Christian Al-Andalus


What if Abd ar-Rahman I, the only surviving representative of the Umayyad clan after their overthrow by the Abbasids and founder of the independent Emirate of Cordoba, decided to convert to Christianity after consolidating his power in Spain? It was only about 40 years since the Arab conquest of Spain, the vast majority of its inhabitants were still Christians, and the state of ar-Rahman was threatened on the one hand by the Abbasids and on the other by the Franks and the Kingdom of Asturia. Ar-Rahman's decision would therefore have a political reason - bringing him closer to the Christian majority of his country's inhabitants. How could this influence the further history of the West?
What if Abd ar-Rahman I, the only surviving representative of the Umayyad clan after their overthrow by the Abbasids and founder of the independent Emirate of Cordoba, decided to convert to Christianity after consolidating his power in Spain? It was only about 40 years since the Arab conquest of Spain, the vast majority of its inhabitants were still Christians, and the state of ar-Rahman was threatened on the one hand by the Abbasids and on the other by the Franks and the Kingdom of Asturia. Ar-Rahman's decision would therefore have a political reason - bringing him closer to the Christian majority of his country's inhabitants. How could this influence the further history of the West?
they may still be viewed as infidels by the other Christians in Iberia, invaders turned traitor after completing their goals. Now they have to deal with fighting the Berber Muslims plus the remaining gothic remnants
This would be the end of Al Andalus before it could start really,

what caused the arabisation of Spain was Islam really, the amount of Arabs who actually settled there was very small,

withour the religious reason for people to learn Arabic this state would probably just become a Romance speaking region with some smaller Arabic influences


There is an old Timeline in this forum, The Raptor of Spain, that deals with Abd el Rahman fleeing to Asturias, converting do Christianity and conquering most of the peninsula