Moose Cavalry is possible?

Now I have another question. What impacts might earlier moose farming have had?

now that is a good one. I would say it depends completely on the historical context. Are we talking a asuccessful domestication in the mesolithic? Or an eighteenth-century experiment in Improving the Land? I would guess the earlier (and the more complete), the more significant. On the one side - late effort, incomplete domestication - you have a local specialty that keeps the northern Swedish moose farm afloat after the government stops funding it due to the war debts in the 1780s. On the other, you could see a complete change to the settlement patterns of Scandinavia, with sami-speaking moose riding herders dominating much more of the country and resisting the Germanic-speaking Norse, possibly even integrating them into their social structures as a marginal coastal community. That might make a good POD for some literary development - no Viking age, for one thing, but moose-mounted pagan kingdoms commanding the frozen wastes (if they can withstand the Norse, they totally would do a number on everybody from Lake Ladoga to the Urals and control the wealth of the northern fur trade).