Let's develop a language

my suggestion would be that, unless specified otherwise, all anatomy is assumed to be part of the Actor.

(otherwise you end up with "I rode my bike to my girlfriend's house" "whose legs pedaled you?" sort of thing - and yes, I've seen that happen to conlangers)

or, we could have one article before something being done by the Actor (brushed uru teeth, maybe), and a different one if its someone else's teeth.

The easiest would be to introduce possessive pronouns. I suggest for simplicity just add leḩ to the pronoun thus you change it into an adjective (possessive pronouns are in a way adjectives).

So instead of saying
halain yj án - teeth of he
it be ánleḩ teeth - he(adj) teeth

If we stick to these rules these would be the possessive pronouns

Mine: Aşleḩ
Your (singular): Xumleḩ
His: Ánleḩ
Her: Xanleḩ
Its: Árrleḩ
Our: Ánleḩ
Your (plural): Xuleḩ
Their: Daleḩ

Do we all agree?
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The easiest would be to introduce possessive pronouns. I suggest for simplicity just add leḩ to the pronoun thus you change it into an adjective (possessive pronouns are in a way adjectives).

So instead of saying
halain yj án - teeth of he
it be ánleḩ teeth - he(adj) teeth

If we stick to these rules these would be the possessive pronouns

Mine: Aşleḩ
Your (singular): Xumleḩ
His: Ánleḩ
Her: Xanleḩ
Its: Árrleḩ
Our: Ánleḩ
Your (plural): Xuleḩ
Their: Daleḩ

No, it will be 'object of possessor'.

Adding a sound to the end of a word to show possession is too much like English. It's not an apostrophe s, but it's still too much like English.
NO! Daleḩ cannot be 'their,' It must mean DALEK.



dalek is dalek not daleḩ (the diference is small but there).

in any case these could be the roots and just skew them a bit for the possessive pronouns

so although root is daleḩ it coudl change to daléḩ


The easiest would be to introduce possessive pronouns. I suggest for simplicity just add leḩ to the pronoun thus you change it into an adjective (possessive pronouns are in a way adjectives).

So instead of saying
halain yj án - teeth of he
it be ánleḩ teeth - he(adj) teeth

If we stick to these rules these would be the possessive pronouns

Do we all agree?

I'm just curious - if the {1st Person Singular} is the only one in the sentance, or at least the only one doing anything, why do we need to specify he's the one doing it?

just a thought.
I would like to suggest another thing.

Well, in Spanish, there are two ways to show possession.

"object of possessor"


"object of mine/yours/hers/his/theirs/ours"

For example:

"Los perros son suyos."

"The dogs are his/hers/its.

Perhaps we could mimic this?

EDIT: Oh wait, I just realized that Spanish has 'my', 'her', etc. 'a mi casa'. 'sus gatos'.
I would like to suggest another thing.

Well, in Spanish, there are two ways to show possession.

"object of possessor"


"object of mine/yours/hers/his/theirs/ours"

For example:

"Los perros son suyos."

"The dogs are his/hers/its.

Perhaps we could mimic this?

EDIT: Oh wait, I just realized that Spanish has 'my', 'her', etc. 'a mi casa'. 'sus gatos'.

Yes so are we still adding leḩ to create pronouns? Or do wee keep the object of possessor structure.

Decide before more frases are added. Xwarq you are the leader so if you say of or leḩ we do.
Some religions:

Bhuddism: Bhúddism
Christianity: rístiáníti
Islam: Yslam
Jainism: Jainism
Judaism: Jwdaism
Sikhism: Siism
I don't believe there is a word for religion so I came up with this.

To believe: Aríştw

From this we get 'AríşeÞo' or beliefs for the word religion.
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OK, a few things. First, a list of government forms

Some religions:

Bhuddism: Bhúddism
Christianity: rístiáníti
Islam: Yslam
Jainism: Jainism
Judaism: Jwdaism
Sikhism: Siism


The problem with these is the endings "ism" & "ity". These are English suffixes. The language needs to have either a suffix that serves the same purpose or we can simply continue using the yj "of".

