Photos from Alternate Worlds

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(From the BBC:cool: )


Caption reads;
The CSA and its work has provoked a decade of anger

:D Interpet this...


German scientists investigate a crater caused by their first-ever nuclear test, in German Southwest Africa, February 14, 1946.
Wendell said:
It is supposedly from the Trinity test in New Mexico in OTL. Keep in mind, the photo is taken from the air...

Jesus Christ...and those guys are walking around without NBC gear? :eek:

Oh the halcyon days of the '40's...
Flocculencio said:
Jesus Christ...and those guys are walking around without NBC gear? :eek:

Oh the halcyon days of the '40's...

I think that in the 1950s the US did tests where they detonated atomic bombs in Nevada and sent soldiers into the area around ground zero within half an hour or so after detonation. I don't believe they used any special type of protective gear at the time. Some men were equipped with Geiger counters and they were ordered to withdraw from areas if the radiation kept going higher than a certain level. Afterward, everyone took a shower.

Photo inserts from Over open sights.

1. Rare photo of Yankee postion being shelled by (supposedly) Jake Featherston's unit in 1915.

2. Confederate Barrel on the Roanoke Valley front. 1915.

3. Start of the Barrel Roll Offensive on Remembrance Day, April 22, 1917.
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