Explain the AH Quote

"Long live Free Ontario!"

The motto of the satirical Ontarian Nationals group, formed in response to the Front de libération du Québec, whose demands they considered unworkable and worthy of ridicule. Their counter-protests of the group, alongside gathering signatures in support of their own "manifesto" calling for such things as building taller schools to promote higher learning, repealing the law of gravity, and buying Greenland from Denmark to make it a Canadian province among other bits of nonsense (even gathering more signatures than the petitions in support of the FLQ), made the FLQ fade largely into obscurity after 3 years.

"America was founded on the idea that human beings should be free to live their own lives. To be masters of their own destiny. That, by the way, is the definition of American Exceptionalism. People, not government, should be in charge of their own lives. They should be free. Free to succeed. Free to fail." Steven Crowder
The motto of the satirical Ontarian Nationals group, formed in response to the Front de libération du Québec, whose demands they considered unworkable and worthy of ridicule. Their counter-protests of the group, alongside gathering signatures in support of their own "manifesto" calling for such things as building taller schools to promote higher learning, repealing the law of gravity, and buying Greenland from Denmark to make it a Canadian province among other bits of nonsense (even gathering more signatures than the petitions in support of the FLQ), made the FLQ fade largely into obscurity after 3 years.

"America was founded on the idea that human beings should be free to live their own lives. To be masters of their own destiny. That, by the way, is the definition of American Exceptionalism. People, not government, should be in charge of their own lives. They should be free. Free to succeed. Free to fail." Steven Crowder

The CSA won the civil war (meaning: no loss of territory + indy) due to European intervention in 1862, but the Union with Abraham Lincoln at its helm emancipated their slaves and revoked any Fugitive Slave laws, so that any slave managing to go over the Union border was a free man. The same applied if one managed to get to neutral Kentucky. No Jim-Crow-like laws were instituted either as Radical Republicans - rid of most of the Democrats in Congress and the remaining ones being abolitionists - pushed through truely rights-giving amendments and laws.
But as the Boll Weevil crossed the Rio Grande in 1866, two years after the election of George Washington Julian, the CSA collapsed. Jefferson Davis was POTCS, but due to the States' Rights thingy and a neutral Kentucky, Texas and Virginia - the state with the capital of Richmond - seceded instead of calling the Army up. Floridian and Georgian responses were also lukewarm, and the Union thought it legal to support secessionist states against the CSA as they - and rightfully so - saw them as independent states and not as part of the CSA where they were not allowed to intervene. The CSA saw it differently, naturally, and Birmingham declared war on the USA. Together with the War of the Three Germanies (Switzerland wanted to bite a piece off and intervened on the German side) with a French intervention pro-Austria and later a Russian Civil War about reactionatries wanting to introduce serfdom, the Spanish, French and Brits intervening on the side of the Confederacy, Portugal, though, intervening on the US side and Britain later blatantly changing sides to the US-Prussian side, this should become World War I. However, nobody called it that as the Europeans mainly thought of it as a War of the Three Germanies, sometimes even seen as combined with Wars of the Bavarian and Piemontese Succession.

After eleven years of warfare in Europe Portugal got Galicia, the Germanies were united unter Prussian leadership with Prussia controlling territory from Esbjerg to Trieste and from Freiburg (Switzerland) to Königsberg, the British Empire got even mightier and the Portuguese getting Galicia. Russia broke up and left several puppet states of Germany (or, if you want to be generous, Germano-Hungarian or Germano-Finnish ones) in place, somewhat like Brest-Litovsk, and had another civil war. In America, however, the war went on. The Confederates put up a hard guerilla fight and there were a lot of secessions and counter-secessions on both sides. As the war in Europe wound down, the one in America wound up and after seven years, it was a real war between powers more than a civil war. Kentuckians varyingly fought for the Union or Confederate Armies, this also applied to Virginians and Texans, and all three proved extremely valiant fighters. Further to the West, Mormons - still practising polygamy and the USA finding them even more unacceptable than blacks - seceded and founded the Holy Kingdom of Deseret, taking the Navajo and Hopi nations with them. Several Indian tribes also allied with the Confederate side and thus, a supply route could be established from Arkansas into Utah, naturally only with the help of Franco-Spano-British veterans. And they now came in droves.
Elections were still held every four years as ever in the USA, however, this increasingly became a show as George Washington Julian won the next three elections handily on a fig-leaf "Keep the Union!" campaign (1868, 1872, 1876, 1880). On top of it all, with a VEI 7 of Mt. Rinjani, there is a Second Year Without a Summer and so, harvests were severely diminished and completely failed in 1883 in Europe.
In the winter of 1882/1883, with millions over millions of men having perished on both sides, the people of the Union - against the united powers of Europe (with Germany having chosen neutrality and Platz an der Sonne in as of yet 'available' Africa for now!), the Union Army was more or less stalemated - had enough of continuous warfare on their territory and nobody being able or wanting to stop it and rose up. But it was not communism that reared its head (although some strands of rebels were communist), but what took power was an extreme Christian Fundamentalist - but pacifist - streak of the Moralist movement, i.e. radically Christian pseudo-socialists (Charity, but only if you are up to the high Moral Standards!).
The CSA was the one to profit, but also several secessionist states. As the European Powers did not really believe in either some "states' rights" thingy nor in the peculiar institution, they recognised both the CSA (Tennesse, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi) and several independent nations (Texas, Florida, Virginia, Deseret) and withdrew hastily due to red revolutions occuring in Europe. France and Spain could no longer be salvaged and the Reds proclaimed An XCI de la Revolution. Germany was content with snatching Alsace-Lorraine and Portugal thought it needed Extremadura, but otherwise, full-scale invasion of a Franco-Spanish Rational Workers' State (FSRWS) was deemed impractical. On top of that, by 1887, Extremadura proved too Spanish to handle for Portugal (constant pro-FSRWS unrest mainly out of nationalism) and the latter fell to supported communists.

