Map Thread X

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Alternate Kingdom of Serbia
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So, genocide/ethnic cleansing either way? Wow, no possible way this can end badly...
No, Bosnia could be a part of Serbia, that is if Bosnia was integrated by Serbia in the Middle Ages or no Bosnians adopt Islam and aside from that Serbs also consider Bosnia as a Serbian state just like Montenegro.

Deleted member 2382

Alternate Kingdom of Serbia
What, so the Serbs murdered/expelled most/all Bosniaks to Turkey? And settled it with what? Serbs from Kosovo, Sumadija? They tried that OTL, look what happened. Now Kosovo is going to have even less Serbs and be chock full of angry Albanians, unless they deported- erm, "humanely resettle" them to Albania too?

This is where the logic of the "Great Serbia" or "All Serbs in one country" idea fails. You can't copy-paste entire populations. Also, genocide is bad.
What, so the Serbs murdered/expelled most/all Bosniaks to Turkey? And settled it with what? Serbs from Kosovo, Sumadija? They tried that OTL, look what happened. Now Kosovo is going to have even less Serbs and be chock full of angry Albanians, unless they deported- erm, "humanely resettle" them to Albania too?

This is where the logic of the "Great Serbia" or "All Serbs in one country" idea fails. You can't copy-paste entire populations. Also, genocide is bad.

Depends on when the PoD is, afterall the Serbs did move around quite a bit.
What, so the Serbs murdered/expelled most/all Bosniaks to Turkey? And settled it with what? Serbs from Kosovo, Sumadija? They tried that OTL, look what happened. Now Kosovo is going to have even less Serbs and be chock full of angry Albanians, unless they deported- erm, "humanely resettle" them to Albania too?

This is where the logic of the "Great Serbia" or "All Serbs in one country" idea fails. You can't copy-paste entire populations. Also, genocide is bad.
In this TL, the Bosniaks are considered as Muslim Serbs, the OTL Stokavian Croats are Catholic Serbs while the OTL Serbs are Orthodox Serbs, Serbs in this TL have many faiths.
In this TL, the Bosniaks are considered as Muslim Serbs, the OTL Stokavian Croats are Catholic Serbs while the OTL Serbs are Orthodox Serbs, Serbs in this TL have many faiths.

You didn't specify that in the original post. Your initial wording was "Serbian lands in my opinion", implying that the map did not belong to an alternate TL.
You didn't specify that in the original post. Your initial wording was "Serbian lands in my opinion", implying that the map did not belong to an alternate TL.
I was just trying to say that Serbia did deserve to get Bosnia and Bosnia was one of the reasons for World War I because Serbia wanted to protect the Serbs in Bosnia...aside from that the Slavs in Dubrovnik believed that they are Catholic Serbs.

Deleted member 2382

Depends on when the PoD is, afterall the Serbs did move around quite a bit.
Yes they did. However, there were virtually no Serbs in the area of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina until the late 16th-17th century when, due to internal migration within the Ottoman Empire, many Orthodox peasants from Serbia and Montenegro flocked to Bosnia to work on the lands of the muslim Bosniak nobility, since the original tenants were wiped out by war and plagues. Serbian historiography vehemently denies this fact and insists that the the original Slavic inhabitants of Bosnia were Serbs, despite the fact that there is no archeological evidence to support this.

Deleted member 2382

I was just trying to say that Serbia did deserve to get Bosnia and Bosnia was one of the reasons for World War I because Serbia wanted to protect the Serbs in Bosnia...aside from that the Slavs in Dubrovnik believed that they are Catholic Serbs.
Do you happen to frequent Serb nationalist forums or something?
What, so the Serbs murdered/expelled most/all Bosniaks to Turkey? And settled it with what? Serbs from Kosovo, Sumadija? They tried that OTL, look what happened. Now Kosovo is going to have even less Serbs and be chock full of angry Albanians, unless they deported- erm, "humanely resettle" them to Albania too?

This is where the logic of the "Great Serbia" or "All Serbs in one country" idea fails. You can't copy-paste entire populations. Also, genocide is bad.

lol when?

Yeah, exactly, you can't, but when someone posts a map including greater Germany, wiping out some 50 million Russians it's a nice AH map :rolleyes:

Deleted member 2382

lol when?

Yeah, exactly, you can't, but when someone posts a map including greater Germany, wiping out some 50 million Russians it's a nice AH map :rolleyes:
I never said that and it's beside the point. I'm fairly sure most AH.commers are aware that Nazi Germany could not conquer Russia without genocide and slave labor.

Nice try though. :rolleyes:

EDIT: As to when, for example in 1919. the Serbian government (soon to be Kgdm. of SHS, then Yugoslavia) forcibly marched thousands of Bosniak muslim landowners from Lijevce Polje near Banja Luka to camps in Sandzak, Kosovo and Macedonia to be deported to Turkey. Obviously, many died on the way and their lands were siezed and handed out to Serb families from Sumadija, Podrinje and Kosovo.
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