No Korean war option 1

WI the Communists had taken all of Korea in the summer and fall of 1945.

There would be not be a Korean war as such.

What effect does this have on US events- Is Truman re-elected in 1952?

What effect does this have on Britain. Lots of folk think that the decison to MASSIVELY increase military spending did great damage.

Would Kim Il Song (if I have the right name) have tried to threaten anyone else.

Also without South Korea's eventual economic miracle what effect would there be on the international car and electronics markets.
No Korean war. Lots and lots of antiRussian propaganda, though. Sort of like OTL, but without a Korean war. Maybe more aid for Nationalist China? Maybe we get pissed and take over Hainan? Or use our navy to seize Cheju-do as a refuge for the Korean collaborationists that weren't in Korea when the Russians rolled in?