Out of the Moral Movement - now, the USA was frequently called Moral States or Christian States of America even though those names were never official - a state was formed, a theocracy where God was to be beseeched when harvests failed and where every American had to live a good life. What that meant depended on "the Word of God" uttered through the President, but it always included:
- life, being fruitful and multiply as much as possible
- prohibition of alcohol, tobacco (the latter less enforced), "lewdness" (mostly pornography, homsexual acts and of course polygamy), divorces ----> forced lifelong marriage, often from youth
- keeping to the Ten Commandments and, depending on POTUS, many other verses of the Bible
- work, get as rich as possible
- be charitable, give to the poor,
- serve in the military forces or police, fulfil several other civil duties (from serving at the altar to several forced "experiences", e.g. prison on both sides or a (mostly mock) criminal trial - that shall deter you from committing sins=crimes)

Only such a life was considered any good, and a life that could not become good (e.g. because the parents had committed homosexual acts, were polygamous, the child was concieved due to rape or the mother had a previous abortion, or many other circumstances) was prone to be ended prematurely being considered "not good enough to be lived out" or "lived in irredeemable sin". Meanwhile, Europeans were busy establishing red forms of government and/or killing each other for nationalist causes in the East (Hungary!) - or colonising Africa, opening Japan and doing other things than caring about what a Moralist in New Jerusalem, D.C. did - and Virginia and Kentucky were "reincorporated" into the Union in 1890. It was an invasion, but resistance was as token as with Anschluss. Texas was puppetised, but the Moral States had to promise them independence as otherwise, war would have followed. Britain turned to other things, too, e.g. expanding their Empire, keeping up with the German Empire, hindering the FSRWS as well as possible from acquiring colonies (which didn't work that well as Italians grew quite fond of the FSRWS, too, and built on their example to form the Italian Rational State), and forgot all about supporting Birmingham.
The War of American Reunification was fought as an uprising in Kentucky in support of the CSA - yes, still including the peculiar institution - was supported from Birmingham and the Governor of Kentucky assassinated on July 16, 1906. Another three years of warfare with once again secessions and counter-secessions were necessary to reintegrate the CSA and Deseret. Texas no longer remained independent either after another Anschluss in 1911-12 (with a bit more than token resistance), and America was united again.

The Moral States were black-friendly (born out of a Union with extremely pronounced rights of every citizen, after all) and generally friendly to devout to fundamentalist religious immigrants, so that devout Christians and devout Jews, Muslims or Hindus, as long as they followed the principles outlined above, could live together.

The Moralist regime lasted now and Europe was stable, too, with the four powers of the ERWS (after having annexed Belgium and Luxembourg, the FSRWS was renamed), the German Empire, the Russian Empire, and the British Empire. In Asia, the Rational Republic of Japan and the Rational Manchukuo State were pitted against the American-leaning Zua Dynasty. However, all was not good in the Moral States: Organised crime grew and grew as not all corners of the country could be controlled and moralism became ever more a double-standard as more and more lives were deemed "irredeemably sinful", ended by an ever stronger secret police and then Stasi-like system, etc. pp. Elections, by the way, were still held every four years for the show effect. As a result of more frequent uprisings and demonstrations and, worse, "violating Values of God or the Ten Commandments" becoming more common, the governments became ever more paranoid.

1903-1915: Henré K. Calhoun
1915-1923: Rainer M. Steinschneider
1923-1931: Abraham S. Kaufman
1931-1939: Ibou Janneh
1939-1947: Peter I. Roberts

The Janneh and Roberts presidencies could already be labeled as totalitarian and persecuting anybody who was even accused of immoral behaviour, but by the beginning of the 1951 term of Jonathan S. Leaven (Peter Roberts resigned de to health reasons), foreign policy came back into the Moral States as a Red regime had taken over in Brazil, even if by more or less democratic means. The European and Italian Rational Workers' States supported the regime in Sao Paulo and the Moralists supported a Moral counterrevolution. For now, it remained a proxy war - and the secret police and secret services became more omnipresent - but soon enough, Colombia and Panama followed. At first, the Moral regime in Panama was restored with the utmost brutality in April 1953, but then, as the ERWS sent their proper navy and army into Panama and fought against the newly imposed Moralists, the Moral States themselves declared war on the European Rational Workers' States on May 25, 1953.
And with this move, World War II started. The Chinese armies of the Zua dynasty proved vastly inferior (though not at all lacking religous zeal and fervor) to the Japanese and Russian modern armies, and so did the Moral American armies as both states wer built on a foundation of pacifism and non-interventionism rather than war (Monroe Doctrine!). The navies and air forces of the two "vast" states could be defeated relatively easily, although not quite as easily as the Allies expected. Despite no navy and air force support, through their extreme religious zeal and fervor (and discipline, even if only enforced through crucifixion and burning at the stake), both of these armies could wreak a lot of havoc before they were beaten. Many cities were damaged or destroyed, about 9 million civilians were killed in the ERWS alone by attacks that rather resemble terrorist attacks than true military, though it all resembled more "Da'esh with a nation" than World War II in OTL.
Nevertheless, the ERWS deemed it necessary to use, on July 4, 1957, the newly-developed nuclear bomb on New Jerusalem to destroy the government of the Moral States as Illarramendi (rename for Paris) believed this the easiest way to break the fundamentalists once and forever.

This could be achieved, and Stephen Crowder had been picked as the one most rational revolutionary (=rebel) leader to lead a new American nation. London, Illarramendi, Milan and Tokyo had agreed to jointly occupy the former USA, while Germany got to occupy the 1861 CSA together with Moscow. And when Stephen Crowder was finally inaugurated as the first Director (President is now a title as shunned as Führer in OTL Germany) of the Rational American Workers' Nation, the capital renamed Sisto, D.C. (after a prominent Italian leader of the revolution), he spoke this world-famous quote.
An important thing in the RAWN from the beginning and to this day is the freedom you have, the freedom you have to choose how you want to live your life, who you want to govern you (democracy!),... and this includes the freedom to flunk your life! The most important thing about Rational Workers' Republics/Nations/States distinguishing them from OTL European democracies is their strict atheism (total separation of church and state, no religious holidays etc. - but by the early 1950s, you could enter a church in France without the police getting suspicious), their "checks" on democracy by technocratically selected bodies which have the rights to veto irrational decisions (but rarely have used these powers as of yet), and being governed by a Director, namely the Director of the Convention of the - democratically elected - Syndicate Directors.

A Cold War between Rationalists (Illarramendi, Milan and Tokyo) and Monarchists (Berlin and Moscow), with London more neutral, ensued. Despite the fact that it was not as hot as OTL Cold War and more "fought" on scientific and other fields, in addition to some proxy wars in the Third World, the two nations (the Königreich Amerika =Kingdom of America and the Rational American Workers' Nation) have not yet managed - and might well never manage - to reunite.

