French WWII historia mag's map concerning German's plans in the Est

Just discovered this map in a current french (escuse my english) historia mag I follow since a good time. It's bimonthly and the main article follow the war timeline, with others sub articles about others occurences, battles or personnalities of the war.

Sorry, I don't own a scanner, so here's some photos.

The magazine in a whole is very serious, well sourced. This article though is maybe a little bit more into what if and guessing, something historians in France almost never like in my experience.

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I had a good chuckle reading that as I realized they lifted most of that information directly off of Wikipedia articles that I’ve helped create.
No matter where it comes from, I am quite impressed that they would print it in a magazine. Very cool.
I am not sure if the poster above is serious.
Dead serious. I've been a helpful contributor to that site for quite a while now. For instance, I'm the one who clarified that the actual name of that planned maritime city in Norway was actually "Nordstern". Most historians still make the common mistake of referring to that project as "Neu-Drontheim" instead.


I'm never sure if Burgund was ever a serious idea or just the wishful thinking of Himmler. Ever mind adding Wallonien, for that matter.

Translations for the right-hand part of the map (the various numbers on the map) would be thankful.