past and future League of Extrodinary Gentlemen

How about once we get into the post WW2 era, the leauge fades in and out, only reforming when needed, and always by the same never again man, who reforms, and reorganizes the league, only to fade back into the background once again. A certain Lazarus Long?
Scarecrow said:
r u sure its not me? ;) ive never herd of Day by Day. what is it?

what have i unleased? soon this thread will de-evolve into a XXXvsYYY thread, i just know it

Because I asked him, and I think you are a lot older then 17. Day by Day Armegeddon is a website devoted to Romero/Savini-esque zombies.

How about an anti-League?

Ayesha of Kor
Robur the Conqueror
Count Rutheven
Dr. Moreau
Col. Sebastian Moran
Bill Sykes

Here are some other 19th Century People:

John Wellington Wells, Esq.
Mad Amos Malone & Useless
The Lone Ranger

Check out the Wildstrom/DC limited series THE ESTABLISHMET. The Establishment is a British covert team of post-humans. They are all based on various people from British pop-culture. The over all leader is a child of Weena & the Time Traveler.
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