Let's develop a language

Hey, did we miss the sound the i makes in "Patrick?", or are we using something else for that?
Well, perhaps I have one more suggestion: Why don't we use the 'ñ' (nj) as it is used in Spanish? :)
That can be simply ni or ny.

OAM47 said:
Hey, did we miss the sound the i makes in "Patrick?", or are we using something else for that?

We have that...

EDIT: oops, it wasn't in the vowel list.

Korporal Nooij said:
What will the vocabulary be based on exactly? Will it be based on a certain language group? Or a combination of more language groups (like Esperanto)? Or completely independent from them (like Klingon)?

Depends. I will allow people to suggest words now. They can be made up or based on real words.

Some will become roots, some will be full words, depends on what we decide in the grammar stage.
Hey, did we miss the sound the i makes in "Patrick?", or are we using something else for that?

Wee can use the Ii/Yy. The sounds is somewhat more stressed in Patrick but it is similar enough that it can overlap.
Depends. I will allow people to suggest words now. They can be made up or based on real words.

Some will become roots, some will be full words, depends on what we decide in the grammar stage.

Then perhaps we should keep up a dictionary!

Oh, and maybe we should start with numbers! (Like: One, two, three, etc)


Wow this is an awesome thread. I've always wanted to do this since I was a kid. But I know nothing about it so I may involve myself but so far I'm just gonna watch the progress. Once it's finished I'll probably suggest a text to be translated.
Final? version of the Alphabet

Aa Áá Bb Cc Dd Ee Éé Ff
Gg Hh Ḩḩ Ii/Yy Íí Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ŕŕ RRrr Яя
Ss Şş Tt Uu/Ww Úú þÞ Vv Xx Zz

Aa Áá Bb Cc Dd Ee Éé Ff
Gg Hh Ḩḩ Ii/Yy Íí Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ŕŕ RRrr Яя
Ss Şş Tt Uu/Ww Úú þÞ Vv Xx Zz

Vowel Consonant

English German Spanish

Aa = walk/gato
Áá = cat
Bb = bath/beber
Cc = 'th' as in 'bath'
Dd = dog/decir
Ee = Ted/escribir
Éé = good
Ff = fizzy/elefante
Gg = gong/Guatemala
Hh = hat
Ḩḩ = loch/nochmal/México
Ii/Yy = bee/igualmente
Íí = kit
Jj = judge
Kk = cake/querer
Ll = lake/lago
Mm = mom/madre
Nn = no/no
Oo = poner
Pp = pop/poner
Rr = bird
Ŕŕ = escribir
RRrr = perro
Яя = Rr with rounded lips
Ss = see/si
Şş = 'sh' as in 'shop'
Tt = tip/tener
Uu/Ww = poo/pusimos
Úú = but
þÞ = 'th' as in 'the' or 'Barcelona'
Vv = village/veinte
Xx = 'ch' as in 'chart' or 'Che'
Zz = ooze/zeta
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Great work Xwarq! And I like the idea of texts alot, TheCrow. Some important texts such as the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) and Article 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights should definitely be translated to this conlang sometime!

Hey, wouldn't translating a famous text word-by-word be a very useful way to establish the vocabulary?
These agreeable?

One: Váş
Two: Vában
Three: Vánao
Four: Ískan
Five: Ískuen
Six: Ípu
Seven: Ŕanta
Eight: Xovi
Nine: Xueve
Ten: Xaco

edit: I just realized... before we establish vocabulary, we need to decide which syllable is stressed. I suggest the first syllable for all words be stressed.
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I think it would be a good idea when coming up with the word for 2, we should try to establish a root to be used as a suffix or prefix (or infix?) when pluralizing or dualizing words.


Final? version of the Alphabet

Aa Áá Bb Cc
Dd Ee Éé Ff
Gg Hh Ḩḩ Ii/Yy
Íí Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Rr Ŕŕ RRrr Яя
Ss Şş Tt Uu/Ww
Úú þÞ Vv Xx Zz

Sound convincing :D. Now, as a general thought about the grammar structure... it would be convenient, for not making it too hard, to borrow most of it from English, at least as a start... including the auxiliary condition of the verb "to have"... though I would like to keep the Spanish difference between ser and estar.

