D Day repulsed:What Then?


Gone Fishin'
Anvil makes more sense than shifting to the Pacific

wkwillis said:
We so outmatched the Germans that we had two separate invasions going. Anvil would still have landed troops in France, just farther away. .

Bingo. Everybody seems to forget that another invasion was coming in the south of France. The net effect of the failure of northern France invasion will be a further west meeting point with the Soviets.

It makes alot more sense to press ahead against the Germans in Italy and south of France if Normandy fails. After all, what could FDR hope to accomplish between June and November 1944 in the Pacific, even with a major shifting of resources? A bigger liberation of the Philippines....ooooh big deal.

It would have been flat out dumb for FDR to curtail European operations while setting up Pacific operations that would not hit the Japanese home islands until early 1945 at the earliest. IF FDR kept to his pro-Europe First sentiments, while worried about losing to Pacific-first Republicans, he would see it as all the more urgent to make progress against Germany while he still held power.
Grimm Reaper said:
Aktarian, sorry if I wasn't clear. I was pointing out that Bagration first would probably divert any potential German reserves and maybe even reduce the forces in France, then the Allies invade Normandy.

Well Hitler was expecting invasion in France so I doubt any forces would be sent from France. but reserves from Germany are another story.

One more thing. Hitler beleived Normandy was fake and real thing will happen elsewhere. Assuming Overlord fails wouldn't this make him keep substantial forces in france to counter this second, "real", landings? It wouldn't do good to thin forces in France if big thing "is coming".
Had the Allies totally been repulsed at Normandy- esp with the Omaha beach-head isolated or wiped out- the worst-case scenario would probably resemble something like the Peter Tsouras' speculation in DISASTER AT D-DAY. In this event, could the western allies have considered invading another part of FESTUNG EUROPA in addition to continuing ANVIL in southern France, such as facilitating the real invasion of Norway (instead of the fake radio traffic and preparations of FORTITUDE NORTH) or possibly Yugoslavia ?