and their beliefs as necessary evil for independent Deseret that the term Joseph fighter Renamed into Joseph Hellfighters by both Mormon insurgents and US forces in Utah.

11: Rick Turner who were the last high rank member of the Joseph fighters who are captured by the US forces as Salt Lake City 1944 and he responsible for the planned masses uprising in 1941 and attacked against American troops in Utah back in the occupation days. He responsible for the use of people bomb being involved during the conflict as effective method for a union retreat of Utah, he work with the terrorist group, NL for working together to rebuild and creation of Deseret.
He was executed by firing squad at Winnipeg prison 1945 for treason, and war crimes charges against US personnel.

12: Walker Moroni Jack who was the leader of the radical Mormon terrorist group, Nephities legionnaires that beliefs of Nephities still alive in the Nation of Deseret and will achieve the goal of independent with force and violence make them the most extreme radical Mormon sect that ever exists in history

He responsible for most supplying and guns to rebel factions across Utah before the Salt Lake Agreement back in 37 who closer and closer Ally to Featherstone cause of White Supremacy that already match of his ideals. He joined with the Joseph Fighter revolt against Utah government, and started to plan his own dream into reality that started his horrific reputation in the latter days saints history.

His control of Deseret was horrible as boy as old as 12 were forced to fight against the Americans as well as allowing the torture of US captives and noncombatants who disagree with his teachings. He also what responsible for creating people bombs for more affective means psychological warfare against the Americans they’re on cities and in Utah.

He was killed by Unknown man that was likely the end of the siege of Salt Lake City in 1943.

13: After operation antipodes refuge, Utah was empty of people and the US military views it as an opportunity for creating much more powerful weapons, and developing superbomb capabilities in the light of rise of the frozen stalemate happening between Japan and the US on the Pacific. Many scientists, engineers and military officials goes to Utah for military studies and research purposes that finally ended in 1954 where it available to settled by Americans again.

TI;DR: US turned Utah into a state size Area 51 in the early Cold War between the US and Japan

14: Fundamentalists Latter-day Saints is a offshoot of both LDS and RLDS church that take the extreme approach on Mormonism and the teaching of Joseph Smith that is linked to Alt-right groups, forced marriages, antisemitism and anti black racism that is recognized by both US Australia and Zealand as a hate group
Unfortunately, for the image above, a few of Utah's counties are named after people who it is unlikely would have been in positions to have counties named after them in TL-191, so I'd avoid using a county map. (Ex. Garfield and Daggett)
Ironically the CSA were friendly to the natives, even under the snake presidency, and would not bode well with Nephis planned genocide against the indigenous people of Utah

Ok, I know Potter had an interaction with a Mormon named Orson and asked him the Mormons would treat the Native Americans, but I have major doubt Featherston treated the Native Americans well. There was a line in the Center Cannot Hold that said that Featherston was mixed about getting Sequoyah back because, well, it had oil, but on the other hand, it had Native Americans having autonomy and not a lot of white people. Yeah, true; Featherston used Sequoyah as a Casus belli for the Second Great War, but he most likely did that because of the state's oil.
I dunno, I thought the CSA tolerated the NA's as a buffer with the USA.

They're not black, but they're not white, but so long as they're friends of the CSA the CSA won't care to interfere with them.

By old thoughts.
View attachment 821384

Ok, I know Potter had an interaction with a Mormon named Orson and asked him the Mormons would treat the Native Americans, but I have major doubt Featherston treated the Native Americans well. There was a line in the Center Cannot Hold that said that Featherston was mixed about getting Sequoyah back because, well, it had oil, but on the other hand, it had Native Americans having autonomy and not a lot of white people. Yeah, true; Featherston used Sequoyah as a Casus belli for the Second Great War, but he most likely did that because of the state's oil.

Well my friend Jett, CSA while isn't really care about Native confederates like all that much, Featherston that really indifferent with them and just use them for hypocrisy of the billy head when they point out the treatment of black confederate in the South.

Black and mixed population is the only targeted for the Jake genocide in the South during the SGW as the Native tribes were allies but really just unease with the Freedomite as well as Racism still affected the natives.

