Imperium Aeternum

3 B.C. Livy, while acting as Imperator Interrex, writes his scathing attack on the Senate due to, in his words, the “repulsive and sickening corruption of the ineffective council of thieves [referring to how the Senate often passed laws during this time to ensure that the large corporate farms (Latifundia) owned by many senators were granted tax cuts at the expense of the traditional small Roman farmer]”, called the Adversus Senatus (Against the Senate). The newly reelected Princeps Senatus, Lucius Decidus, leads the Senate in condemning Livy in its study, the Inquisito Livius (Investigation of Livy), in which the Senate accuses Livy of false accusations and attempting to usurp the state and thus Caesarion. The Senate refuses to work for nearly 63 days during which they “investigate” Livy’s supposed treason to the state. On the 4th of June, Lucius Decidus proclaims Livy an enemy of the state and the Senate votes to remove Livy from his position and place the senator, Rufus Helvius as Imperator Interrex (though there exists no law allowing the Senate to perform such an act at this time), even though the Senate is directly defying the imperium of Caesarion. Caesarion, residing in Alexandria during his observation of the site for Cleopatra’s Pyramid, orders an immediate omitto et desisto (cease and desist) on the Senate’s actions in support of Livy (especially considering that the nature of the Senatorial action is illegal). In December, the Senate formally rejects Caesarion’s order and places Livy under house arrest in the Palatium, using the Senatorial guard as police after a short battle with the remaining Praetorian Guard (those not with Caesarion in Egypt) in Rome. Caesarion places the Persian architect, Sharhus, in charge of building Cleopatra’s Pyramid. Sharhus at this time was considered one of the finest architects in the Roman world and was called to Rome several years after Caesarion’s reign began because of his superb skill in designing several temples throughout Persia. The architect begins drafting a design for the emperor’s pyramid. A small revolt in Jerusalem is put down by Scipio the Younger. Archelaus condemns Scipio the Younger because of his extreme use of force in quelling the revolt and the empire because of its oppression of the Jews. The Roman statesman, Seneca is born in Hispania. Colonia Flavinium is founded in Carmania by Imperator Herculus. Caesaria’s first child, a son named Tiridatus, is born.
2 B.C. In February, Caesarion receives word of the Senate’s refusal to cease the house arrest and trial of Livy. Caesarion leaves for Rome with his Praetorian Guard and several thousand Egyptian and Roman soldiers to stop the Senate. On March 13th, Livy is formally deposed by the Senate and the popular (within the Senate at least) senator, Clementius is elected Imperator Interrex by 100% vote (though this action is illegal because it has no basis in the Lex Legis Magnus). Clementius along with several other top senators begin plotting to overthrow Caesarion and restore the Republic completely. In late April, Caesarion lands on the shore of Latium, 45 miles south of Rome and recruits many poor farmers and other citizens into his army on his march to Rome, promising them handsome payoffs and the good favor of the emperor for life, and many oblige. According to the recovered transcripts of Caesarion’s primary scribe, Laeva, the son of Julius Caesar was so popular that many peasants offered their services to the emperor for free. On May 10th, Caesarion besieges Rome and demands once again that the Senate surrender Rome and cease its activities. The Senate refuses, and the next day, Caesarion, careful not to damage the Servian Wall around Rome, orders his army to scale the wall with quickly constructed siege towers. The two-day Battle of the Palatium occurs, as most of the fighting takes place in and around the Imperial Palace. Caesarion defeats the Senatorial Guard, which by the end of the second day, begins to rebel against Clementius (barricaded inside the Curia Senatus) and surrender to Caesarion. In addition, many citizens who overwhelmingly support Caesarion, openly rebel against