Aríştw yj Bhédda (Religion/belief of Bhudda)

We already have the suffix bálxá meaning rule so I think it be most appropriate to have one meaning belief and while we are at it lets have the "ology" (science) one as well.
We can simply use Aríştw as the suffix as we do with bálxá.
Thus it be:

Bhuddism: Bhúddaríştw
Christianity: Ḩrístiánaríştw
Hinduism: Hindwaríştw
Islam: Yslamaríştw
Jainism: Jainaríştw
Judaism: Jwdaríştw
Sikhism: Siḩaríştw

Hálckop is already observation or study so we can keep that as our "ology". So theology would be either: Káḩilhálckop (study of god) or aríştwhálckop (study of religion).

However I agree with Xwaq that by doing it like this we are getting too much like English.
The problem with these is the endings "ism" & "ity". These are English suffixes. The language needs to have either a suffix that serves the same purpose or we can simply continue using the yj "of".

Aríştw yj Bhédda (Religion/belief of Bhudda)

We already have the suffix bálxá meaning rule so I think it be most appropriate to have one meaning belief and while we are at it lets have the "ology" (science) one as well.
We can simply use Aríştw as the suffix as we do with bálxá.
Thus it be:

Bhuddism: Bhúddaríştw
Christianity: Ḩrístiánaríştw
Hinduism: Hindwaríştw
Islam: Yslamaríştw
Jainism: Jainaríştw
Judaism: Jwdaríştw
Sikhism: Siḩaríştw

Hálckop is already observation or study so we can keep that as our "ology". So theology would be either: Káḩilhálckop (study of god) or aríştwhálckop (study of religion).

However I agree with Xwaq that by doing it like this we are getting too much like English.

I added most of the government words and the religions an hour or so ago. I agree we should keep it as different from any other language as possible.

EDIT: The United Kingdom would be Ylésta Dalpotláv. Also I made up a word for Ohio and world, they are Ohlydo and Jazxív respectively.
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We are in a drastic shortage of:
-- words that are easy to pronounce
-- words with 'c'
-- words that only have the basic vowels


And remember, 'ḩ' is not 'h'. It's the sound Scottish people make when they say 'loch'. Or a silent nothing like in 'ahora'. (let's say it's the different accents of the Xisaro-an peoples.

Yes so are we still adding leḩ to create pronouns? Or do wee keep the object of possessor structure.

Decide before more frases are added. Xwarq you are the leader so if you say of or leḩ we do.
Perhaps there are two forms, which are completely of choice.
1: 'object of possessor'
2: 'Possessor objectleḩ'.

For example,

(In English, meaningly, then literally for both types)

'Donkey Johnson's dog is stupid'

1: 'Dog of Donkey Johnson be idiotic'

2: 'Donkey Johnson dogleḩ be idiotic'

(In Xişaŕo)

1: 'Cwcuga yj Donkey Johnson ar cuc'

2: 'Donkey Johnson cwcugaleḩ ar cuc'

Idiotic/stupid: cuc
Dog: cwcuga

another thing: we ought to have adjectives after nouns. Unlike English.
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I added most of the government words and the religions an hour or so ago. I agree we should keep it as different from any other language as possible.

EDIT: The United Kingdom would be Ylésta Dalpotláv. Also I made up a word for Ohio and world, they are Ohlydo and Jazxív respectively.

The word for world/earth is Tarr.

Also, I don't think small regions should have unique Xişaŕo names. Countries can, but stuff like Castilla la Mancha, Ohio, and Saskatchewan should not have unique Xişaŕo names. Since Xişaŕo was made specifically so it could have almost all common sounds in languages, just respell them so they are pronounced the same.

Ohio: Ouhaiou
To avoid confusion

I think I got every word we have with the very basic rules here. Use it as a base. It be easiest for all to copy and just add to the list as it goes.

Ok for practicality sake’s I went back and tried to make a list of the full vocabulary and basic rules for Xişaŕo.

