Map Thread III

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The World, c.1917. In the midst of the First World War. The POD is primarily Belgium's compliance with German troop movements, preceded by better Anglo-German relations.
The war was fought by the League of Berlin, consisting of Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Bulgaria, and Greece, against the Belgrade Pact, an alliance between France, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Portugal, Japan, and Italy. Russia pulled out after the Revolution of 1916. America joined on the League's side near the end of the year shown.
Minor Nit: Why on earth would the Ottomans jump in aginst Germany _and_ the U.K.?

Been awhile since I've made or posted a map, and since my choices were alternate history "stuff" and World History I studying for a quiz...:D

From a old/new timeline, currently in the process of being reworked for a possible story attempt:

Kewl map, but I have one little nit about it, you have New Orleans a little to far south, it should be moved up closer to Lake Pontchartrain, which is on your map. Sorry about that, it's just that I live in New Orleans, and I would notice that more than someone who doesn't live in N.O., otherwise, great map.:cool:
Another one of my random maps. There wasn't room for the title on the acual map. Oh and more airbrushiness.

Europe: 1400 A.D.

Europe 1400.PNG
Another one of my random maps. There wasn't room for the title on the acual map. Oh and more airbrushiness.

Europe: 1400 A.D.

Why have the African regions got such straight borders? Have they been divided up equally between the three nations? Great map, though - the airbrushiness is a good effect.
Been awhile since I've made or posted a map, and since my choices were alternate history "stuff" and World History I studying for a quiz...:D

From a old/new timeline, currently in the process of being reworked for a possible story attempt:

How did I miss this!


Sorry - outlines indicate strong influence over the nation's affairs. So even though California and Texas (and Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet) aren't part of the British Empire they might as well be.'re using the old UCS labels. The first one.

It's since been revised to indicate that outline = de jure, and filler = de facto control.
Final proposal of 1909, slow implementation starting in 1911.
Civil war barely averted in 1915. Full implementation 1922.
Has yet to collapse (although it had a prolonged period where it was more of a confederation than a federation, this trend has reversed itself in the post-nationalist period of 1977+).



Final proposal of 1909, slow implementation starting in 1911.
Civil war barely averted in 1915. Full implementation 1922.
Has yet to collapse (although it had a prolonged period where it was more of a confederation than a federation, this trend has reversed itself in the post-nationalist period of 1977+).

Pure awesomeness. What are the dark spots throughout, the German enclaves? And how are they ruled?
Pure awesomeness. What are the dark spots throughout, the German enclaves? And how are they ruled?
German enclaves, some Latin (no, I'm not sure who that is supposed to be, got that from an ethnic map in Hungarian) enclaves, and a Serb and Bosnian enclave.

I honestly have no idea how they are ruled - as soon as I'd be able to get a hand on the OTL proposal, I'm sure I could tell you. :p
I do have an idea how I'd do it (taking the system of the USA), but that's too lengthy and too poorly thought out to write down right now.
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German enclaves, some Romani (no, I'm not sure who that is supposed to be, got that from an ethnic map in Hungarian) enclaves, and a Serb and Bosnian enclave.
I'm guessing the Romani are either Roma or perhaps enclaves of ethnic Romanians in Hungary?

EDIT: Checked Wikipedia, apparently it's Roma.
No, not those. The Latin/Romani enclave is that one in Venezien.
Now that I think about it, it could possibly be Rhaeto-Romans.

(Edit: Confirmed. There's a whole bunch of them around these parts, apparently.)
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Deleted member 2382

You got Serbia and Bosnia wrong. They should be reversed. Unless ethnic cleansing and mass deportation is involved... *sigh*
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