the Senatorial Guard, and according to Caesarion’s scribe, Laeva, almost burn the Curia Senatus down, but stop only because of a rousing speech against such an act by the emperor just in time to stop the enraged populace. The emperor holds public trials in the Roman Forum and 46 senators, including Sextus Appuleius, Clementius, and Lucius Decidus are executed in the Forum Julium by crucifixion. This event, the Defectio Senatus or Rebellion of the Senate, will mark the last serious attempt by the Senate to fully reinstate the Old Republic. From this date on, the office of Imperator Perpetuus will grow in power (under the law, generally) and the Senate will decline in power somewhat, yet maintain its balance to the emperor and its importance in governing the empire. Most historians attribute the continued power of the Senate to the present day, ironically enough, to Caesarion, who assured that new Senators were elected (not appointed) and followed the statutes of the Great Law, thereby setting a precedent that the Senate cannot be completely dissolved. Caesarion remains in Rome for the rest of the year, commissioning the repair of the damaged sections of the capital. Caesarion bestows the title Veridicus (the truthful) on Livy for his exposing the corruption within the Senate to the Roman people and for not faltering during the rebellion. The Via Ptolemia reaches Leptis Magna in north Africa. Germanicus falls in love with the daughter of, Sharhus, Mehrnaza, who is residing in the Palatium at the time. Ptolemia Caesar gives birth to her son, Klavius the Younger. Caesarion commissions Colonia Livium along OTL Dniester River in honor of Livy. Caesarion orders the seizure of all Latifundia by the government. He will spend the next several years distributing most of the land to small farmers and the poor, mostly in an attempt to keep the masses firmly loyal to him and to help clear Rome of the urban poor that have plagued the city for the past century. Some of the most important Latifundia, particularly those that produce wine, are kept running under contracted corporations, but more restrictions will be placed on their business practices over the course of his reign.
1 B.C. Caesarion installs Juba II of Numidia as king of Mauretania after King Kurtha dies to make Mauretania an ally of Rome. This action essentially makes Mauretania a vassal of the empire, especially as its economy comes to rely more and more on Roman trade. The Roman educated Juba II aligns his kingdom closely with the Romans, mostly to protect his new kingdom, and himself from Numidia. The Second New Senate (the first being the one elected after the attempt on Caesar’s life) is elected, and ironically, Livy is elected as the first Princeps Senatus. Xytopher Camillus is elected as the first President of the Senate. Caesarion is able to finally complete his comprehensive tax reform in early May. The law, the Lex Hispania makes all of the provinces of Hispania Imperial Provinces (explained in the Great Law, which I have changed and have not posted yet) and lowers taxes for Senatorial and even Military Provinces. This effectively gives full citizenship rights to all the inhabitants of the provinces put under the Imperial banner, plus the tax income actually increases because citizens pay greater tax for greater rights (trials, voting, etc.). Caesarion accomplishes this by changing the meaning of ius Latium through law, expanding the term to mean "the full citizenship rights enjoyed by the occupants of the city of Rome" rather than the second class status the term had always implied. Silk appears in Rome for the first time, probably brought by travelers from China traveling along Rome’s newly built roads throughout Parthia. Caesarion commissions the Aqueduct Ptolemia to help supply water to the ever growing city of Rome. Sharhus completes the design for Cleopatra’s Pyramid and workers and slaves begin laying the foundation of the massive tomb. The 15 year old Arminius joins the Roman army at Ptolemia Vicossinum. Arminius (in TTL) is a member of a highly respected and powerful family in Germania who aligned themselves quickly with Rome after Caesar’s conquest.

