Look to the West (Thande's first proper timeline, and it's about time!)

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No; I may have forgot to include them on the maps, but they're still British as of 1806 or whenever the 'present' is.

What? I remember quite distinctly you saying that they had been abandoned by the British after the First Platinean War because they'd been nabbed by the Spaniards, and were too much of a hassle to get back.


What? I remember quite distinctly you saying that they had been abandoned by the British after the First Platinean War because they'd been nabbed by the Spaniards, and were too much of a hassle to get back.

Maybe, I can't remember. This world is too big for me to remember it all at once, especially when it's only a second- or third-priority project for me.
Conquered by Spain during the First Platinean War and the British government decided they were more trouble than they were worth (the Spanish were hoping to trade them back for Florida)

A-ha! After a little digging, I found it. You clearly stated that the Spaniards got Miskito and Honduras minor.
Well, Past Me beats Present Me because the alternative would mean too much editing.



Good to see Central America becoming completely Spaniard, though. You wily Brits can have fun elsewhere, but leave this sub-subcontinent to itself!
Well, the thing is, this TL has no British Empire. Unless you want to try and claim somewhere like Denmark in 1901 counts as an empire. The only crown colonies are Freedonia, a couple of other places in West Africa, British Honduras, the British West Indies, and the Mosquito Coast (and those last three are liable to be sucked up into the ENA).

There's the ENA, but that's like Ireland - aligned with Britain, shares a monarch, but it doesn't take orders from London anymore, or at least not automatically.

Meanwhile India, Guinea and Natal are all run by the EIC or the RAC, neither of which are under the control of the British Government.

The only way this is a Britwank - and if then only to the same extent as OTL - is if you regard wankage as cultural rather than political. I.e. by that argument the USA counts as a positive rather than a negative for Britwank because it helps boost the English language and also disassociates it from a single political entity. But by that argument, the 18th and early 19th centuries in OTL were a Germanwank, because of the sheer number of German settlers in the USA and the ensuing cultural influence. And I think people would find it hard to regard that as a 'wank' by any normal definition.

What? I remember quite distinctly you saying that they had been abandoned by the British after the First Platinean War because they'd been nabbed by the Spaniards, and were too much of a hassle to get back.

Maybe, I can't remember. This world is too big for me to remember it all at once, especially when it's only a second- or third-priority project for me.

A-ha! After a little digging, I found it. You clearly stated that the Spaniards got Miskito and Honduras minor.

And I should know, since I asked the question... ;)


Good to see Central America becoming completely Spaniard, though. You wily Brits can have fun elsewhere, but leave this sub-subcontinent to itself!
Looking back at the whole "Anglowank" debate thingy, I kind of agree with Susano, way back towards the beginning: l'Otarie is coming. London will burn. There will be fire, and blood, and guillotines, and dephlogistigateurs, and fire. The whole anglosphere, and England especially, is going to take a hard blow to the midsection. As a matter of fact, I'd almost go as far as to say that the tone in Thande's excerpts is a bit off: it should look more like the discussion of what happened to, say, the Aztecs in the late 1510s, or Gaul in the -60s. Sure, stuff happened; interesting stuff; maybe even stuff that could have been important. But it's all about to become very, very irrelevant. Whatever reforms the British made are about to get swept away by the mass executions and death and general ruin.

...Well, in England at least. The ENA is going to do just fine, I'm sure. Which is something of a consolation to those of us who are fully expecting to see Leo Bone stalking through the burnt-out ruins of the offices of Charles Bone, MP, any day now. ;)

Oh, and I'm back. Stupid exams taking all of my time. :mad:


...Well, in England at least. The ENA is going to do just fine, I'm sure. Which is something of a consolation to those of us who are fully expecting to see Leo Bone stalking through the burnt-out ruins of the offices of Charles Bone, MP, any day now. ;)
May I have permission to steal this image?


Man, it's a Magnificent Bastard/Badass swearing veangeance in the burned-down ruins of his family's home. If you did not put that in, I would stop reading LTTW. :p

LTTW: Providing 100% of your daily required intake of The Call Knows Where You Live since 2007.

I see you've also got addicted to TV Tropes...

(At this rate I might get in there under "Burned House Hero" or something :rolleyes: )


There will be fire, and blood, and guillotines, and dephlogistigateurs, and fire. The whole anglosphere, and England especially, is going to take a hard blow to the midsection. As a matter of fact, I'd almost go as far as to say that the tone in Thande's excerpts is a bit off: it should look more like the discussion of what happened to, say, the Aztecs in the late 1510s, or Gaul in the -60s. Sure, stuff happened; interesting stuff; maybe even stuff that could have been important. But it's all about to become very, very irrelevant. Whatever reforms the British made are about to get swept away by the mass executions and death and general ruin.
Sounds promising. It's funny how I generally don't care for the French (especially a proto-totalitarian France like the one in TTL), but for some reason I become all jingoistic whenever the chance presents itself to exact bloody vengeance on perfidious Albion. My Anglophile (and half-British) grandmother would weep if she knew.

It has taken me three weeks to read ALL of this......

But what i've seen is simply a work of genius, far superior to other writing styles i've seen on this board. Good work Thande!:D
Wanst zyz the one who inflicted AH.com with the virus in the first place?

I might have been, actually. :eek:

...And now, I'm thinking of the fact that way back two years ago I worked at a summer camp, and we all got official nicknames at the end of the summer; mine was "Typhoid Mary." And it wasn't because I infected them all with memes. :rolleyes::eek:
Sounds promising. It's funny how I generally don't care for the French (especially a proto-totalitarian France like the one in TTL), but for some reason I become all jingoistic whenever the chance presents itself to exact bloody vengeance on perfidious Albion. My Anglophile (and half-British) grandmother would weep if she knew.

I love seeing my own country get the kick up the arse it never got historically. =D
Firstly i feel scared and confused at froggies who can actually win wars! Secondly Thande, Damn homie, there are some skills in timelining.

just one question, what is a dephlogisateur? i probably should know but i skimmed much of the tl, so enlightnement would be enjoyable
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