The Alphabet:

Aa Áá Bb Cc Dd Ee Éé Ff
Gg Hh Ḩḩ Ii/Yy Íí Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ŕŕ RRrr Яя
Ss Şş Tt Uu/Ww Úú þÞ Vv Xx Zz

Pronouns & Articles

I: Aş
You (Singular): Xum
He: Án
She: Xan
We: Án
It: Árr
You (Plural): Xu
They: Da

My/Mine: Yjaş
The: Ul
That: Ki
A: Y

And: Int
In: Яn
Of (possession): yj
Between: zté
Equal to: Yḩ
Less than: Fam
More than: Dam
From (Spatial/origin): Gŕy
From (Time): Teşe
From (Other): Anc
Anti – tínto
Pro: Fr-

To denote possession one uses the word “yj” (of) as “object yj possessor”. In the case of possessive pronouns the word is attached to the pronoun as a prefix as denoted by mine = yjaş. (I thought this was a good compromise between having a suffix and simply using “object of possessor”).


Who – Ktén
What – Ktát
When - ḩendo
Where - ḩhore
Why - pry
What for - prw
How - Xo

Nouns – there is no differentiation of gender, but the suffix “-in” signifies plural.
- the suffix “-hw” is equivalent to the English “-er” as in the doer of the action.

Basic Phrases
Hello: Xeşk
Yes = Þai
No = RRal
Not = RRant
Indifference: ta
Thanks = Kriş
You're welcome = Kriş RRant (Thanks not (Don't thank me))
Please = RRirrta
Would you please...? = RRirrta xu xr...? (Please you do...?)
Cheers! (informal) = RRoxká!

The Numbers:
Zero (0): San
One (1): Vá (Vá-)
Two (2): Dwban (Dw-)
Three (3): Tŕia (Tŕi-)
Four (4): Ískan (Ís-)
Five (5): Lígi (Lí-)
Six (6): Ípu (Íp-)
Seven (7): Ŕanta (Ŕa-)
Eight (8): Xovяn (Xovя-)
Nine (9): Xijunaste (Xiju-)
Ten (10): Deḩ (De-)
Eleven (11): Vádo
Twelve (12): Dwde
Twenty (20): Dedwban
Forty (40): Deískan
Fifty (50): Delígi

Basic Nouns

Amount: Kuant
Art: Waḩt
Bastard = málynḩá
Body of Water/Lake (freshwater only): Hítxя
Craft: míştryvo
Crown: Dal
Coin: Arrgentá
Dare/challenge: Kást
Dress: Irre
Earth: Tarr
Energy: Batir
Etiquette = Kámaurrteho
Eyeglasses: Xamяbailя
Fame/face: Ekstrra
Fuel: féeḩw
Game: Jágo
Gamble: Pakárr
Glass: Bailя
Glass (contianer): Képá
Glyph/symbol: яn
Grass: Xespeþ
God: Káḩil
Goop/Ooze/Syrup: Hib
Heaven: Hilven
Health: Perreg
Happiness: Xász
Honor/Valor: Bwxid
Home: Wḩárr
Job: Xamvá
Joke: ḩáḩasm
Luck (good): RRoxká
Luck (bad): Yloŕní
Medecine/parmacy - Lékarrna
Middle: Tyd
Moon: kámr
Money: Lán
Moron/stupid = zmát
Motion: ḩyné
Music: zsovy
Name: Nombя
Observation/study: Hálckop
Person: Pot
Project/plan (noun): Pяaşkt
Power/ strength: Báяac
Rain: Árrwz
River: Júst
Sand: RReb
Shadow: Srnj
Silver: Lystr
Storm: Vystrr
Stream: Civ
Sea/Ocean: Túx
Semen: Loş
Skull: Kíloxa
Sound/Vibration: Gor
Teeth: Hala
Time: tenxo
Treachery/Betrayal: Ceon
Sun: þouh
Urine: Maxя
Voice: Aşgor
Vision: Kop
War: Xáve
Water (fresh): Ḩagéá
Water (Salt water or mud): RRux
World: Jazxív

