America: My Third TL

work, shitty laptop, & even shittier motel internet

any yall know how to download microsoft word?

I don't know if you can do that legally, but OpenOffice works just as well for typing. In fact, every single one of my own TLs(Stars & Stripes, La Tierra Afortunada, etc.), has been done with that same program. :)
I don't know if you can do that legally, but OpenOffice works just as well for typing. In fact, every single one of my own TLs(Stars & Stripes, La Tierra Afortunada, etc.), has been done with that same program. :)

i just got on of those new windows 8 laptops & cant find shit
If you want to stick with Microsoft you can get microsoft word starter 2010 for free, legally. (Goggle it) I don't know if there is a (free) later version.

Otherwise Open office will be fine.
If you want to stick with Microsoft you can get microsoft word starter 2010 for free, legally. (Goggle it) I don't know if there is a (free) later version.

Otherwise Open office will be fine.

as long as it capitalizes the beginning of a sentence & tells my illiterate ass when i misspelled something i don't care how old it is
Very nice TL, I will be happy to see it to continue. A bit disappointed that you gutted Greece, but hopefully that can be rectified somehow .
Very nice TL, I will be happy to see it to continue. A bit disappointed that you gutted Greece, but hopefully that can be rectified somehow .

to be honest that was kind of a whoops. i wanted to bring Greece in against the alliance but after i did i noticed how overwhelmed the Balkan allies were & thought f!#& it lets take out Greece big time
okay here is a new entry. since i'm a little rusty any feedback is appreciated

Walk the Line

After months of bitter fighting Seattle & its surrounding areas looked as one journalist put it “ Like the entrance into Hell”. The British & Canadian troops defending Canada's biggest Pacific port had came to the realization that no help was going to come. They were now virtually on their own. Despite this they continued to fight bravely throughout most of the summer keeping the American advance to a crawl. However, by August Britain & Canada's breaking point had finally been reached. US forces now controlled well over half of Seattle & the moral among their own troops was virtually nonexistent. At 0930 a British & a Canadian officer came forward to the American lines to discuss of the remaining British & Canadian forces in British Columbia. At 1300 on August 2, 1911 the Western Front of the North American Theater of the war ended as 280,000 British & Canadian soldiers laid down their arms. Their war was over but for he Americans they had recently been fighting it was still far from over.

With the surrender of the Anglo-Canadian troops in British Columbia the only League forces remaining in western Canada were in Edmonton, Calgary had fallen to US troops in mid July, & the Americans were quickly closing in on the city. This would lead to its surrender on August 19 without a fight.

The introduction of chemical weapons by the Canadians along the Toronto Front to stall the Americans removed any restraint left by the US in using Chemical weapons against the Canadians. Throughout the months of June & July US forces launched nearly 100 air & artillery chemical attacks against the British & Canadian lines at Toronto & Ottawa. Many of them being followed up by infantry attacks though those had only limited success. Finally on September 11 a ceasefire was called as the American generals sent messengers to meet with their Canadian counterparts with an ultimatum. The ultimatum came directly from President Roosevelt giving the Canadians, it said nothing about the British troops in Canada, a choice. Either they could surrender to the US sparing what remained of its remaining cities from the ravages of war & the US would consider some form of independent Canada remaining after the larger wars conclusion, or the Americans would hold nothing back in the conquering of Montreal, Toronto, & Ottawa & destroying their armies remnants. Roosevelt gave Canada until noon on September 15 to give an answer or else the American forces facing those cities were to take no answer as a refusal.

For four days an eerie silence came across the battlefields as the two sides waited. Finally, at 1145 on September 15,1911 the Canadian & more reluctantly British soldiers began emerging from their trenches, throwing down their weapons & slowly marching towards the American lines. Across Canada church bells began ringing for the first time in years. The war was over in Canada &, though their future was uncertain the could somewhat breath a sign of relief. For America however the war was only part over for Mexico, the Caribbean, Asia, & ultimately Europe remained.

Americans outside Ottawa celebrating the end of the war in Canada

Tropic Thunder

The Battle of Santiago began on June 2 as the Marine lead American army attacked the city from three sides. While the British led force initially held a slight numerical advantage over the Americans around 60% of their force was composed of Haitians whose allegiance was shaky at best. For three weeks American forces slowly but steadily made their way across the city. By the beginning of the fourth week Haitian soldiers began to surrender in droves to the Americans to escape the possibility of death in battle. On June 30 Santiago fell to US forces.

Over the next month & a half American troops would steadily make their way towards Santo Domingo. Despite numerous attempts to halt their advance Britain just did not have the numbers to hold back the Americans & their Haitian “allies” were becoming less & less reliable. On August 19 Haiti withdrew from the war after Roosevelt agreed to let them remain independent. When word of Haiti's withdrawal from the war reached the British in Santo Domingo officers tried to keep the news from the Haitians sill under their command. However the news couldn't stay a secret & by the time the Americans reached Santo Domingo on September 5 what Haitians hadn't deserted had to be kept at their post almost under armed guard.
Troubled Advances

Generals de Leon & Diaz’s temporary success at Cajame ended on June 19 when they were finally forced to withdraw to the south in an effort to save their troops. Withdrawing to the small town of Los Mochis de Leon & Diaz quickly began trying to prepare adequate defenses before the arrival of the Americans. By August however General Stuart & Templeton arrived & the two Mexican generals knew that they could not hold for long.

In Chihuahua neither side was in much of a way to take any big actions against the other. While artillery duels & were exchanged almost daily General Porter opted to wait on renewing his advance until new units arrived from Canada.

By June the Battle of Victoria had been raging for nearly 6 months & the Mexican lines were finally beginning to falter. On July 1 General Lee finally received 4 of the armored tractors he had requested so long ago & while it was nowhere near the number he wanted they were placed at the front to lead what he hoped would be his final offensive to take the city. The attack began at 2215 the same night of the armored tractors arrival & was focused against what intelligence believed the weakest point of the Mexican lines. Within an hour all 4 of the armored tractors were put out of commission but not before assisting & tearing a half mile wide hole in the Mexican lines. Over the next 3 days Mexican resistance at Victoria collapsed as the soldiers retreated south away from the Americans.

Though the battle was over now Monterrey was a mess. The city was virtually destroyed & the new American owners now had to feed, clothe, & look after 30,000 Mexican civilians & 80,000 Mexican soldiers of whom the majority were victims of the gas attacks. While aid was being gathered & sent to the ruined city Monterrey proved to still be keeping Houston & his troops from advancing.

North American Fronts September 1911

Good to see you posting again Sir, holding down Canada and Mexico is going to prove to be a hard row to how. Gonna be a Bitch to send enough Troops any where to make a difference while occupying North America.
Good to see you posting again Sir, holding down Canada and Mexico is going to prove to be a hard row to how. Gonna be a Bitch to send enough Troops any where to make a difference while occupying North America.

i colored in all of Canada just to show that they were out of the war. outside larger towns and cities and railroads it's really only an occasional patrol. plus they don't have all of Mexico yet ;)
Hey stupid question, who controls the domincan republic? I don't remember that color being associate with any major powers. Are they independent?

Aside from that, great post. It's awesome to see you posting again
as long as it capitalizes the beginning of a sentence & tells my illiterate ass when i misspelled something i don't care how old it is

Relax, man, I think you have fine writing skills, personally. :cool:

In any case, OpenOffice is something you download from the Internet. A quick Google search should help you find it in short order. :)