Map Thread XXII


I made a very cursed fantasy crossover ISOT. :p I don't have enough knowledge of any of the settings to extrapolate, but it's fun to imagine the wackiness that would result!
(Yes, I know Earth 1444 isn't fantasy, but it's fun to imagine the Europeans getting the shock of their lives upon seeing everyone else)

I like it, but the more I look at it, the more my brain aches :biggrin:

I made a very cursed fantasy crossover ISOT. :p I don't have enough knowledge of any of the settings to extrapolate, but it's fun to imagine the wackiness that would result!
(Yes, I know Earth 1444 isn't fantasy, but it's fun to imagine the Europeans getting the shock of their lives upon seeing everyone else)
Not sure which would be the greater threat - Chaos, the Others, Elder Scrolls demon-y things or powerful spirits from Avatar The Last Airbender

I made a very cursed fantasy crossover ISOT. :p I don't have enough knowledge of any of the settings to extrapolate, but it's fun to imagine the wackiness that would result!
Featuring the worlds of Avatar: the Last Airbender, Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Elder Scrolls, Warhammer Fantasy, and OTL
(Yes, I know Earth 1444 isn't fantasy, but it's fun to imagine the Europeans getting the shock of their lives upon seeing everyone else)
What period for Tamriel? The map doesn’t look like it lines up with any of the games,
What period for Tamriel? The map doesn’t look like it lines up with any of the games,
I set it on 3E 288 (before Arena and therefore the other the 3rd era games such as Oblivion and Morrowind) primarily because on that year Uriel Septim V sets out with a fleet to invade the continent to the far east.

And now he'll run right into the Fire Nation.
Not sure which would be the greater threat - Chaos, the Others, Elder Scrolls demon-y things or powerful spirits from Avatar The Last Airbender
Obviously, Europe is the greatest threat :p
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I made a very cursed fantasy crossover ISOT. :p I don't have enough knowledge of any of the settings to extrapolate, but it's fun to imagine the wackiness that would result!
Featuring the worlds of Avatar: the Last Airbender, Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Elder Scrolls, Warhammer Fantasy, and OTL
(Yes, I know Earth 1444 isn't fantasy, but it's fun to imagine the Europeans getting the shock of their lives upon seeing everyone else)
I don't participate in them much anymore, but this looks like it could be a fun setting for a map game or something. The only issue would be making sure everyone understands enough about each of the settings to be able to make at least basic updates.
Excellent map and an interesting scenario, but what's up with the Frankenstein's monster that is the American landmass here? It's like the Northeast and Midwest got blown up to 200% its original size and then conjoined to a normally sized map. I'd almost suspect it was some nationalist hijinx by the National Unity Party ITTL to exaggerate the scale of the losses to Canada/UK for people who aren't familiar with American geography, but the map in the lower left has proper proportions.
Different parts of the map are shown at different scales to fit in all the points in New England and Michigan. Behind the scenes, this is indeed 3 separate maps stitched together.
I set it on 3E 288 (before Arena and therefore the other the 3rd era games such as Oblivion and Morrowind) primarily because on that year Uriel Septim V sets out with a fleet to invade the continent to the far east.

And now he'll run right into the Fire Nation.

Obviously, Europe is the greatest threat :p
What is your reasoning for the three types of red shown? Cyrodil and Skyrim share one for being imperial, the lands of the Altmer, Bosmer, Redguard and Kjajjit have monarchies, with the Bretons, Dunmer, and Argonians being much more clannish?
Just a lil WIP I'm doing for a post Great War 2 between the Capetians and the and the Wettin HRE remnants in my Surviving Byzantium 12th century difference TL I'm working on. Behold... *Frankia*? Idk what imma call this super entity that his (either imperial or royal, idk yet, they just beat the HRE... and in this world there's only been two "empires") highness Edouard II is now master of Europe from the Evro to the Danuv. His relative Karoly Lajos has been elected King of the Pannonians in their new federation formed out of the ashes of the German ally of Hungary and the Illyrian/Czech allies of the Franks (Occidentans? Europeans? Idk what to call this mega state). Little does his Majesty know that the two Capetian branches and respective governments are about to have a falling out and split over the results of the Austrian plebiscite, that makes Tito and Stalin's split look like a lover's quarrel. Also there was a (this TL's version of socialist) revolution in the British Republican isles and the creation of a remnant, semi-monarchical bourgeoisie state in the South thanks to Frankish support (think interwar Hungary but the royal english house is dead). The Capetians cant keep making cadet branches in every state... or can they?😳 Lmk ur options and wtf I should call this big blue beauty. Frankia (-Neo), Occidentia, Europa?


