Flag Thread III

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Juat a reminder to all those budding flaggists that the latest official Flag Challenge is still open!

And speaking of Flag Challenge, I am cross-posting my entry!

This is the flag of the Central Italian Union, founded in 1849 by the Tuscan Habsburgs in order to fend off Sardinian aggression and repress Italian Republicanism. Consisting out of the Duchy of Parma, the Duchy of Modena, the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia and the Kingdom of Tuscany (which absorbed Romagna, Lucca and San Marino) the CIU rivals the power of Sardinia-Piedmont, especially after the collapse of Two Sicilies.

The design is a compromise with Italian nationalists and the Habsburg Monarchy. The basic design is based on older flags of the former Grand Duchy of Tuscany (the two red and the sole white bar), with a red lion symbolising the Habsburgs added, as well as two green stripes in order to invoke a connection to the Italian states from the Napoleonic Wars. Furthermore the four bars in total also stand for the four member states.

Since I am currently a bit of a flag mood, I have to double post. Enjoy these two flags for the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of Turkey. Comments as always appreciated.




TigerLion;5796101[B said:
][/B]-awesome flags-

I suggest, for #4, to make the back-half of the Kangaroo the same green the front is laid against. That way it can be easily made out to be a 'roo while keeping the effect


Since I am currently a bit of a flag mood, I have to double post. Enjoy these two flags for the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of Turkey. Comments as always appreciated.

The Turkish one looks similar to one I made a while back for a Turkish republic:


I'm not so keen on the one for Belgium - the red is too pale, and there's too much of it, I think.

A flag for the Kingdom of Crimea from Fire Emblem 9 & 10.

I rather like that. I'm not sure why, but the blank, white space works. :)
An idea for a flag of a communist Turkestan of the 1920s. The official ideology is a Marxism with an Islamic face (a blend of Marxism and Muslim national communism, has proposed by Sultan Galiev and Young Bukharians) something similar to OTL Bukharan People's Soviet Republic and Khorezm People's Soviet Republic.


Would be nice if it had something similar to the hammer and sickle but in the style of Central Asia. Like ones in the flag of Khorezm People's Soviet Republic (they seem to be a sickle, spade and cotton plan). But unfortunately there are beyond my modest skills in Gimp.

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