"Yes, the price of freedom can sometimes be one's life. That 124 people lost their lives is sad, but it was a demonstration of as well as a necessity for freedom, for the Western, especially the American Way of Life! I will see to the preservation of this Liberty, the Liberty that was imagined by the Founding Fathers when they used this word in the Constitution!"
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The CSA won the civil war (meaning: no loss of territory + indy) due to European intervention in 1862, but the Union with Abraham Lincoln at its helm emancipated their slaves and revoked any Fugitive Slave laws, so that any slave managing to go over the Union border was a free man. The same applied if one managed to get to neutral Kentucky. No Jim-Crow-like laws were instituted either as Radical Republicans - rid of most of the Democrats in Congress and the remaining ones being abolitionists - pushed through truely rights-giving amendments and laws.
But as the Boll Weevil crossed the Rio Grande in 1866, two years after the election of George Washington Julian, the CSA collapsed. Jefferson Davis was POTCS, but due to the States' Rights thingy and a neutral Kentucky, Texas and Virginia - the state with the capital of Richmond - seceded instead of calling the Army up. Floridian and Georgian responses were also lukewarm, and the Union thought it legal to support secessionist states against the CSA as they - and rightfully so - saw them as independent states and not as part of the CSA where they were not allowed to intervene. The CSA saw it differently, naturally, and Birmingham declared war on the USA. Together with the War of the Three Germanies (Switzerland wanted to bite a piece off and intervened on the German side) with a French intervention pro-Austria and later a Russian Civil War about reactionatries wanting to introduce serfdom, the Spanish, French and Brits intervening on the side of the Confederacy, Portugal, though, intervening on the US side and Britain later blatantly changing sides to the US-Prussian side, this should become World War I. However, nobody called it that as the Europeans mainly thought of it as a War of the Three Germanies, sometimes even seen as combined with Wars of the Bavarian and Piemontese Succession.

After eleven years of warfare in Europe Portugal got Galicia, the Germanies were united unter Prussian leadership with Prussia controlling territory from Esbjerg to Trieste and from Freiburg (Switzerland) to Königsberg, the British Empire got even mightier and the Portuguese getting Galicia. Russia broke up and left several puppet states of Germany (or, if you want to be generous, Germano-Hungarian or Germano-Finnish ones) in place, somewhat like Brest-Litovsk, and had another civil war. In America, however, the war went on. The Confederates put up a hard guerilla fight and there were a lot of secessions and counter-secessions on both sides. As the war in Europe wound down, the one in America wound up and after seven years, it was a real war between powers more than a civil war. Kentuckians varyingly fought for the Union or Confederate Armies, this also applied to Virginians and Texans, and all three proved extremely valiant fighters. Further to the West, Mormons - still practising polygamy and the USA finding them even more unacceptable than blacks - seceded and founded the Holy Kingdom of Deseret, taking the Navajo and Hopi nations with them. Several Indian tribes also allied with the Confederate side and thus, a supply route could be established from Arkansas into Utah, naturally only with the help of Franco-Spano-British veterans. And they now came in droves.
Elections were still held every four years as ever in the USA, however, this increasingly became a show as George Washington Julian won the next three elections handily on a fig-leaf "Keep the Union!" campaign (1868, 1872, 1876, 1880). On top of it all, with a VEI 7 of Mt. Rinjani, there is a Second Year Without a Summer and so, harvests were severely diminished and completely failed in 1883 in Europe.
In the winter of 1882/1883, with millions over millions of men having perished on both sides, the people of the Union - against the united powers of Europe (with Germany having chosen neutrality and Platz an der Sonne in as of yet 'available' Africa for now!), the Union Army was more or less stalemated - had enough of continuous warfare on their territory and nobody being able or wanting to stop it and rose up. But it was not communism that reared its head (although some strands of rebels were communist), but what took power was an extreme Christian Fundamentalist - but pacifist - streak of the Moralist movement, i.e. radically Christian pseudo-socialists (Charity, but only if you are up to the high Moral Standards!).
The CSA was the one to profit, but also several secessionist states. As the European Powers did not really believe in either some "states' rights" thingy nor in the peculiar institution, they recognised both the CSA (Tennesse, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi) and several independent nations (Texas, Florida, Virginia, Deseret) and withdrew hastily due to red revolutions occuring in Europe. France and Spain could no longer be salvaged and the Reds proclaimed An XCI de la Revolution. Germany was content with snatching Alsace-Lorraine and Portugal thought it needed Extremadura, but otherwise, full-scale invasion of a Franco-Spanish Rational Workers' State (FSRWS) was deemed impractical. On top of that, by 1887, Extremadura proved too Spanish to handle for Portugal (constant pro-FSRWS unrest mainly out of nationalism) and the latter fell to supported communists.

Out of the Moral Movement - now, the USA was frequently called Moral States or Christian States of America even though those names were never official - a state was formed, a theocracy where God was to be beseeched when harvests failed and where every American had to live a good life. What that meant depended on "the Word of God" uttered through the President, but it always included:
- life, being fruitful and multiply as much as possible
- prohibition of alcohol, tobacco (the latter less enforced), "lewdness" (mostly pornography, homsexual acts and of course polygamy), divorces ----> forced lifelong marriage, often from youth
- keeping to the Ten Commandments and, depending on POTUS, many other verses of the Bible
- work, get as rich as possible
- be charitable, give to the poor,
- serve in the military forces or police, fulfil several other civil duties (from serving at the altar to several forced "experiences", e.g. prison on both sides or a (mostly mock) criminal trial - that shall deter you from committing sins=crimes)

Only such a life was considered any good, and a life that could not become good (e.g. because the parents had committed homosexual acts, were polygamous, the child was concieved due to rape or the mother had a previous abortion, or many other circumstances) was prone to be ended prematurely being considered "not good enough to be lived out" or "lived in irredeemable sin". Meanwhile, Europeans were busy establishing red forms of government and/or killing each other for nationalist causes in the East (Hungary!) - or colonising Africa, opening Japan and doing other things than caring about what a Moralist in New Jerusalem, D.C. did - and Virginia and Kentucky were "reincorporated" into the Union in 1890. It was an invasion, but resistance was as token as with Anschluss. Texas was puppetised, but the Moral States had to promise them independence as otherwise, war would have followed. Britain turned to other things, too, e.g. expanding their Empire, keeping up with the German Empire, hindering the FSRWS as well as possible from acquiring colonies (which didn't work that well as Italians grew quite fond of the FSRWS, too, and built on their example to form the Italian Rational State), and forgot all about supporting Birmingham.
The War of American Reunification was fought as an uprising in Kentucky in support of the CSA - yes, still including the peculiar institution - was supported from Birmingham and the Governor of Kentucky assassinated on July 16, 1906. Another three years of warfare with once again secessions and counter-secessions were necessary to reintegrate the CSA and Deseret. Texas no longer remained independent either after another Anschluss in 1911-12 (with a bit more than token resistance), and America was united again.