  • Frankia_1.png
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What is your reasoning for the three types of red shown? Cyrodil and Skyrim share one for being imperial, the lands of the Altmer, Bosmer, Redguard and Kjajjit have monarchies, with the Bretons, Dunmer, and Argonians being much more clannish?
Skyrim was the first to join Cyrodiil and the annexation and subsequent integration was done in a relatively peaceful manner (compared to everyone else).
High Rock and Black Marsh, being on the outskirts and difficult to govern, are less likely to be integrated into the Imperial structure as a whole, while Morrowind's joining was predicated on a treaty which kept many of the Dunmer's traditions and the right to self-government.
On the other hand, the Khajit of Elswyr were not on friendly terms with the Empire, while the Camoran Usurper led an uprising which conquered Valenwood and much of Hammerfell just 30 years prior. Not to mention that all of those territories were conquered militarily.
Looks rather nice, though I must say the (as far as I can make out, entirely) Anglo toponymy does stretch credulity. I think it's plausible that this would have been held for some time by the British, perhaps they'd leave behind a few placenames... but for the overwhelming majority of its history prior to admission to the United States, it would have been held (and given its position as an island, fairly heavily settled) by the Spanish and/or the French. Its placenames should be mostly French, Spanish, and Native (probably Native in the greatest part). Given its foundation date, it looks to be that it was acquired from the Spanish alongside Florida and West Florida, though it's possible it was included in the Louisiana Purchase but admitted significantly later than Louisiana.

It seems as though for an island in this position to have a wholly Anglo toponymy would require one of the more extreme campaigns of ethnic cleansing (either literally or merely toponymically) in American history... Which I suppose is not inappropriate for a fictional American state, given that fictional states generally serve as condensations of some elements of the national history.
Looks rather nice, though I must say the (as far as I can make out, entirely) Anglo toponymy does stretch credulity. I think it's plausible that this would have been held for some time by the British, perhaps they'd leave behind a few placenames... but for the overwhelming majority of its history prior to admission to the United States, it would have been held (and given its position as an island, fairly heavily settled) by the Spanish and/or the French. Its placenames should be mostly French, Spanish, and Native (probably Native in the greatest part). Given its foundation date, it looks to be that it was acquired from the Spanish alongside Florida and West Florida, though it's possible it was included in the Louisiana Purchase but admitted significantly later than Louisiana.

It seems as though for an island in this position to have a wholly Anglo toponymy would require one of the more extreme campaigns of ethnic cleansing (either literally or merely toponymically) in American history... Which I suppose is not inappropriate for a fictional American state, given that fictional states generally serve as condensations of some elements of the national history.
If the island follows the same colonial timeline as Florida - Spanish, then British, then US - there would be a similar naming mix of Spanish/Anglicized Spanish place names (St Augustine, Sarasota, Orlando), English/American names (Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Clearwater) and native names (Tallahassee, Tampa, Apalachicola). The same goes for physical features (Matanzas Bay, Hillsborough River, Lake Okeechobee).
If the island follows the same colonial timeline as Florida - Spanish, then British, then US - there would be a similar naming mix of Spanish/Anglicized Spanish place names (St Augustine, Sarasota, Orlando), English/American names (Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Clearwater) and native names (Tallahassee, Tampa, Apalachicola). The same goes for physical features (Matanzas Bay, Hillsborough River, Lake Okeechobee).
Given the proximity to New Orleans, I imagine the French would have had a presence there at some point or another too. May as well throw in some French names, and maybe the island could have a Cajun population?
If the island follows the same colonial timeline as Florida - Spanish, then British, then US - there would be a similar naming mix of Spanish/Anglicized Spanish place names (St Augustine, Sarasota, Orlando), English/American names (Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Clearwater) and native names (Tallahassee, Tampa, Apalachicola). The same goes for physical features (Matanzas Bay, Hillsborough River, Lake Okeechobee).
The difference being that, given it's an island, I think it would see denser settlement by the Spanish given its easier to clear out natives and establish plantations, plus you have the fact that it allows control over access to the Mississippi. For the same reasons, I think it probably would have seen some stints under French rule.

Moreover, I was under the impression that most of the Anglo placenames (Jacksonville excepted, which I'm guessing was founded in the first half of the 19th century and named for Andrew, and I'm sure there are other exceptions) in Florida date no earlier than the very late 19th and first half of the 20th century with the real estate boom that happened down there.

Certainly there should be some Anglo placenames in Cariana, but it should be less stately British names (Bristol, Windsor). More like Clearwater, Palm Beach, Hollywood. Just totally contrived real estate bubble names.