Names (Nombяin)

John - Ḩan
Peter - Pytr
Paul - Pául
Mary - Meŕy
Charles - Xaŕl
Joseph - Ḩozif
Alexander - Ályksandr
Nicholas - Nykolaş
Shawn - Şan
Jesus - Ḩesús
Isabella - Yzabel
Susan - Susún
Michelle - Mişel
Catherine - Kácrín
Arthur - Ártwrro
Michael - Míḩal
James - Yaḩo
Eric - Erryk

Tools & Furniture
Airplane: páŕo
Bottle: pémo
Biplane: dwpáŕo
Container (glass): Képá
Machine - Mágena
Computer - Ímidkonasmágina (ÍKM)
Knowledge - Konasíns
Monitor - Bailяibeḩ
Keyboard - Civohwяn
Mouse - Dot
Video games - Mágenajágo (literally 'machine game')
camera - Ḩamrá
magazine - Tínciv

Foods (Hrrob) & Plants & Animals

Apple: Rynká
Banana: Paneká
Beef: Terré
Beer: Byvá
Beverage: sxépe
Bread: Cŕot
Butter: Xaknam
Cactus: Noxy
Dog: cwcuga
Egg: Ebé
Grape: Krapa
Juice: Kít
Lemon: Lwmonká
Meat: Vlyx
Orange: portókala
Peach: texéká
Pinneaple: pynaká
Pork: Zerrto
Sandwich: stécŕot
Salad: Lwtés
Soup: Klado
Soda (carbonated drink) - Geḩoltswd
Strawberry: Feŕysa
Tomato: Xomaká
Tortilla: Cŕotana
Wine: Vyne

Time & Direction (Tenxo & Dr)
Daytime: þobaḩ
East: Vulúḩdr
Evening: sabaḩai
Hou: Blúvy
Midday: tydþobaḩ
Midnight: tydsabaḩ
Minute: munuv
Morning: valeḩþouh
Nighttime: sabaḩ
North: Úpdr
Second: átw
South: Doḩdr
West: Fallúḩdr

People, Jobs, & Family (Potin, xamvá, & kínn)
Boy: Jyngé
Brother: Prét
Craftsman: míştryvohw
Daughter: Taḩtá
doctor/pharmacologist: Lékarrnahw
Doer: vohw
Father: Pata
Family: Kínn
Friend: Kámurrat
Girl: şynrra
Healer: párregvohw
King: Dalpot
Monarch: xúlyg
Mother: máty
Runner: juvohw
Sister: Zvystá
Soldier/Warrior: Markpot
Son: Nylḩ
Writer: civohw

Farm: Guvitá
Fort/Castle: Letrrád
House: Vitá
School: Kádema
Store: Abúxя

Nations, Cultures & Languages

Hungary - Máḩarria
Poland - Pélşká
Liechtenstein - Líḩtenştyn
Italy - Itárrya
France - Frráns
United States of America - Ylésta Lávin yj Ámerryka Y.L.A.
Ohio: Ouhaiou

Bhuddism: Bhúddaríştw
Christianity: Ḩrístiánaríştw
Hinduism: Hindwaríştw
Islam: Yslamaríştw
Jainism: Jainaríştw
Judaism: Jwdaríştw
Sikhism: Siḩaríştw

Government & Religion

Anarchy: Tíntobálxá
Democracy: Potinbálxá
Oligarchy: Lapotinbálxá
Dictatorship: Vapotbálxá
Monarchy: Dalpotbálxá
Autocracy: Tintopotinbálxá
Land/Nation/State: Láv
Republic: Potinláv
Union: Ylésta
Baron:Logá Markpot
Barony: Logá Markpotláv
Viscount:Logá Vállon
Viscounty: Logá Vállonláv
County: Vállonláv
Earldom: Jorlláv
Margrave: Zogá Markpot
Margraviate: Zogá Markpotláv
Marquess:Logá Cék
Marquessate: Logá Cékláv
Prince: RRíns
Principality: RRínsláv
Grand Duke:Krroz Cék
Grand Duchy:Krroz Cékláv
Archduke:Zogá Cék
Archduchy:Zogá Cékláv
King: Dalpot
Kingdom: Dalpotláv
Emperor: Xaisяŕ
Empire: Xaisяŕláv

Verbs: the suffix “–át” denotes past tense. the suffix “-ai” denotes future tense. The suffix "ŕeḩné" denotes present participle ("ing" in english)
The present tense remains the same as the indefinite.

