Did the Protestant Reformation happen in a Europe with an Islamic majority?

Let's assume that the Emirade of Cordoba, the Sicilian Moors and Turkic tribes had great success in expanding across Europe, Constantinople fell not long after the Great Schism and the unconquered European kingdoms became majority Islamic with small or large Catholic Romans and Orthodox Catholics minorities, with the Eucumenical Patriarchates and the Papacy surviving although with reduced political power. Will the Reformation still happen? If so, how would Islamic leaders react and how would counter-reformation act?

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If the Papacy's political power is reduced, one of the main reasons for the Reformation is gone. There'll be still doctrinal differences, but you won't have princes siding with the reformers to reduce the power of the Church. And in any case, most princes in such a Europe would probably be Muslim (they'd have to be for the unconquered countries to have Muslim majorities) and as such, they wouldn't bother with Christian schisms unless they were disturbing the peace.
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You might get something with with Mozarabic. Local versions (Visigothic) of Christianity that got cut off from outside contact and were not allowed public displays of faith. Also a possibility that there will be some economic issues for the Islamic states, if they no longer have many places to raid, conquer, enslave, etc. Earlier Islamic states seemed to be very much dynamic and on the move, always pressing forward, from what little I know of it. I would think the Islamic states would not want to convert all Christians as they would not be able to forcibly tax and recruit them with dhimmi status, but perhaps they do not end up like what the Ottomans did in the Balkans, considering here you have multiple groups going at it. I am thinking we at least get independent Anatolia, Iberia, Egypt, Sicily (most already being listed in the OP, of course) and that... Hmmm, I was going to say compete to see who shakes down the Europeans, but the Egyptians (or their conquerors) least can focus on trade with Africa, the Red Sea, and whoever else is nearby.

And looking up Mozarabic, it mentions a Bishop telling Muslim authorities that Jesus was the Adopted Son and not physical Son of God, though that may have been to avoid violence by the invading overlords. Might be you get stuff like that. Introduced here. Also, despite the very fundamelist and lackluster things we may think about Muslims, they have had a loooot of things we consider as supernatural in a non-religious sense, and in the last few decades people have been arrested or declared non-Muslims if they did not fully embrace the existence of genies. Maybe they end up calling trolls and fairies genies, though they are more based on rocks, water, and air then the fire of djinn. Hopefully the Vikings still end up doing loads of raiding here.