Need some help with this timeline I’m making.

Can you help me realize these events in an alternate timeline I’m making to help with its plausibility? (My confidence in this fluctuates in regards to what I want to summarize in the story.)

- A sadistic member of the Gestapo, goes into hiding in Argentina along with four other fugitives (another Gestapo member, a concentration camp guard, a spy, and a Nazi Party member) after sneaking out of the fallen Third Reich to escape justice. Seventeen years later [and two years after the end of Operation Paperclip], an undercover FBI agent recognizes and takes the war criminal into questioning after he is recognized while traveling in America. The agent calls over two others to interrogate him over his identity and actions, but ultimately all four come to an agreement; The agent and co. would harbour the fugitives in exchange for FBI employment and secrets about the nazis.

- An American presenter, doctor, and disability activist (and American equivalent to Jimmy Savile, both crime, fame, and philanthropy-wise) becomes a national icon in American society starting from the late 1960s and hitting his peak in the late 1970s - late 1980s.

- A series of events allowing for a plausible and affordable rise of the World Wide Web in the mid-80s (suggestion).

- President Ronald Reagan’s assassination (and its effects on the timeline’s events.)

- A satanic panic culminating in a wave of violence due to an interview with the “intent to discredit” backfiring horribly.

And then here is one that is intended to be a hopeful course of events for autistic rights:

• The presenter leaves for Britain shortly after a junior neurologist complains to him about Dr. Ivar Lovaas’ mistreatment of his handicapped clients and his troubles with writing a book about Autism—the rough draft which includes interviews with Oliver Sacks, Leo Kanner, and a then-unknown Temple Grandin—(this hints at a burnout, implying that the neurologist is himself autistic). While in Britain, the presenter hears about Lorna Wing and mentions of a “Asperger’s Syndrome” (This is around the same time he gets the idea for a show similar to Jim’s fix it thanks to a run-in with “The Man With The White Hair”). After getting back from Britain, the presenter tells the neurologist that he’ll get a lot of information for his book in Europe.
• After interviewing Lorna Wing, reviewing her research materials, and helping translate the rest of Hans’ works (the neurologist’s mother is a Holocaust survivor and, thus, he is able to speak and write German), the neurologist returns to the U.S. and—after developing a “blueprint” for the SCOPES Program (which encompasses Speech, Cognitive Behavioural, Occupational & Playing, Physio, Emotional [Dialectical], and Sensory [Accommodation] Therapies; and can be adjusted depending on the child’s needs) with the help of Oliver Sacks and inspiration from the interviewees—publishes his book, The World Of Autism, in around 1982/83. It sparks interest and controversy in the medical community, especially with two chapters respectively dedicated to “high-functioning” autism and abusive practices in behavioural therapy (with a good focus on Lovaas and his methods). Around the same time, the presenter, being a doctor, produces an episode from his medical show educating about Autism, which lends support to the existence of “Asperger’s” Syndrome” and features multiple people with varying forms of autism, bringing the condition to the public eye and helping with increasing (if not vastly) understanding about it.