The Moral States were black-friendly (born out of a Union with extremely pronounced rights of every citizen, after all) and generally friendly to devout to fundamentalist religious immigrants, so that devout Christians and devout Jews, Muslims or Hindus, as long as they followed the principles outlined above, could live together.

The Moralist regime lasted now and Europe was stable, too, with the four powers of the ERWS (after having annexed Belgium and Luxembourg, the FSRWS was renamed), the German Empire, the Russian Empire, and the British Empire. In Asia, the Rational Republic of Japan and the Rational Manchukuo State were pitted against the American-leaning Zua Dynasty. However, all was not good in the Moral States: Organised crime grew and grew as not all corners of the country could be controlled and moralism became ever more a double-standard as more and more lives were deemed "irredeemably sinful", ended by an ever stronger secret police and then Stasi-like system, etc. pp. Elections, by the way, were still held every four years for the show effect. As a result of more frequent uprisings and demonstrations and, worse, "violating Values of God or the Ten Commandments" becoming more common, the governments became ever more paranoid.

1903-1915: Henré K. Calhoun
1915-1923: Rainer M. Steinschneider
1923-1931: Abraham S. Kaufman
1931-1939: Ibou Janneh
1939-1947: Peter I. Roberts

The Janneh and Roberts presidencies could already be labeled as totalitarian and persecuting anybody who was even accused of immoral behaviour, but by the beginning of the 1951 term of Jonathan S. Leaven (Peter Roberts resigned de to health reasons), foreign policy came back into the Moral States as a Red regime had taken over in Brazil, even if by more or less democratic means. The European and Italian Rational Workers' States supported the regime in Sao Paulo and the Moralists supported a Moral counterrevolution. For now, it remained a proxy war - and the secret police and secret services became more omnipresent - but soon enough, Colombia and Panama followed. At first, the Moral regime in Panama was restored with the utmost brutality in April 1953, but then, as the ERWS sent their proper navy and army into Panama and fought against the newly imposed Moralists, the Moral States themselves declared war on the European Rational Workers' States on May 25, 1953.
And with this move, World War II started. The Chinese armies of the Zua dynasty proved vastly inferior (though not at all lacking religous zeal and fervor) to the Japanese and Russian modern armies, and so did the Moral American armies as both states wer built on a foundation of pacifism and non-interventionism rather than war (Monroe Doctrine!). The navies and air forces of the two "vast" states could be defeated relatively easily, although not quite as easily as the Allies expected. Despite no navy and air force support, through their extreme religious zeal and fervor (and discipline, even if only enforced through crucifixion and burning at the stake), both of these armies could wreak a lot of havoc before they were beaten. Many cities were damaged or destroyed, about 9 million civilians were killed in the ERWS alone by attacks that rather resemble terrorist attacks than true military, though it all resembled more "Da'esh with a nation" than World War II in OTL.
Nevertheless, the ERWS deemed it necessary to use, on July 4, 1957, the newly-developed nuclear bomb on New Jerusalem to destroy the government of the Moral States as Illarramendi (rename for Paris) believed this the easiest way to break the fundamentalists once and forever.

This could be achieved, and Stephen Crowder had been picked as the one most rational revolutionary (=rebel) leader to lead a new American nation. London, Illarramendi, Milan and Tokyo had agreed to jointly occupy the former USA, while Germany got to occupy the 1861 CSA together with Moscow. And when Stephen Crowder was finally inaugurated as the first Director (President is now a title as shunned as Führer in OTL Germany) of the Rational American Workers' Nation, the capital renamed Sisto, D.C. (after a prominent Italian leader of the revolution), he spoke this world-famous quote.
An important thing in the RAWN from the beginning and to this day is the freedom you have, the freedom you have to choose how you want to live your life, who you want to govern you (democracy!),... and this includes the freedom to flunk your life! The most important thing about Rational Workers' Republics/Nations/States distinguishing them from OTL European democracies is their strict atheism (total separation of church and state, no religious holidays etc. - but by the early 1950s, you could enter a church in France without the police getting suspicious), their "checks" on democracy by technocratically selected bodies which have the rights to veto irrational decisions (but rarely have used these powers as of yet), and being governed by a Director, namely the Director of the Convention of the - democratically elected - Syndicate Directors.

A Cold War between Rationalists (Illarramendi, Milan and Tokyo) and Monarchists (Berlin and Moscow), with London more neutral, ensued. Despite the fact that it was not as hot as OTL Cold War and more "fought" on scientific and other fields, in addition to some proxy wars in the Third World, the two nations (the Königreich Amerika =Kingdom of America and the Rational American Workers' Nation) have not yet managed - and might well never manage - to reunite.

"Yes, the price of freedom can sometimes be one's life. That 124 people lost their lives is sad, but it was a demonstration of as well as a necessity for freedom, for the Western, especially the American Way of Life! I will see to the preservation of this Liberty, the Liberty that was imagined by the Founding Fathers when they used this word in the Constitution!"

President Andrew Carnegie after an accident at one of his steel plants unleashed a flood of molten metal that killed 124 people. The "freedom" he mentions is that of contract; he reasons that if the workers had quit and taken another job before the accident they would still be alive, and also that if they had worked harder to ensure no accidents then it would not have happened. On these grounds, he refused to reimburse the workers' families; this caused a scandal that eventually led to Carnegie's conviction for manslaughter and impeachment by the Senate. His successors were finally forced to implement labor reform by the fallout from this incident and a fire at a shirt factory that burned a quarter of Manhattan.

"I, Victoria Woodhull, do solemnly swear..."
"I, Victoria Woodhull, do solemnly swear..."
Victoria Woodhull swearing in as the Governor of Wyoming Territory.

