Confederation of Canada (aka Canada Uber Alles) Timeline

1759-Battle of the Plains of Abraham, Quebec falls to the British Army.

1763-Treaty of Paris, Canada become part of the British Empire. Several Hundred English/Colonial Merchents move to New France to open buissnesses

1775-Outbreak of the American Revolution. Major Patrick Ferguson invents early breechloading rifle.

1780-Colonel Ferguson’s loyalists victorious in the Battle of King’s Mountain and is premoted to Brigadier. He orders 1,000 Ferguson Rifles be made for his newly assigned force by several loyalist gunsmiths, who make aprox 150 additional rifles and carbines over the corse of the war to Cavalry personel and become very popular.

1781-General Cornwallis surrenders to French and American Forces. 700 Additional US Troops are killed durring the war in various battles. Loyalist Migration to Canada begins, including some of the gunsmiths that produced Ferguson Rifles in the states. Patrick Ferguson returns to Scotland, and advocates the use of his rifles to the british military.

1789-The French Revolution Breaks out. Large English speaking Populations in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Lower Canada (Ontario), totaling to about 300,000 people (including 3,000 Free Blacks). The Canadian Militia has 50% of it's soldiers armed with Ferguson Rifles and (for Cavalry and Officers) Carbines.

1791-Constitution act insures both English and French as offisial Laungages, allows Catholics to hold office, Preserves French Systems of Operation in Quebec and helps to settle some of the French/English problems.

1799-French Monarchy overthrown, Napoleon declared First Contsol of France.

1803-Napoleon Sells Loiusiana to the US. Outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars.

1809-Britain first uses Ferguon rifles against the French, the result is devistating against Napoleon's army. The King orders the Retirement of the Brown Bess and it's Replacement by the Ferguson Rifle. Napoleon and British Allies also begin production of Ferguson Rifles.

1812-Napoleon Invades Russia, and is devistated by the winter. America attempts an invasion of Canada, begining of the Canada War, thousands of Militiamen sign up and Ferguson Rifle Production goes into full tilt.

1813-Upper Canadian Skirmishers first wear "Battle Brown" (Khaki) jackets. These, combined with Ferguson Rifles make the soldiers devistating in the autum. Britain also is using plenty of Ferguson Rifles at this point.

1815-End of Napoleonic Wars and the Canada War. Because of Britain's addoption of Ferguson Rifles while America stuck with Muskets, Britain gets Maine.

More to come.

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Not bad. Fairly interesting until, '1813-Upper Canadian Skirmishers first wear "Battle Brown" (Khaki) jackets. These, combined with Ferguson Rifles make the soldiers devistating in the autum. Britain also is using plenty of Ferguson Rifles at this point.'

Don't really see that happening since that runs counter to practices throughout most of the known military powers. There is a bunch of reasons armies wore bright coloured uniforms during this time period. I think it would be more likely that they adopt more irregular tactics, that the Canadian skirmishers mix European and Native American Indian tactics. Maybe they adopt green, but 'battle brown' seems out of the times.


Yeah, and I have a hard time seeing Canada having a good breechloading rifle for 40 YEARS! and Americans not adopting it.


Improbable but not impossible. America might reject it because it was 'silly' or foreign, just like they rejected most of Hobart's funnies. How many Americans died because of that decision? They might reject it because it was too expensive, too difficult to maintain, because it lowered the status of soldiers, there could be all sorts of reasons.

How likely is it that the British would give up a huge lead in artilliery technology after the American Civil War, withdraw Whitworth and Armstrong breach loaders from service and replace them with muzzle loaders? How likely is it that it would be 50 years (IFS excepted) before the rest of the world accepted a superior helmet design just because the Nazis came up with it first?

A more significant concern is if the Canadians, British or anyone else would feel able to accept a breach loading hand weapon in to general millitary service in an age before mass production and one part fits all weapons.