Featherston is just indifferent at best or at worst, racist against the natives but needs them against the tanks.
Unfortunately, for the image above, a few of Utah's counties are named after people who it is unlikely would have been in positions to have counties named after them in TL-191, so I'd avoid using a county map. (Ex. Garfield and Daggett)
I just want to use the Utah map for visual purposes for the readers to get behind and yes, I do get why, some of these counties names, or likely never happen specially when the Mormons are hostile against the US forces. You might not use it but I've use it for visual
I dunno, I thought the CSA tolerated the NA's as a buffer with the USA.

They're not black, but they're not white, but so long as they're friends of the CSA the CSA won't care to interfere with them.

By old thoughts.
CSA relationship with NA is tolerant with for helping in the war of secession.
View attachment 821384

Ok, I know Potter had an interaction with a Mormon named Orson and asked him the Mormons would treat the Native Americans, but I have major doubt Featherston treated the Native Americans well. There was a line in the Center Cannot Hold that said that Featherston was mixed about getting Sequoyah back because, well, it had oil, but on the other hand, it had Native Americans having autonomy and not a lot of white people. Yeah, true; Featherston used Sequoyah as a Casus belli for the Second Great War, but he most likely did that because of the state's oil.
Also one thing mate, you can use my made up Mormon terrorist group "Nephites Legionaries" in your headcanon on Venezuela and you could make them the equivalent of ISIS in your work
I dunno, I thought the CSA tolerated the NA's as a buffer with the USA.

They're not black, but they're not white, but so long as they're friends of the CSA the CSA won't care to interfere with them.

By old thoughts.
Well, the CSA before Featherston. The Tribes Andrew Jackson kicked out and sent to modern-day Oklahoma had autonomy by the First Great War.
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The Insurgents groups during the Utahan troubles
View attachment 821351
Old Map of Occupation Utah era 1934. I am sorry for using Alamo

During the Utah troubles, many groups arose to combat the US occupational forces within the State of Utah who operated across the territory who use many terror methods on military leaders who held power in Utah to weaken the Occupation. Throughout the Great revolt of 1915, Occupied period and Third Mormon uprising, many notable insurgent groups who infamous in Utah troubles who fought against the US Military and we will lists the most notably ones in the conflicts before Operation Antipode refuge.

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NNM insurgent scouting for US troops on somewhere in Summit Country, 1925 ca

The word “Nauvoo” pop up numerous times of the latter-day Saints history on the US to it’s very beginning as a militia group led by the very founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, who fought off against anti-Mormon groups in Nauvvo and propaganda against the Book of Mormon. They defended the Mormon pioneers against natives tribesman in the search for the promised land against persecution and defend it territory of Utah before the American humiliation begins in the South. Soon 18 years later, they started on rebellion of independent state of Deseret then swiftly ended by the US military brutality afterwards. The official nauvoo legion dissolved, and become illegal in the US as “secessionists group” but their legacy have not died off I see you will find out soon enough.

Arguably the most famous of the insurgent groups called “National Nauvoo Militia”[1] who created during Utah between the Occupation period. They were responsible for attacks against the American occupying forces and Collaborators in the Military rule in Interwar period and NNM were active outside of the major Utahn cities were many US units station at and NNF got the hit and run attacks in of Utahn countryside.

They were a nuisance at the Gentile occupiers[2], and were targeted for this harassment of the US troops in Utah back in the 20s and late chaotic 30s, most people support them or being similar to the IRA back in Ireland during the independence war and reprisals were harsh against the local Mormon inhabitants by the US forces. They rarely target civilians in the fighting of Utah as they don’t want to the same and hypocritical as the US military in occupied Utah but target public square across the US and targeted politicians military and lawmaker supporting the occupation of their holy place.

When Al Smith begin focus on Utah unlike previous presidents notably Hosea, he listens to the Mormon plight and addresses the problem of the Utahn occupied with the represents of the Mormon, Heber Young that ended with the Salt Lake Agreement[3] that allowed military occupation ended and the Mormons represented to control with Utah as long it didn’t interfere with US sovereignty. Soon life began to normal again.