"Mi prioridad por mi próximo gobierno será Chimeca, sus ciudadanos y su bienestar."
(My priority for my next government will be Chimeca, its citizens and its welfare)​
- Teddy Cruz
Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Chimeca​
"Mi prioridad por mi próximo gobierno será Chimeca, sus ciudadanos y su bienestar."
(My priority for my next government will be Chimeca, its citizens and its welfare)​
- Teddy Cruz
Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Chimeca​

Swearing the oath of office after his election as the PM of Chimeca (a state born after World War II and Second American Civil War in New Mexico and western Texas as a "Native" republic - with a non-native majority).

"WHAT? Don't klick 'book flights', please! Do not take your next vacation in the Holy Catholic Empire if you want to continue living!"
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Swearing the oath of office after his election as the PM of Chimeca (a state born after World War II and Second American Civil War in New Mexico and western Texas as a "Native" republic - with a non-native majority).

"WHAT? Don't klick 'book flights', please! Do not take your next vacation in the Holy Catholic Empire if you want to continue living!"

A phrase from the T.V show Saturday Night Live lampooning tensions in the H.C.E. The H.C.E or technically the Holy Catholic Roman Empire of Spain and Germany united under the House of Habsburgs, was undergoing severe tensions as Nationalists, Ultra-Catholics, Communists and other groups tried to overthrow the once great Empire, who having allowed her American colonies to drift away into independence and being sucked into wars in African colonial possessions was undergoing severe tensions. The line which was from an episode aired first in 1974 predated the Great Reforms of His most Catholic Roman Emperor Charles XIX which federated the massive Empire into several different states, an Iberian state, an Italian state, and a German state, along with autonomous Basque and Dutch territory in 1978. After a while the massive amount of violence and instability decreased and the economic benefits began to roll on as Iberia and Italy industrialized and Germany began to import more goods from around the world. By 1987 another S.N.L skit would lampoon the "Romans" in a different way, making fun of their historical allusions to the old ultra Reactionary Empire while they also currently lived in a modern state that while being extremely socially conservative was more or less like the 7th French Republic or Commonwealth of England as a Social Democratic state built upon welfare. Though H.C.R.E.S.G.I (Holy Catholic Roman Empire of Spain, Germany, and Italy) had a welfare system based off a negative income tax and "catholic charities" and was run by Catholic Corporations (Corporativism/Corporatism) rather than Western/Northern European style trade unions. By 2003 the 3 Empires would officially split into 3 different states, with the colonies being granted independence in a "Roman Catholic Commonwealth" maintaining inter-commonwealth trade and political relations. 3 Emperors reigned in Europe, and 1 in the Americas (Empire of Gran Colombia). The new reformed state would do well and while cultural differences began to become clearer economic relations improved as Spain and Italy were free of German industry and Germany free of Italo-Spanish agriculture allowing the 2 economic spheres to develop on their own respective economic sectors. Today those countries are doing very well and rank among the highest in happiness due partially to the economy and safety but also to the extremely high church attendance rates.

"Long have I and my Brothers toiled to bring the light of his Holiness the Pope and the true word of Christ to Victory; Long have I and my Brothers fought hard to retain the true legacy of Julius Caeser, Augustus Caeser, and Constantine; and Long have I and my Brothers toiled to rebuild Constantinople to her former glory and splendor. Yet now, these upstart Anarchists and Communists dare desecrate the Holy City of Rome! Exile his Holiness the Pope! Murder the King of Italy in cold blood! I and my Brothers will not accept this, Constantinople will not accept this. The Imperium Romaniae will not accept this! Ever since our forefathers brought the light of the true word of God in 1204 we have fought to save God's Kingdom on Earth, and this year should be no exception, and so 734 years after the begining of the rebirth of our Empire, I, Emperor Philip XVI of the Imperium Romaniae issue this declaration of War on the so-called People's Socialist Republic of Italy, the so-called Soviet Socialist Republic of Muscovy, and the People's Commonwealth of Britain. Long live Christ! Long live the Pope! Long live the Empire!"
"Long have I and my Brothers toiled to bring the light of his Holiness the Pope and the true word of Christ to Victory; Long have I and my Brothers fought hard to retain the true legacy of Julius Caeser, Augustus Caeser, and Constantine; and Long have I and my Brothers toiled to rebuild Constantinople to her former glory and splendor. Yet now, these upstart Anarchists and Communists dare desecrate the Holy City of Rome! Exile his Holiness the Pope! Murder the King of Italy in cold blood! I and my Brothers will not accept this, Constantinople will not accept this. The Imperium Romaniae will not accept this! Ever since our forefathers brought the light of the true word of God in 1204 we have fought to save God's Kingdom on Earth, and this year should be no exception, and so 734 years after the begining of the rebirth of our Empire, I, Emperor Philip XVI of the Imperium Romaniae issue this declaration of War on the so-called People's Socialist Republic of Italy, the so-called Soviet Socialist Republic of Muscovy, and the People's Commonwealth of Britain. Long live Christ! Long live the Pope! Long live the Empire!"

Philip XVI Konstantinos of the Imperium Romaniae gave this speech the day after sending out his declarations of war to Socialist Italy, Soviet Muscovy, and the British Commonwealth in 1956, presenting a potential point at which the Sitting War could have "stood up". Though he didn't hold full ill will towards the Brits, and claimed that he only brought them into the war because they presented no other avenue for the handing over of Cyprus. The Imperium Romaniae had a reputation in Europe for being a stubborn hold out in their ways as, alongside still being a "Classical Republic" headed by a Consul Emperor who otherwise had absolute unchecked power, it also managed to crush its many communist and socialist uprisings. The Imperium always described the Communists and Socialists with many a pejorative, but what finally got them into war with those three ailing states (the Commonwealth of Britain in particular was, by most metrics, approaching failed-state status by then) was the Italian and Muscovite plan to tear down St. Peter's Basilica for materials, alongside their plans on what to do with the art held therein. While all the armies were, in some ways, outdated, the Imperium Romaniae's army was the least outdated, and held an ever so slight numbers advantage. Alongside this, the new generals did manage to prove to be of some merit after getting their bearings from the initial 3 year stalemate. After a total of 9 years at war, the Imperium dissolved the Italian socialist state, taking that territory as "part of the Empire", the Muscovite Union of the Soviets went completely bankrupt, and the Commonwealth went through an outright revolt of its own. This is not to say the Empire didn't have its own problems. Many men had died for their gains, people were more than a bit ailed at the fact that their Consul Emperor had been a bit callous about that fact, and, well, the Consular Election candidates weren't particularly liked either, leading to the first win ever by a write-in "candidate". Said "candidate" was an imaginary man simply named "Augustus", jokingly suggested by a radio host towards the disdainful populous at election time due to it being such a common name throughout the Empire. This had the unfortunate result of, technically, no one at all winning the election, thus leading the Forum to have to decide how to proceed from there. Time will tell how well that ends.

