Challenge: "Second Battle of Bull Run...but with Russians!"

I like how its termed "2nd South Ossetia" in the campign box. It's romantic in a way, like the Second Battle of Bull Run...but with Russians!

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to have a confrontation known as the 2nd Battle of Bull Run somehow involving Russians with a POD after the First Battle of Bull Run. It doesn't need to have anything to do with the ACW.
Russia colonizes Alaska as early as Ivan IV, driven by a new Orthodox movement concerning the building of the Kingdom of God in every direction (even East). Through terror and other methods familiar to Ivan Grozniy, Siberia and Alaska are subdued and placated.

Russia never sells Alaska, and maintains its coastal presence along the Yukon coast and establishes colonies further south. By 1800, what is today known as California is actually divided between Russia and Mexico/Spain.

Russian colonists, bringing their serfs, begin to spread rapidly over the Rockies into the central plains of Canada and the modern USA. The fur trade and the opening of the Grand Alaskan Railroad (stretching from Nebraska to Alaska) opens up the farmland and terms it the "Breadbasket of Russia." Russian influence in Korea, China, and Japan increases as political situations there begin to devolve and Russian missionaries and food missions bring in thousands of pounds of surplus grain a year.

The American Civil War ends with the South and North signing a treaty recognizing the Confederacy largely due to Russia's aide shipments to the Confederacy.

Around 1870, the Confederacy experiences its own Civil War as President Davis attempts to centralize authority in Richmond and state legislatures struggle to maintain autonomy. Davis asks for international intervention and receives it from Russia and Spain, both trying to maintain strong influence in the region (Spain aides the Confederacy out of sympathy for the Amistad, Russia out of fear that a failed Confederacy could spur a serf rebellion).

Davis wins the Confederacy's Civil War, and Russian and Spanish troops maintain a strong presence.

After Russia interferes in the Mexican Revolution (delayed ITTL), Spain declares war on Russia. A proxy war is fought the American South West, and Davis is deposed by the Spanish who seek to gain Confederate support against the Russians. Russia invades the Confederacy, and in 1896, the Russians and Spanish meet at the Second Battle of Bull Run.


I know, I know, convoluted and requires a few ASB's, but I did it, didn't I?
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to have a confrontation known as the 2nd Battle of Bull Run somehow involving Russians with a POD after the First Battle of Bull Run. It doesn't need to have anything to do with the ACW.

In 2006, the Russian Animal Rights Association goes to Pamplona, Spain, to protest the annual Running of the Bulls. They get into a major fracas with local police which wags in the world media dub,"The Battle of Bull Run." In 2008, an even larger contingent of Russian animal lovers once again clashes with Spanish police in Pamplona. This becomes known as the "Second Battle of Bull Run." :p
Oh damn. Sorry.

America intervenes in the current conflict in Georgia. Russia says "Dermo!" and "intervenes" in Long Island. Battle battle battle later, 2nd Battle of Bull Run.