NNM responded as they were happy with the outcome of the meeting with Al Smith and will demilitarize with the agreement of 1937 Agreements. They say that they only will be all right with the US military didn’t interfere with the Mormon faith again and will allow fellow members to be involved with Utah affairs as long it doesn’t who didn’t agree with the agreement.

NNM integrated with Utahn politics, as representatives of Mormons, and many people of the organization were happy in finally ending the conflict, but few things this is bogus, as the memory of oppression and atrocities of US troops still process among the Mormons people in Utah.[4]

Nevertheless, the Organization officially dissolved in November 26, 1939 and many other members were into government of Utah.

Many of the former members were executed by the Mormon radicals for Collaborating in Utah who were in few decades were allies, including former friends and families members in the same causes in the hird Mormon uprising.

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Three Joseph Fighters shooting out of the window during the early stage of the Salt Lake Uprising 1941 ca

The origin of the Joseph fighters[5] was originated to far back as the late 1880s for groups who nickname by the Americans as “Joseph riders” who were participate in the first rebellion in Utah against the Americans during the second Mexican war, who scout and patrolled along the Utahn desert to spotted or raid against US forces led by both Custer and John Pope. They were more of a nuisance to the US Army, and were a small part of larger uprising of the 81

They arose back into step of Utahns ground when the Second Mormon uprisings started and the Mormon start rebellion against the Billy yanks when they fought the Butterboy in FGW[6]. Instead of being nickname by the US occupiers, they were named themselves “Joseph fighters” as to honored their founder martyrdom and will fight for Joseph Smith and his legacy and they succeeded because they fought in the front lines against the Yanks with many of them using barrels artillery and notably flamethrowers like the infamous Gordon “flaming” McSweeney at the each major city of Utah. They have fought till the surrender of their high commander, Heber Louis Jackson and lay down their arms to the Billy head.[7]

While many of the Joseph fighters surrendered and sent to federal prison for treason and the secession, some were still around to continue to fighting for Joseph Smith and Mormonism in the early years of occupation era. They along with the Nauvoo militiamen were a great fighting force and work together to be back against the US enemy on their promised land of the Deseret[8], bear, teamwork, as well as a battle experiments of the 1915 rebellion would help tremendously with battling against the occupation forces of the US. They were viewed as a lot more dangerous and formidable insurgents been with the Nauvoo militia as they are no strangers of targeted innocence for freeing their leader and bombing Public Square that even the relationship with NNM were unease of the actions they took especially with civilians and drift away with them at the late 30s

When the whole 1937 treaty was an actor across Utah, most celebrated, but the Joseph fighters were rejected on the issue as they did, it got a free Utah, but still under US control as a state is in the treaty. They are still in the US, and therefore not independent status and AI smith only want Utah for his coming 1940 election.

Many of the members who agree with the treaty left the organization into normalcy at the last peace of Utah[8] and only the Anti-treaty JF[9] were active in the area but not Terrorist actions but only Anti-Treaty propaganda across Utahn area.

When the Second Great War started, the anti-treaty, Joseph fighters, take initiative, and rebel against “US puppet government of Deseret” as stated by the JF commander, Joseph Douglas Smith as it was still resentment at the US occupation, as well as brutality oppression in the two rebellions in 15 and 81 still alive among the Mormon populous in Utah.

The Joseph fighters control much of Utah as they along with the infamous NL controlled as “Independence state of Deseret” follow the exact teachings of the book of Mormon but compared to other rebellions this one was the most bloody has they convinced it’s now or never or Independent Deseret.

They were also radicalized and extreme within the Joseph fighters as the union will most certainly destroy any remnants of Deseret, and will fight to the hardest to be against the US and to secure independence of the Mormon people.

They become more and more ferocious and battle hardened because of the experience of the 1915 great revolt, as well as the occupational era also help with guerrilla tactics against US forces in the rural and urban areas. Even the Billy Yanks call them more to the common in the 1881 names, “Joseph Hellfighters”[10] as a fighting like hell in the 3rd Uprising that only match in normally enough, Pittsburgh and reputation of them were immense to fight specially, with using people bomb as a weapon.

