Maps of US presidential elections in Superpower Empire

Second, a slightly more decisive Nixon win, winning all the above states and Delaware and Minnesota:

Kennedy-Johnson 226
Nixon-Lodge 296
Harry F. Byrd (Unpledged and faithless electors) 15

Nixon-Kennedy Medium.png
Third and finally, a Nixon 'blowout' win, on a 2% uniform swing in all the Kennedy states:

Nixon-Lodge 375
Kennedy-Johnson 147
Harry F. Byrd (Unpledged and Faithless electors) 15

Nixon-Kennedy Nixon Blowout.png


Well, here we go. I didn't know precisely how decisive you wanted the Nixon victory, so I did three maps with varying degrees of victory. Being British, I use red for Democrats and Blue for Republicans. Tell me if you want that changed.
Er... yes, if you don't mind. We've all become used to using blue for Democrats and red for Republicans. While it may not be the case in TTL, for the purpose of this discussion I think it would be more convenient to stick to the convention.

Nice maps, BTW. I think I'll go with the "barebones" Nixon victory--I'd like the election to be a close thing, making the Democrats all the more disappointed not to get the White House after two Republican terms.
While it may not be the case in TTL, for the purpose of this discussion I think it would be more convenient to stick to the convention.

Well actually, the convention was generally to use the party colours as I use them here (with occassional exceptions) until about ten years ago. The use of red for Republicans and blue for Democrats was only started as a uniform thing in 2000. Starting my political development around the time of the 1996 election, that's how I still think of them.

But they're your maps, so I'll do them however you want them. :)
Well, here's the modified version. I shaded the colours as close as possible to the hues that are generally used today. It also looks absolutely vile to my eyes with the lighter tones I used above, for some strange reason. Others may think differently, I dunno. Exact same electoral votes as the above version.

Nixon-Kennedy 1% barebones.png


Exact same electoral votes as the above version.
What looks interesting from a contemporary perspective is the absence of what we have come to take for granted, namely a sharp division between the progressive and conservative regions of the US. And in TTL it will stay that way to some extent, as, on the one hand, the countercultural movement is nowhere near as strident as in OTL (since there's no Vietnam War to inflame passions), and on the other the Republicans don't go for the "Southern strategy" of playing up cultural divisions.
That's true. But then, politics was probably a lot less ideological than now. (IMO)

btw, I take it JPK jnr dies at some point during the war?
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I take it JPK jnr dies at some point during the war?
I hadn't considered letting him make it alive to the end of the war. I certainly could, that would make the Kennedys' political history a different one, so I'd rather not.