"Your 'assault rifles' are still 'arms', are they not? Thus the Second Amendment still stands." George Washington.
Philip XVI Konstantinos of the Imperium Romaniae gave this speech the day after sending out his declarations of war to Socialist Italy, Soviet Muscovy, and the British Commonwealth in 1956, presenting a potential point at which the Sitting War could have "stood up". Though he didn't hold full ill will towards the Brits, and claimed that he only brought them into the war because they presented no other avenue for the handing over of Cyprus. The Imperium Romaniae had a reputation in Europe for being a stubborn hold out in their ways as, alongside still being a "Classical Republic" headed by a Consul Emperor who otherwise had absolute unchecked power, it also managed to crush its many communist and socialist uprisings. The Imperium always described the Communists and Socialists with many a pejorative, but what finally got them into war with those three ailing states (the Commonwealth of Britain in particular was, by most metrics, approaching failed-state status by then) was the Italian and Muscovite plan to tear down St. Peter's Basilica for materials, alongside their plans on what to do with the art held therein. While all the armies were, in some ways, outdated, the Imperium Romaniae's army was the least outdated, and held an ever so slight numbers advantage. Alongside this, the new generals did manage to prove to be of some merit after getting their bearings from the initial 3 year stalemate. After a total of 9 years at war, the Imperium dissolved the Italian socialist state, taking that territory as "part of the Empire", the Muscovite Union of the Soviets went completely bankrupt, and the Commonwealth went through an outright revolt of its own. This is not to say the Empire didn't have its own problems. Many men had died for their gains, people were more than a bit ailed at the fact that their Consul Emperor had been a bit callous about that fact, and, well, the Consular Election candidates weren't particularly liked either, leading to the first win ever by a write-in "candidate". Said "candidate" was an imaginary man simply named "Augustus", jokingly suggested by a radio host towards the disdainful populous at election time due to it being such a common name throughout the Empire. This had the unfortunate result of, technically, no one at all winning the election, thus leading the Forum to have to decide how to proceed from there. Time will tell how well that ends.

"Your 'assault rifles' are still 'arms', are they not? Thus the Second Amendment still stands." George Washington.
The US State of Pennsylvania is ISOTed to 1788. In Washington's first term, a political struggle breaks out over New Jersey's attempts to regulate the sale of uptime assault rifles after a series of murders and killing sprees. Washington, ironically, supported the measure, saying that weapons of war such as AR-15s should be regulated per the "well-regulated militia" clause, allowing New Jersey to set a precedent of restricting the interstate weapons trade.

"The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart." --Leonid Brezhnev.
The US State of Pennsylvania is ISOTed to 1788. In Washington's first term, a political struggle breaks out over New Jersey's attempts to regulate the sale of uptime assault rifles after a series of murders and killing sprees. Washington, ironically, supported the measure, saying that weapons of war such as AR-15s should be regulated per the "well-regulated militia" clause, allowing New Jersey to set a precedent of restricting the interstate weapons trade.

"The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart." --Leonid Brezhnev.

Leonid Brezhnev in 1980, at a joint press conference with American President John McKeithen, at which they announced the creation of a joint lunar base at the Apollo 11 landing site and urged the lessening of Cold War tensions. Nineteen years later, the base had expanded to house 119 full-time staff, some of whom were preparing for a trip to Mars.

"I bless the rains down in Africa!"
Leonid Brezhnev in 1980, at a joint press conference with American President John McKeithen, at which they announced the creation of a joint lunar base at the Apollo 11 landing site and urged the lessening of Cold War tensions. Nineteen years later, the base had expanded to house 119 full-time staff, some of whom were preparing for a trip to Mars.

"I bless the rains down in Africa!"

Pope Francis II. (2058-2102) after rain had fallen for the first time in almost 7 years in several regions of Mali and Chad - this was later marked as the beginning of the end of global warming as a period of global cooling set in, leading to a renewed cold phase in the current ice age (but that was to take thousands or tens of thousands of years).

"Ach, die paar Leben! Da kräht kein Hahn nach!"
"Ah, those few lives! Nobody cares two hoots about them!"
Pope Francis II. (2058-2102) after rain had fallen for the first time in almost 7 years in several regions of Mali and Chad - this was later marked as the beginning of the end of global warming as a period of global cooling set in, leading to a renewed cold phase in the current ice age (but that was to take thousands or tens of thousands of years).

"Ach, die paar Leben! Da kräht kein Hahn nach!"
"Ah, those few lives! Nobody cares two hoots about them!"
Governor Von Falkynhein's remarks when questioned about the famine in German Babylonia. The famine and German failure to prevent the deaths of 30,000 Babylonians, instead devoting resources to the war with the Greco-Ruthenian and Albanian Empires were key factors in the Crescent Spring.

"Ehhh, I'm walking here!"
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Governor Von Falkynhein's remarks when questioned about the famine in German Babylonia. The famine and German failure to prevent the deaths of 30,000 Babylonians, instead devoting resources to the war with the Greco-Ruthenian and Albanian Empires were key factors in the Crescent Spring.

"Ehhh, I'm walking here!"
President Thomas J. Randolph commenting on writer and activist Ralph Waldo Emersons huge and stupid move seconds before the two were shot. Emerson was trying to Make the president change his mind on slavery as the two walked through the streets of Washington. The president continued to ignore him; and so emmersen walked in front of him, interfering with a nearby assassin named Ullysees S. Grant, a soldier who was against the second war in Mexico, who had meant to shoot Randolph when he went past him, In this case on his first shot, shot he killed Emmerson and on his second shot wounded Thomas Jefferson Randolph and made him lose his life a couple of days later from infection. Randolph was succeeded by his Vice President Jefferson Davis. Grant was hung for conspiracy and murder 10 days later.

