Moon is a Harsh Mistress!

Comments on this -soon to be a film!Seems like Heinlein intentionally paralleled the events leading up to the American Revolution.The only weapon the colonists seem to have besides Mike the computer is a BIG rail gun which they can hurl rocks at Earth.Is this possible?I am wondering if this story came after certain Heinlein stories set on Luna-like Menace from Earth.Would love to see a film of this book but NOT with T--C----e! :p :)
Big Rail Gun.

Long, long time since I read it, but rail-gun was legitimate part of mineral-mining.

IIRC, ore / ingots were catapulted to Earth-orbital factory.

Just needed a few software changes to rip-out safeties, by-pass catcher(s) and make shots 'Earth Crossing'. By tweaking trajectories, you could probably deliver 'time on target' salvos.

Yeah, verily, 10 tonnes of even rough-cast slag would make a fair bolide. Dropping them on 'military' targets without too much collateral damage could be tricky, intercepting them without nukes nigh impossible...

IIRC, the 'Lunies' used multiple, synchronised transmitters to 'morph' their radar's true location. This was BiPhasic radar, one of the few techniques that can hope to detect 'stealthed' aircraft...