Map Thread XIII

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The Revolution and Second Interwar Period

After economic and political weakness throughout the twenties, a recession in Europe in 1928 spirals out of control and trade relations collapse under high tariffs. Socialist protests reach a boiling point, and the military seizes control of the government, installing marshal law and disbanding parliament. A great number of affluent and influential British citizens and their families flee the chaos, crossing the channel on ferries over the course of two months. Many of the younger officers decide that the will the people has become more important than their oaths to the now defamed monarchy. There is a counter-coup that sides with the socialists uprisings, reinstalling parliament with new socialist leadership. The Worker's Commonwealth is declared. The Royal Family, after some bloodshed on the part of the King's guards, escape to British America in the fiasco known as the Humiliation of Edinburgh. The British citizens outside of the British isles for the duration of the crisis become permanent exiles, and are shipped to British India, where they make new lives for themselves.

Upon Arriving in British North America, the Royal Family swears that the United Kingdom is the legitimate government of Britain, and that America will some day take back the homeland from the revolutionaries. To avoid confusion, Britain in America is named Britannia.

Meanwhile, the British colonies have lost their capital. Most turn to the leadership of the governor-general of nearby India. India has a settled population of British citizens, mostly family related to colonial administration and soldiers, but with the influx of the upper classes of Britain's population, the British in India are a demographic group that, while vastly outnumbered, can stand on their own. India recognizes that it de jure owes its allegiance to the British Monarchy in Britannia, but is de facto independent in every way and governs most former British colonies.

In Africa, the West and South become independent but in commonwealth with the monarch of Britannia.

British-influenced Iberia stays loyal to London, whatever their political leanings. It is hard to do otherwise when British armies are still present.

Austria and Czechia separate in the Velvet Divorce. Austria relinquishes its control regions, allowing Prussia-Poland to stand on its own.

While this event was peaceful and hailed as a success for the peace-keeping of the European League, not much else would go well, as it was too weak to enforce anything. The early thirties strained the European system.

Upset by the outcomes and treaties imposed after the War, revanchism and ultra-nationalism rise in Eastern Europe. Turkey, Russia and Rumania in particular form the earliest *fascists parties, which enjoy rising popularity.

The first sign of unraveling was the withdrawal of Denmark from the European League, as it declared Neutrality much in the style of the Norwegians.

China meanwhile, taking advantage of the dramatic Fall of Britain, revoked all but a few of the last unequal treaties, leaving few European concessions in China. China, solidifying itself as a stable unitary republic, is a rising economic power, and quickly builds up its industry and infrastructure.

In Japan, internal conflicts lead to both the Army and the Navy faction plotting coups against each other. With the support of France, the Army attempts to arrest members of the diet and attempt to lock the Emperor down on house arrest. This gambit fails, resulting in a conflict known as the Japanese Civil War, which was mostly minor skirmishes, and then exodus of the Army leadership from Tokyo to Manila. The Navy did not intervene in the exodus, as they believed at the time that the political division would be mended through eventual negotiation, and that further violence would only serve to make future proceedings difficult.

Instead, the Army officers and ex-members of government declared the Republic of Japan, repudiating the authority of the Emperor and embracing Catholicism as the official religion of Japan. Ever since its capture, the Philippines had been put under an intense japanification program ranging from biased education of children and importing settlers, to the outright genocide of non-catholic natives. This mixed nation, under the wing of France, became a strange blend of religious and anti-monarchist republican fervor and would ironically, despite republican ideology, become one of the most repressive regimes in East Asia, while the monarchist Empire of Japan, having resolved the Army-Navy dispute, mellowed out, putting it on the track of liberal democratic reform.

So, the Worker's Commonwealth is the USSR, Russia is Germany, France is the United Kingdom, and China is Japan?


So, after anextremely embarassing attempt at a worlda version of my map, I decided to ditch that for an Inskcape trace world map. I'm pretty happy with the results so far.

This is the Old World, which is what I've completed so far:

Looks nice so far. :)

Are the subdivision borders incomplete? There's one in Central Asia that connects to the Aral Sea but doesn't actually encompass anything.
Looks nice so far. :)

Are the subdivision borders incomplete? There's one in Central Asia that connects to the Aral Sea but doesn't actually encompass anything.


That was something I overlooked while drawing the subdivision borders (BTW, Eurasia was absolute hell to do, the map I had was in Mercator so switching to Robinson was just painful). Thanks for pointing it out!
Just a WIP based on a few map concepts of mine. Basically thanks to US forces reaching Prague towards the end of WW2 and some minor shifts in the Allied attitude towards Germany we get... A federated Western Europe by the early 1980s (the map is set one year after the union has been formed, in 1982) with some "associated states" (includes Switzerland because cantons), a Libertarian Czech Republic, a neutralized North Germany and a divided Greece. Other things will follow. Enjoy the silliness and some subtle dystopian associations! Feedback is also welcome, of course.

What of the rest of the world?
Here's a map of Lemuria, from this site:
This map is AWFUL, but it is the best one of Lemuria i could find after scouring all of the map threads and finding zip. Hope someone can improve it, but for now, if you wanna use it, just gimme credit for the Lemuria and feel free to use it.

Here's a map of Lemuria, from this site:
This map is AWFUL, but it is the best one of Lemuria i could find after scouring all of the map threads and finding zip. Hope someone can improve it, but for now, if you wanna use it, just gimme credit for the Lemuria and feel free to use it.

I'm not sure if Lemuria is supposed to occupy 80% of the Pacific...
Wouldn't it be Mu if it's in the Pacific, not Lemuria? It's overwhelmingly massive but I think something modeled after this map would be more.. pleasant:p

That is if you go with the Mu route instead of Lemuria.
Wouldn't it be Mu if it's in the Pacific, not Lemuria? It's overwhelmingly massive but I think something modeled after this map would be more.. pleasant:p

That is if you go with the Mu route instead of Lemuria.

You'd think they'd spend more effort to make it look different from New Guinea considering that the island's right there
You'd think they'd spend more effort to make it look different from New Guinea considering that the island's right there

Well, if you're going to swallow a giant imaginary Pacific-spanning continent, swallowing the fact it looks a lot like New Guinea is a mere after dinner mint. :)
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