The Joseph Hellfighters while formidable and fight to the cause, they did become more and more extreme up their ideals and turn into people are used people bombs against US soldiers as their weapon along with recruiting children as young as 12 to joined the Meat grinder of Deseret front against the American.

The worst of all of this is all of this was all for nothing when the US steam rolled into Salt Lake City when it’s turn into rubble during the course of the siege. Many of the Joseph Hellfighters along with the high commanders were executed and sent to federal prison for treason, conspiracy, and secessionists against United States.

All considered Joseph fighters to be finished at April 8 1945 as the last high member Rick turner[11], officially dissolved the organization and end it into history.

The legacy of JF is an tragic one as many of them in the beginning were planning for the Mormons cause but slowly and externally into the worst version of themselves to using children and people bomb against the Yankees for the memory of Joseph Smith…. .. . He probably be sad what it’s become

View attachment 821344
Infamous Nephites Legionnaires Ambushes US convey on the road near Provo road, 1943 ca

One of the many insurgent groups in Utah during the Third Mormon rebellion, Nephites Legionaries were the most feared, hated and radicals groups compared to the Mormon fighters. The Nephites Legionaries (or the NL for short) believed in that the people “Nephites” from the old book of mormon, managed to survive in Utah, but the damm yankee trying to eliminate the last remnants of the Nephites. Dammed yankee were damned degenerate Gentiles, who will destroy Utah and it’s remaining nephites population. They were will restore the Nephites nation and will cleanse any non-nephites from Deseret state to not repeat the same like with the lamanites, not too similar to the snake promise with the African problem in the CSA.

They first form during the early stages of occupation period, but rarely do then just spout their pseudo-ideology propaganda and small attacks against the US gentile in Salt Lake City. They’re radical groups didn’t have a a great relationship with the others mormon militia as they disagreed on the history of Americas, nephis race and Mormonism in history; nevertheless they did some part of the resistance against US occupation forces inside of Utah (only splatter about their beliefs and supply the other functions groups in Utah).

They’re also known to be affiliated with freedom ideology and even the founders, Walker Jack[12] said that “Featherstone would be a great Mormon fighter against the imperialist Yanks” and would reported that many of the notable members of NL believe that Nephites were the great whites race that dominates America before the Lamanian Indians wipe them out. Ironically the CSA were friendly to the natives, even under the snake presidency, and would not bode well with Nephis planned genocide against the indigenous people of Utah

They become more and more prominent in the Utah troubles as the 30s continue even more as featherstone supported them with ammo guns and supplies in their cause all the way and even plan their attack like the other Mormon groups against US officials up till the surprise 1937 treaty of Salt Lake that opened up the Mormons with opportunities and restore them into power back in Utah. It’s hurt many insurgent group, but especially Nephis tremendously as the main reason why recruitment was up was because of the US occupation and the illegal of their religious sect in Utah.

In those four years, Nephites forced were not at his used to back when the occupational days as the last peace of Utah were finally have the Mormon people to rest and to not fight against do US forces for many years now and would be soon dissolve in the future, before Featherstone invasion of Ohio where do US is now in a crisis.

when did Joseph a fighters begun a rebellion on Salt Lake City, NL rejoiced, and quickly going in against the feds out of Utah to spread the wicked ideology among the populace as this is the only chance for Mormon independence or US military or destroyed that Latter-day Saints once, and for all. They were the most the most ferocious Mormon group of any other in the conflict as they will house to house, fighting, and even invented for creating the method, “ people bomb” who cover the victim with explosives charges leave them to either US military, or even civilians area to spread the message of stupid hateful fantasy which creates terror and paranoia against enemy forces specially in urban combat.

Even with this tactic, as well as hard urban warfare fighting, not only rival to Pittsburgh or Richmond that make on insurgence, Billy yank and civilians into a living hell. It did not go well with the Mormons favor as US barrels go through the streets of ruins, Salt Lake City, as well as bombing runs across the counties to make insurgence support diminished.