Heraios, clan chieftain of one of the three remaining Kushan tribes remaining north of Rome’s border in the east, unifies the tribes and establishes the Kushan empire with its capital at Kokand. During and after the Roman conquest of Parthia, two of the tribes were exterminated by Scipio and their territory annexed along with Parthia. The three remaining tribes were pushed eastward into the Hindu Kush. Heraios, a child when the mass migration east occurred, has grown into a man with an enormous hatred of Rome.

1 A.D. Caesarion leaves for Egypt to oversee the construction of Cleopatra’s Pyramid. The emperor will remain until the Pyramid is complete in 18, ruling the Roman world from Alexandria. He appoints Tarquinius Seva as Imperator Interrex in his absence. The Archelan Revolt begins in Judaea, as the ethnarch orders all "good and pious Jews" to resist the oppression of the Roman empire. Scipio the Younger slaughters nearly 238 Jews during a demonstration against Roman rule in the Temple of Jerusalem. Scipio the Younger orders the temple burned to the ground and institutes martial law throughout Judaea. Archelaus manages to escape Jerusalem with a small army and marches to Massada where he fortifies himself and his 1300 man army inside the massive fortress. Ovid writes Metamorphoses. Pharxes dies and Caesarion, in honor of both the old general and his mother, orders an Egyptian obelisk (OTL Flaminio) taken from Heliopolis to be raised in the Forum Julium.

Heraios’ first major raid into Roman lands. He manages to seize the border town, Samarkand in the process.

Start of the Yuanshi era of the Han Chinese, as Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty begins his reign at the age of 9 years old, but the real power behind the throne is the regent Wang Mang. Approximate date of the introduction of Buddhism in China.

2 A.D. Caesarion orders Scipio the Younger’s army to stop outside Massada in Feb and to negotiate with Archelaus to keep the revolt from spreading any further in Judaea. Caesarion offers Archelaus peaceful terms to end the revolt. He offers the ethnarch total clemency for himself and his followers (including his army at Massada) if they surrender Massada and call off the rebellion. He further promises to draft a law favorable to religions other than those practiced in Rome, particularly Judaism. Archelaus agrees, but only after meeting with Caesarion first. The first meeting between the emperor and the powerful religious figure occurs on April 2nd and after three days of negotiations, Caesarion officially pardons Archelaus and his followers. Archelaus surrenders Massada to the Romans and the massive fortress becomes an important base of Roman military power in the area. Under the agreement reached between Caesarion and Archelaus, known as the Edictum Massada, the emperor agrees to work with the Senate to make Rome more tolerable to other religions. Caesarion transfers Scipio the Younger’s command to Legio (Legion) 87 in Armenia. He decides to install Marcus Caerti as the military governor of Judaea, reducing the once semi-autonomous kingdom to a Military Province of the empire. According to the historian Strabo, lions become extinct in Western Europe.

Heraios defeats Imperator Herculus in the Battle of the Hindu Kush in early May, securing the area around Samarkand and Bukhara for the new Kushan Empire. Herculus retreats to Merv to rebuild his army. In August, Heraios invades the Roman Empire and advances toward Merv, besieging the important city just as the first snow of the year begins to fall in October.

Regent Wang Mang of the Chinese commissions an exploratory party to map the barbarian lands west of China. According to the imperial court scribe Loa Dwang, he was particularly interested in the legendary empire, Da Chin or Daqin (Rome) which was rumored at the time to have conquered the whole of Parthia, and wanted to find out about the power and extent of Rome.

3 A.D. Germanicus marries Merhnaza in a huge ceremony in the Forum Julium. Caesarion returns to Alexandria and begins drafting a more tolerable law governing religion throughout the empire, realizing that the empire must learn to accept different cultures and religions to rule effectively. Workers complete the massive foundation of Cleopatra’s Pyramid in June. Seva commissions the Via Seva in Britannia, with its beginning in Londinium. Publius Varus retires from military service and returns to Rome to work in politics for the remainder of his life.

Heraios captures Merv in January, killing Herculus in the process. The provinces of Bactria and Sogdiana revolt against the Romans and are annexed by the Kushans. Heraios continues south toward Damghan on the Caspian sea, besieging the city in May. Heraios captures this city during the Battle of Damghan Hill, but is almost defeated by the Roman general Antonius Jarthus. Heraios and Jarthus fight a series of skirmishes throughout northeastern Parthia, and by December, Heraios is pushed back to Merv.

Wang Mang’s exploratory party under general Hzu Pui leaves Ch’angan in March, and passes through the Gansu Corridor, travelling west toward the former Parthian border. The first Chinese census estimates a population of 57 million throughout the empire. Deng Yu, Chinese general and statesman, is born.

Approximate date for the founding of the Kingdom of Axum in East Africa.