Cronus Invictus: An Alternate Console Wars (Something a bit different)

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Well, the reason why there is no more LoK games is because Crystal Dynamics became the new Tomb Raider developer soon after LoK: Defiance was released.

Well I think the Original blood omen didn't have what it needed to become a big serie like Tomb Raider, I think it was old school but way too early for old school to be popular (ok you could always argue that Symphony of the night was a popular old school game, but Castlevania already had a fan base unlike LoK)

Still think the ambiguous ending was kinda good and rather fitting considering the overall tone of the game serie (the only point that really need to be explain probably how the hell Vorador manage to be alive in Blood Omens 2 but that can be explain by the shifting in the timeline and crappy edge of Blood Omens 2)
Oh my god! The Kid Icarus series gets actual console continuations in TTL? That's awesome!

And Rareware is with Sega rather than Nintendo- I imagine that means no Donkey Kong Country.
Well I think the Original blood omen didn't have what it needed to become a big serie like Tomb Raider, I think it was old school but way too early for old school to be popular (ok you could always argue that Symphony of the night was a popular old school game, but Castlevania already had a fan base unlike LoK)

That might change if Diablo is released by Nintendo.

But the LoK games might end up on the Cougar on TTL, since Crystal Dynamics were strongly involved in making 3DO successful in OTL (with Gex and such), but failed. With a stronger Atari Cougar, they might have their chance.

Gex becoming Cougar's mascot. The three-side mascot war that almost happened in OTL.
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Oh my god! The Kid Icarus series gets actual console continuations in TTL? That's awesome!

And Rareware is with Sega rather than Nintendo- I imagine that means no Donkey Kong Country.

I wonder what there would be instead; Alex Kidd country? Wonderboy country?

I just hope Rare aren't going to be given super powers, DKC was awesome at the time I remember but I never liked their N64 games (I hate console FPS). :p
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That might change if Diablo is released by Nintendo.

But the LoK games might end up on the Cougar on TTL, since Crystal Dynamics were strongly involved in making 3DO successful in OTL (with Gex and such), but failed. With a stronger Atari Cougar, they might have their chance.

Gex becoming Cougar's mascot. The three-side mascot war that almost happened in OTL.

Doesn't there amusing clash of ideology if Blizzard end up on the Nintendo, as nintendo a franchise powered console but Blizzard take forever to make a sequel to one of its game :D

Anyway those the perpetuating mascot warfare mena more cartoon to sell video game!

Maybe Kain end up being the one having a cartoon on HBO instead of Spawn :D

(Is this reader of this TL is full of Wishful thinking? yes he is)


Doesn't there amusing clash of ideology if Blizzard end up on the Nintendo, as nintendo a franchise powered console but Blizzard take forever to make a sequel to one of its game :D

That's only a recent phenomenon, though, I mean it only took them a couple of years to go from Warcraft 1 to 2 for instance.

Thanks for all the comments, guys, and you've given me some new good ideas too...
That's only a recent phenomenon, though, I mean it only took them a couple of years to go from Warcraft 1 to 2 for instance.

Thanks for all the comments, guys, and you've given me some new good ideas too...

Heh I think the rep started to develop in between Diablo I and II
Nintendo getting exclusive console rights to Silicon & Synapse games? Well, that was certainly unexpected. I'm a bit confused, though; does Nintendo own some share of S&S, making them a 2nd party developer? Or if not, will they be buying them out in the future?

I also can't believe I didn't see, despite your mentions of Sega's popularity in Europe, Sega essentially buying out Rareware. Will we get Donkey Kong Country analogs in the form of one of Sega's IPs? That could be very interesting...

Should we expect some other buy-outs, Thande between the Big Three as they compete for adding new companies to themselves?

And the last is just a personal question: Super Smash Bros. has obviously been butterflied away. However, might it be possible that an analog in TTL comes out for, say, whatever Sega console is 64-bit? :eek:

And a quick technical question - would the Sega Radical be an analog to the proposed Sega Neptune of OTL? Or is it meant to be more in step with OTL's Sega Saturn?


And a quick technical question - would the Sega Radical be an analog to the proposed Sega Neptune of OTL? Or is it meant to be more in step with OTL's Sega Saturn?

It's not really like either, it's a combined Mega CD and 32X in one if you like. The Mega Drive + Radical complex is slightly superior in capabilities to OTL's Mega Drive + 32X + Mega CD playing 32X CD games.
I'd be really interested to see what's happening with computer gaming at this time (maybe a synopsis of what's happened, too). So far you've been focusing on the consoles, which is completely understandable considering that PCs were second-fiddle in all aspects at this time, but we're about to see the first proper 3D video cards released, which at least puts them on top wrt tech and appearance. Besides, I'm a PC gamer through and through, so...:eek:
Thande, thus far I want to live in your TL instead of our own. As a Sony owner from the start, this shocks and surprises me. (But then again, I'm for pretty much every company except Microsoft, so that's not quite as surprising as it might seem. I want Sega back, dammit!)


Thande, thus far I want to live in your TL instead of our own.

I haven't had that response before. But given that my other TL involves "Steampunk Revolutionary France From Hell On Crack Raping Europe", as someone memorably put it, I suppose that's not surprising ;)

Just realised I forgot to mention Mega Man in the last two updates - debating whether to insert it with a retcon or just refer to it retrospectively...
"Steampunk Revolutionary France From Hell On Crack Raping Europe",
If we could find a racist, revolutionary, atheist steam punk frenchman...

plus I sort of want to live in your world just for UPSA and the restored Incan Empire, even though it's gone now. :(.
I'm figuratively on the edge of my seat regarding this timeline: C&C is about to be released, and I can't wait for your take on it. Keep up the good work!
I hope not, LoK only lack one thing and that's recongnition (I know the ending of defiance leave thing up in the air, but I think ambiguous ending work in this case)

Tom Raider ain't a serie that improved with time I don't want LoK to end up like

But could it use the name recongnition of Tomb Raider oh hell yeah (though a movie adaptation would be weird, with a plot involinving time travel and killing people to restore the balance of the world, espicially when people see there only one regular female character in the whole serie,who is also a ghost with an half-rotten face )

Well, they'll probably give her a mask and sexup her attire ;)
But a plot involving time travel isn't too bad - think of it as Mediaeval TimeCop :D:D
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