The last Nephities Legionnaires forces tried to advance against US Barrels at West Valley City and ended with disaster as many of them were killed by the Billy bullet.

After Third Mormon Uprising, NL were responsible for war crimes against not only US forces but targeting American civilians, as well as even Mormon ones as well for either “Gentile” or “False Nephites”. After the 3rd Mormon uprising, many of the former members were trials and executed by the US military including the main leadership of NL. After the war, the groups who did escape from US authorities, were either blended in Antipodes or are in the US who hide from Militarized Utah[13] until 1952 where they find the remind of NL and execute them.

They are the only group that hated by both American for committing war crimes against civilians and Mormon as they only hurt their reputation and only see them as terrorists. The only ones who admire them are Anti-American terror groups like the Sons of Freedom or the illegal hatred group FLDS[14] in Australia.

View attachment 821350
Soldiers of the Beehive battalion about deploy for the next offensive against the US forces during the Siege of Salt Lake City 1943 ca.

Unlike most on this list, the Beehive battalionwere created at the third Mormon rebellion in the midst of the Deseret fighting and the reason why people remembered them is how they were the most tragic of any of them, since most of them were young adults to children that sent into the fighting against US forces in the battlefield. Many of men’s and boys fought as infantrymen but also the woman and girls work as nurses at front to back line in the control areas of the Deseret who were a great help for the Uprising

Many of them want to join it to fight against the union oppression to have a homeland or the Mormon people or some they want just go home watch wants to by pressures groups or an Nephities officer commend them to join in. Plus with hope and confidence along side with massive propaganda against the Yankees. Many of them join the flock against who unknowingly will felt machines on fire and artillery into their skin and flesh. Some of them did not see his family again and through others they were capture of prisoners of war and sent into camps for away from their home.

Even for all their efforts, they were desperately fighting against the inevitable defeats in Utah and soon all of their sacrifice was in vain or independent Deseret as soon the last Mormon resistance were crush by union barrels on the ruins of Salt Lake City and finally the last uprising of mormon in the American continent.

Many of the members were told by US forces to go home and not turn into radicals and many more traumatized by the event of 1941, soon after the great refuge oh 45 New Zealand, and Australia many of the former beehive members finally trust after what they’ve been through.

They were the only ones who is sent to refuge in peace

1: “Nauvoo” have a similar repetition of the IRA with them being a mascot for Mormon, resisting against the US government and military throughout the Occupation era.

2: “ Gentile occupier” is for the term against US forces who were stationed in Utah during the times of Occupation Period

3: Salt Lake Agreement were established between Mormon and American for recognition of the Utah State that similarity inspired to the Good Friday agreement in the Irish troubles in Northern Ireland but in 1937 Utah

4: There’s is still a resentment of atrocities and violence against the Mormons by the US forces even after the Salt Lake agreement, similar to what happened of Ireland treatment of the British empire in the famine, oppression and discrimination

5: the name, Joseph fighters were actually inspired name by fellow user on this thread @Jett-Power for his used to be equivalent group of Al-Qaeda, did Joseph Smith movement that he changed when I recommend the Nauvoo legion to used. Thanks buddy for credit me.

6: Butterboy was a a nickname for Confederates by Yankee troops in the trenches for their butternut uniforms that always wore by man that looks like boys Here it the terms I made

7: Billy head is a nickname that were nickname for the Mormon rebels during the Second Mormon Uprising and also in reference to the US hollow helmet

8: Terms for the period of the last peace lasted four years in Utah were everything was a normall and peaceful life before hell break loose when the confederate invaded Ohio and started the radicals group take over Utah that started the third Mormon uprising that’s by far the deadliest and bloodiest uprising in Utahn soil

9: Anti-treaty were a faction of the Mormon insurgent groups who disagree against the treaty of 37 who started nothing more than a puppet state establish in Utah and were still on the US control that was nothing more than an empty promises by the US government. All of the people who take part in the third Mormon uprising were a part of the anti-treaty faction.

