Operation Thunderball (Yonatan) failure

In July 1976 Israelis rescued hostages from entebbe, Uganda in what became classic rescu operation. but what if it failed. Ugandan troops more alert, lights not sitched on on runway... What would be effects of deaths of hostages and rescue force (at least some, not necessary all)? Coming so close to Munich massacre and Yom Kippur war.

I'd say it would only embolded other terrorists in hijackings. It would also likelly accelerate creation of counter terrorist units.
In most places, the Israeli raid would have still been considered a bold strike. There may have been some political fallout in Israel from the failure, but I doubt if it would have inhibited Israel, or other nations, from doing similar things in the future. It may have emboldened other hijackiers, but I agree that an equally important side effect would be the creation of better trained and supported counter terrorist units.