"The trees blew making a kind russel, otherwise all was quiet, and then we heard it, breaking the silence were bullets, and we could see men on the horizon of the Mediterranean sky..."
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President Thomas J. Randolph commenting on writer and activist Ralph Waldo Emersons huge and stupid move seconds before the two were shot. Emerson was trying to Make the president change his mind on slavery as the two walked through the streets of Washington. The president continued to ignore him; and so emmersen walked in front of him, interfering with a nearby assassin named Ullysees S. Grant, a soldier who was against the second war in Mexico, who had meant to shoot Randolph when he went past him, In this case on his first shot, shot he killed Emmerson and on his second shot wounded Thomas Jefferson Randolph and made him lose his life a couple of days later from infection. Randolph was succeeded by his Vice President Jefferson Davis. Grant was hung for conspiracy and murder 10 days later.

"The trees blew making a kind russel, otherwise all was quiet, and then we heard it, breaking the silence were bullets, and we could see men on the horizon of the Mediterranean sky..."

The Positive Mediterranean Union of Society - a state built on a positive version of the ideals of Auguste Comté and Positivism - was invaded by the Mahkhetid Caliphate with a well-planned nightly naval invasion where ships landed on all major islands and the coasts (Ibiza, Mallorca, Sicily, Sardinia, southern Italy, South-Eastern Spain) so that they could only be seen in the morning... the population got a collective shock, but in the end, the invasion - the Mahkhetid Caliphate had found an ally in the Fourth Frankish Reich - could be beaten back with the Mahkhetid Caliphate ending up balkanised.

"Cynically one could remark that drinking and driving is the proverbial Great Leveller. I would honestly love to tell everybody: Even Presidents, Kings, Directors and General Secretaries have better chances of surviving if they follow the advice 'Don't drink and drive!', just like you, as everybody could witness, in a tragic way, on Saturday on the roads of Dortmund."
The Positive Mediterranean Union of Society - a state built on a positive version of the ideals of Auguste Comté and Positivism - was invaded by the Mahkhetid Caliphate with a well-planned nightly naval invasion where ships landed on all major islands and the coasts (Ibiza, Mallorca, Sicily, Sardinia, southern Italy, South-Eastern Spain) so that they could only be seen in the morning... the population got a collective shock, but in the end, the invasion - the Mahkhetid Caliphate had found an ally in the Fourth Frankish Reich - could be beaten back with the Mahkhetid Caliphate ending up balkanised.

"Cynically one could remark that drinking and driving is the proverbial Great Leveller. I would honestly love to tell everybody: Even Presidents, Kings, Directors and General Secretaries have better chances of surviving if they follow the advice 'Don't drink and drive!', just like you, as everybody could witness, in a tragic way, on Saturday on the roads of Dortmund."

Bundespräsident Ignatz Keller addressing the German branch of Alcoholics Anonymous in 2016, after a drunk driver in a Lamborghini slammed into a motorcade carrying the Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef on a visit to Germany, killing both. The resulting power vacuum caused severe civil unrest within the kingdom that nearly plunged it into civil war.

"This sky is mine! This sword is mine! This fate is mine! This miracle--MINE!"
"This sky is mine! This sword is mine! This fate is mine! This miracle--MINE!"

The alleged last words of the mad king Tarquin, before being overthrown by the High Priest of Jupiter, who established the Sacerdotal Republic, which would begin the slow evolution of the Romans towards monotheism.

"Yes, proud apostate, thou shalt fall!
Thy crimes aloud for vengeance call!"

Deleted member 97083

"Yes, proud apostate, thou shalt fall!
Thy crimes aloud for vengeance call!"
From Socrates, William Shakespeare's tragedy about the trial and execution of the eponymous character.

"Prague has been rebuilt, and it is the center of a vast empire like nothing seen before."
"Prague has been rebuilt, and it is the center of a vast empire like nothing seen before."

Emperor Jan Zizka celebrates victory and proclaims the creation of the Hussite Empire following the fall of Rome.

Despite Prague being razed early in the Hussite Wars as the Catholic's attempted to crush the movement the Hussite's continued to grow in numbers, with numerous Kings joining the movement. With the Hussite Coalition victorious and now in control of Central Europe Zizka took the title of Emperor with his capital in Prague, the birthplace of the Hussite movement.

"There are battles that determine the fate of Empires. This, I am sure, will be one of them."
"There are battles that determine the fate of Empires. This, I am sure, will be one of them."

General Kyle Sullivan, on the Battle of San Antonio, the largest land battle fought during the Tejas War (1839-1842).
The Spanish Empire had been weakening for years, if not decades. It's American colonies increasingly agitated for independence, it's treasury was all but bare, and there was a brewing succession crisis at home. In the meantime, its rivals for control of the continent, namely the United States and Great Britain, were growing increasingly interested in taking Spanish holdings in the western hemisphere: The Americans were flooding the nominally Spanish Louisiana and Tejas territories with settlers, many of which came technically illegally, and the British hoped to gain a monopoly on the Caribbean trade routes by annexing at least parts of Spanish Cuba and Florida.
The two sides had first came into conflict during the Floridian War of 1810-1813, wherein the Americans had attempted to annex both Spanish Florida and the critical port of New Orleans. That war had ended in an indecisive draw, with the Americans unable to seriously threaten either region by land and the Royal Navy preventing the Spanish from landing enough troops in the Americas to effectively counterattack. The American had, however, been able to export the ideals of the revolution to the Spaniards colonies, which became increasingly restive over the following decades.
The next crises was the Tejas Crisis of 1836. American settlers and Mexican nationalists launched a mass revolt in the Tejas region, supplied by the US and the British. The revolt would last for 3 years before the Spanish finally crushed it at the Battle of Houston in July of 1838. Spurned on by rumors of Spanish atrocities in putting down the rebellion, the Americans declared war the next spring, aiming to 'liberate' Tejas from its Spanish overlords.
The exhausted Spanish occupiers were driven back quickly for the first months of the war, and Royal Navy control of the gulf of Mexico prevented them from being effectively reinforced. The retreat of the Spaniards was finally ended in front of the city of San Antonio on October 30th, 1839. Reinforced by troops pulled from places such as Mexico City and Veracruz, the Spanish assembled a force of roughly 45,000 men to defend the city, the majority of the remaining troops in New Spain. Opposing them was Sullivan's Army of Texas, numbering 60,000, better equipped and better rested. Sullivan spoke the above quote on being given a tactical summary of the situation before him: win, and it was likely that the Spanish Empire's position in the Americas would outright collapse, paving the way for an American Empire to take its place. Lose, and the Spanish Empire would survive, and the American Empire would be stillborn.
Sullivan's opposite number, Marshal Juan Paul de Ovando, would prefer the latter option. He set about digging trenches and building earthworks at a mind-numbing speed, while at the same time launching repeated guerilla raids to whittle down Sullivan's forces. When battle opened on the 30th of October, Sullivan, believing not entirely wrongly, that the Spanish were on the ropes and only needed one last push to collapse completely, simply sent his men on a direct assault straight into the teeth of De Ovando's defenses. This was predictably disastrous, with the Americans taking nearly 50% casualties in a matter of a few hours. Sullivan then withdrew slightly to reorganize and lick his wounds, planning for his next attack.
He wouldn't get the chance. Sensing opportunity, De Ovando launched an assault of his own in the early hours of the morning. Achieving complete surprise, the Spanish would scatter the Americans to the winds, capturing thousands of troops and driving Sullivan back towards Austin. The victory had not come lightly: nearly 10,000 of De Ovando's men were dead, wounded or missing, but it did prevent any major American threat to New Spain for the rest of the war.
The war would grind on for two more years as a general stalemate. Spain would be forced to cede Tejas in the end, but the war did much to kick-start the Empire's modernization, as well as force it into a formal alliance with the other major anti-British powers, France and Russia, a fact that would have tragic consequences for the world in later generations.