10: Joseph fighters become more and more extreme as fighters who fight like hell to beat back and pay the price to any step of ground the Yankee and their beliefs as necessary evil for independent Deseret that the term Joseph fighter Renamed into Joseph Hellfighters by both Mormon insurgents and US forces in Utah.

11: Rick Turner who were the last high rank member of the Joseph fighters who are captured by the US forces as Salt Lake City 1944 and he responsible for the planned masses uprising in 1941 and attacked against American troops in Utah back in the occupation days. He responsible for the use of people bomb being involved during the conflict as effective method for a union retreat of Utah, he work with the terrorist group, NL for working together to rebuild and creation of Deseret.
He was executed by firing squad at Winnipeg prison 1945 for treason, and war crimes charges against US personnel.

12: Walker Moroni Jack who was the leader of the radical Mormon terrorist group, Nephities legionnaires that beliefs of Nephities still alive in the Nation of Deseret and will achieve the goal of independent with force and violence make them the most extreme radical Mormon sect that ever exists in history

He responsible for most supplying and guns to rebel factions across Utah before the Salt Lake Agreement back in 37 who closer and closer Ally to Featherstone cause of White Supremacy that already match of his ideals. He joined with the Joseph Fighter revolt against Utah government, and started to plan his own dream into reality that started his horrific reputation in the latter days saints history.

His control of Deseret was horrible as boy as old as 12 were forced to fight against the Americans as well as allowing the torture of US captives and noncombatants who disagree with his teachings. He also what responsible for creating people bombs for more affective means psychological warfare against the Americans they’re on cities and in Utah.

He was killed by Unknown man that was likely the end of the siege of Salt Lake City in 1943.

13: After operation antipodes refuge, Utah was empty of people and the US military views it as an opportunity for creating much more powerful weapons, and developing superbomb capabilities in the light of rise of the frozen stalemate happening between Japan and the US on the Pacific. Many scientists, engineers and military officials goes to Utah for military studies and research purposes that finally ended in 1954 where it available to settled by Americans again.

TI;DR: US turned Utah into a state size Area 51 in the early Cold War between the US and Japan

14: Fundamentalists Latter-day Saints is a offshoot of both LDS and RLDS church that take the extreme approach on Mormonism and the teaching of Joseph Smith that is linked to Alt-right groups, forced marriages, antisemitism and anti black racism that is recognized by both US Australia and Zealand as a hate group
Great one here! Like how you're adding more of a dynamic layer than what Dr. Turtledove does by making as analogous to The Troubles of OTL. Plus, there the sort of disunity among the rebels groups fighting.

An aerial photograph of the Brazilian Capital City of Rio de Janeiro, circa 1942. Having escaped the horrors of war such as starvation, bombing, and so forth, the seemingly peaceful and beautiful capital would instead be the battleground to a different kind of war waged by both sides of the Second Great War. Spies on both sides who work and live within Rio de Janeiro constantly were engaged in an ever intensifying struggle to learn of the other side's secrets while preserving their own.

An aerial photograph of the Brazilian Capital City of Rio de Janeiro, circa 1942. Having escaped the horrors of war such as starvation, bombing, and so forth, the seemingly peaceful and beautiful capital would instead be the battleground to a different kind of war waged by both sides of the Second Great War. Spies on both sides who work and live within Rio de Janeiro constantly were engaged in an ever intensifying struggle to learn of the other side's secrets while preserving their own.

This sounds like Rio would give ideas to several GW2 espionage movies.
Ain't that Glep from Smiling Friends?
Of course it Glep but compared with the lord Chad, Schnoz in a fusion dance
Great one here! Like how you're adding more of a dynamic layer than what Dr. Turtledove does by making as analogous to The Troubles of OTL. Plus, there the sort of disunity among the rebels groups fighting.
Absolute thanks you, BAR for being a bro 😎 and I hope that I’ve been able to gift you a great read on my post. Also I want to expand on the Utahn troubles as I wondered what happened and the affected by both the US and especially the Mormon religion in that decade of conflict, plus thank goodness for your support man.

Also what you love about my post? Was it the more you go down more radicalized the Mormons group get, Utah becoming state size Area 51 or other things you like