By the way, as a suggestion for a word:

Xeşk = Hello (it's liberally taken from the Polish cześć)
My suggestions for the numbers, somewhat based off various things. (while it'd be cool to have a system other then base ten, that is outside the scope of this project)

1 - Un
2 - Do
3 - Tŕi
4 - Ḩad
5 - Pent
6 - Sexta
7 - Epta
8 - Aḩta
9 - Nana
10 - Deḩ
11 - Deḩ-Un
12 - Deḩ-Do
20 - Dodeḩ
21 - Dodeḩ-Un
30 - Tŕideḩ
100 - Senta
101 - Senta-Un
111 - Senta-Deḩun
112 - Senta-Deḩdo
1000 - Megla

Needs a bit of work, but I hope you get the picture. Also, we might need some rules on letter interaction.
My suggestions for the numbers, somewhat based off various things. (while it'd be cool to have a system other then base ten, that is outside the scope of this project)

That looks great!

I thought it might be a good idea to keep present verbs the same for every person? Like in for example Norwegian: (I am = Jeg er, You are = Du er, They are = De er, He is = Han er, etc).
I am = Aş ar
You are = Xu ar
He is = Án ar
She = Xan ar
They = Da ar
We = Яa ar
It = Árr ar

How is that for verbs and grammatical persons?
Remember, R without an accent is the vowel, with an accent is the consonant. That's the one change I made in my latest alphabet.

Actually yeah, I think all the numbers between 1 and 10 need unique starts.

Actual words:

One = Vá
Two = Bu
Three = Ta
Four = Ískan
Five = Lígi
Six = Ípu
Seven = Ŕanta
Eight = Gяn
Nine = Xijunaste
Ten = Do

Prefixes to show numerization:

One = Vá-
Two = Bu-
Three = Ta-
Four = Ís-
Five = Lí-
Six = Íp-
Seven = Ŕa-
Eight = Gя-
Nine = Xiju-
Ten = Do-


Eleven = Vádo
Twelve = Budo
Twenty = Dobu
Forty = Doískan
Fifty = Dolígi
Biplane = Bupáŕo

EDIT: OAM47 you ninja'd me.
I really liked the uniqueness of Xwarq's numbers, but I think there needs to be a more organized system.

0 - San
1 - Váş
2 - Dwban
3 - Tria
4 - Xeḩad
5 - Xişá
6 - Xeta
7 - Xaŕta
8 - Xovi
9 - Xuene
10 - Deḩn
11 - Deḩváş
12 - Deḩdu
13 - Deḩtria
14 - Deḩad
15 - Deḩşá
16 - Deḩeta
17 - Deḩŕta
18 -
19 - Deḩne
20 - Dudeḩn
21 - Dudeḩváş
30 - Trideḩn
100 - Senta
147 - Sentaḩadeḩnrta
I really liked the uniqueness of Xwarq's numbers, but I think there needs to be a more organized system.

0 - San
1 - Váş
2 - Dwban
3 - Tria
4 - Xeḩad
5 - Xişá
6 - Xeta
7 - Xaŕta
8 - Xovi
9 - Xuene
10 - Deḩn
11 - Deḩváş
12 - Deḩdu
13 - Deḩtria
20 - Dudeḩn
21 - Dudeḩváş
30 - Trideḩn
100 - Senta

I made an organized system while you were writing your post.

Perhaps we could replace the ones I made that I don't really care for, with OAM47's.

I don't care for Bu, Ta, and Do.
The four directions, just for fun. Unlike most, these are linked and have a common root.

Úpdr - North
Doḩdr - South
Vulúḩdr - East
Fallúḩdr - West
I made an organized system while you were writing your post.

Perhaps we could replace the ones I made that I don't really care for, with OAM47's.

I don't care for Bu, Ta, and Do.

By all means, I didn't expect every one of my numbers to make the cut, simply pick my best ones :D

Mine were basically Spainish or Latin prefixes skewed and translated a bit anyway.
I made an organized system while you were writing your post.

Perhaps we could replace the ones I made that I don't really care for, with OAM47's.

I don't care for Bu, Ta, and Do.

I like the simpleness of 'Vádo - Budo - Dobu - etc' though.

Hey, what do you all think of the verbs I posted?
Revised, combined number system:

Actual words:

One = Vá
Two = Dwban
Three = Tŕia
Four = Ískan
Five = Lígi
Six = Ípu
Seven = Ŕanta
Eight = Xovяn
Nine = Xijunaste
Ten = Deḩ

Prefixes to show numerization:

One = Vá-
Two = Dw-
Three = Tŕi-
Four = Ís-
Five = Lí-
Six = Íp-
Seven = Ŕa-
Eight = Xovя-
Nine = Xiju-
Ten = De-


Eleven = Vádo
Twelve = Dwde
Twenty = Dedwban
Forty = Deískan
Fifty = Delígi
Biplane = Dwpáŕo

Hey, what do you all think of the verbs I posted?
They're perfect.