"I don't know what's worse: that you actually thank that that works, or how you're trying to use it if it does."
General Kyle Sullivan, on the Battle of San Antonio, the largest land battle fought during the Tejas War (1839-1842).
The Spanish Empire had been weakening for years, if not decades. It's American colonies increasingly agitated for independence, it's treasury was all but bare, and there was a brewing succession crisis at home. In the meantime, its rivals for control of the continent, namely the United States and Great Britain, were growing increasingly interested in taking Spanish holdings in the western hemisphere: The Americans were flooding the nominally Spanish Louisiana and Tejas territories with settlers, many of which came technically illegally, and the British hoped to gain a monopoly on the Caribbean trade routes by annexing at least parts of Spanish Cuba and Florida.
The two sides had first came into conflict during the Floridian War of 1810-1813, wherein the Americans had attempted to annex both Spanish Florida and the critical port of New Orleans. That war had ended in an indecisive draw, with the Americans unable to seriously threaten either region by land and the Royal Navy preventing the Spanish from landing enough troops in the Americas to effectively counterattack. The American had, however, been able to export the ideals of the revolution to the Spaniards colonies, which became increasingly restive over the following decades.
The next crises was the Tejas Crisis of 1836. American settlers and Mexican nationalists launched a mass revolt in the Tejas region, supplied by the US and the British. The revolt would last for 3 years before the Spanish finally crushed it at the Battle of Houston in July of 1838. Spurned on by rumors of Spanish atrocities in putting down the rebellion, the Americans declared war the next spring, aiming to 'liberate' Tejas from its Spanish overlords.
The exhausted Spanish occupiers were driven back quickly for the first months of the war, and Royal Navy control of the gulf of Mexico prevented them from being effectively reinforced. The retreat of the Spaniards was finally ended in front of the city of San Antonio on October 30th, 1839. Reinforced by troops pulled from places such as Mexico City and Veracruz, the Spanish assembled a force of roughly 45,000 men to defend the city, the majority of the remaining troops in New Spain. Opposing them was Sullivan's Army of Texas, numbering 60,000, better equipped and better rested. Sullivan spoke the above quote on being given a tactical summary of the situation before him: win, and it was likely that the Spanish Empire's position in the Americas would outright collapse, paving the way for an American Empire to take its place. Lose, and the Spanish Empire would survive, and the American Empire would be stillborn.
Sullivan's opposite number, Marshal Juan Paul de Ovando, would prefer the latter option. He set about digging trenches and building earthworks at a mind-numbing speed, while at the same time launching repeated guerilla raids to whittle down Sullivan's forces. When battle opened on the 30th of October, Sullivan, believing not entirely wrongly, that the Spanish were on the ropes and only needed one last push to collapse completely, simply sent his men on a direct assault straight into the teeth of De Ovando's defenses. This was predictably disastrous, with the Americans taking nearly 50% casualties in a matter of a few hours. Sullivan then withdrew slightly to reorganize and lick his wounds, planning for his next attack.
He wouldn't get the chance. Sensing opportunity, De Ovando launched an assault of his own in the early hours of the morning. Achieving complete surprise, the Spanish would scatter the Americans to the winds, capturing thousands of troops and driving Sullivan back towards Austin. The victory had not come lightly: nearly 10,000 of De Ovando's men were dead, wounded or missing, but it did prevent any major American threat to New Spain for the rest of the war.
The war would grind on for two more years as a general stalemate. Spain would be forced to cede Tejas in the end, but the war did much to kick-start the Empire's modernization, as well as force it into a formal alliance with the other major anti-British powers, France and Russia, a fact that would have tragic consequences for the world in later generations.

"I don't know what's worse: that you actually thank that that works, or how you're trying to use it if it does."

Atom skeptic Diego Baltazarez of Gran España to nuclear weapons researcher Karel Fredrikszoon of Fryslân, on the latter country's bomb program. One month later, the Fryslânner Air Force leveled three Blessed Romish cities with nuclear bombs, heralding the end of a 1,200-year-old empire.

"Verily, it is easier for a rich man to enter heaven, seated comfortably on the back of a camel, than it is for a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle!"
"Verily, it is easier for a rich man to enter heaven, seated comfortably on the back of a camel, than it is for a poor man to pass through the eye of a needle!"

One of the responses of King Aattos Virtanen III of Finland during a debate with his Catholic court physician in 1063 on the subject of religion. He, like his Finnish subjects and all his family before him, held to the Suomenusko, the old "Finnish Faith", while the physician, a theologian from Roma by the name of Enrico, made a friendly attempt at conversion. Aattos III seemed to simply not be convinced by the presented arguments, though with the King of Kings also being the Speaker of the Wilds of the Suomenusko (head of the faith, so to speak), a conversion would have retroactively made him out of line to inherit, forcing the crown to go to his youngest son. Whether it was zealotry on his part, the threat of deposition, or a combination of the two is difficult to say, due to Aattos III's otherwise arbitrary nature, and especially the fact that he historically played coy about that time whenever he was asked.

"What would you have me do, Planeteers? Shut down the plants and farms? Leave hundreds of thousands with no work? Condemn untold millions to a slow and painful death from starvation or frostbite? Is that good economics? Is that sound for the country? Is that what's best for my people?"