To be: ar
To have been: arát
To become: aria

To bring: Varr
To brush/clean (Hygienic): Xyni
To Clean/Scrub: Gez
To command: Láþ
to Comprehend: Hálc
To craft: míştryg
To do: xr
To decide/vote: Ŕoxodovani
To drink: Trrikápa
To eat/consume: Naşeg
To fuck: Xyngáho
To go: Haþ
To have gone: Hat
To go later: Hai
To govern: Bálxá
To heal: párreg
to Hear: Swkwn
To like: Gár
to Listen: Ínít
To Look: Xamя
To love: Liwiş
To publish: RRint
To read - Ibeḩ
To run: juv
To screw (sex): Ḩohát
to Speak: Ibej
To want: wúl
To write: civ

Adjetives & Adverbs- the suffix “-leḩ” is equivalet to the english “ly” turning adjetives into adverbs. When used on a noun it denotes possession (turning the noun into a form of adjective).
Th increase in intensity of adjective use the following:
-er (quicker): -gé
-est (quickest): bé-
so fast, faster, fastest - kuit, kuitgé, békuit


Red: Homr
Yellow: Gelwz
Blue: Ené
Green: Cŕíd
Purple: Saneg
White: Vяfu
Black: Srnj

Basic Adjetives:

Adorable/cute: Krroséky
Big: Krroz
Early: Valeḩ
Egotistical = RRekto
Elegant/graceful: Vonyté
Equal: Yḩ
Eternal: Xalzalan
Fast: Kuit
Few: La
Friendly: Kámaurratleḩ
Good looking (handsome/gorgeous): Huátta
Hallow (sanctified): Helg
Instant: Ímidiú
Idiotic/stupid: cuc
Lacking good qualities = яypt
Least: Vac
Long (describing an object) - Laяg
Like (similar): Par
Low: Logá
Majestic (awesome): FulovaÞ
Many: Ma
Mid: Tyd
Moderate = Miuja
Most: Das
Pretty (pleasant to the eye): Hosky
Short (as above) - Korş
Skillful (badass): Þekstrro
Slow = Popo
Unique (standing out): Şáyní
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'ki' is 'that' as in 'Donkeys that walk'. It is also used like Spanish 'que', when 'que' is used in the middle of sentences rather than at the beginning to denote 'What'.

However, here is the other form of that 'that dog' as well as related words:

Cen: That
Cenin: Those
Zen: This
Zenin: These

Nouns – there is no differentiation of gender, but the suffix “-in” signifies plural.
- the suffix “-hw” is equivalent to the English “-er” as in the doer of the action.
NO! We argued about this for three pages.

The prefix 'Vohw-' means '-er' as in doer of an action.
The suffix 'gé' means 'er' as in 'quicker'.

It appears half of LylyCSM2's stuff has been lost:

These are what we have so far:

Anti: Tínto-
Pro: Fr-
-ly (quickly): leḩ-
-er (quicker): Unknown, was -gé
-est (quickest): bé-
-ing: ŕeḩné-
Past tense: -át
Future tense: -ai

one more thing said:
mine = yjaş
My/Mine: Yhaş
It should just mean 'my'.

Also, which spelling is the one? yjas or yhas?
Video games - Mágenajágo (literally 'machine game')
camera - Ḩamrá
carbonated drinks (soda) - Geḩoltswd
magazine - Tínciv

Arthur - Ártwrro
Michael - Míḩal