Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 2

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Yep I remember that post. Was trying to figure out how to work US Armor grow with a group of about 300 or so people who may or may not have military skills needed to guide armor warfare grow. I always through MBTs are just a bridge too far with 1940ish tech even with knowhow from the future. The turreted TD/Infantry Support Tank only became buyable as larger guns could be mounted in medium tanks which are idea infantry support tanks. Even with future information to guide the US, I don't see them as something that can be built till the late 40s assuming you can get Congress to give up the money. I'm looking more at a stop gap measure to get the US to have a tank that could be better built to deal with other tanks and still have great infantry support armor units.

Heard and understood. In which case the M4A3E8 (76mm) is your Jack-of-all-trades with the M36B2 (90mm) as the heavy hitting specialist TD. :)
Do not forget that the U.S. mounted the turret of an M26 onto the hull of an M4, cannot remember which version, to see about getting a 90mm gun to Europe faster then the M26. In the end they realized that it would be no quicker so only made one of them.
Do not forget that the U.S. mounted the turret of an M26 onto the hull of an M4, cannot remember which version, to see about getting a 90mm gun to Europe faster then the M26. In the end they realized that it would be no quicker so only made one of them.

Quite so. I think LiB posted a picture of that beast a while back... ...a pretty ungainly thing, if I remember correctly. :)
Quite so. I think LiB posted a picture of that beast a while back... ...a pretty ungainly thing, if I remember correctly. :)

I can't remember if I posted it or not,as it sounds quite tame compared to some of the stuff I end up posting. :p

But yeah, I know thought was put into getting a 90mm into the Sherman turret itself, but it was deemed unfeasible, and wouldn't have worked very well. I believe the first 90mm mounted on a Sherman chassis might have been this thing though:

There's also the very similar (although much better looking, you should see some of the other photos of the T53) Ram 3.7in AA vehicle.
I can't remember if I posted it or not,as it sounds quite tame compared to some of the stuff I end up posting. :p

But yeah, I know thought was put into getting a 90mm into the Sherman turret itself, but it was deemed unfeasible, and wouldn't have worked very well. I believe the first 90mm mounted on a Sherman chassis might have been this thing though:

There's also the very similar (although much better looking, you should see some of the other photos of the T53) Ram 3.7in AA vehicle.

Nice pic but this was the one I was thinking of...

The real hybrid is on the left with a very nice model (picked off of Wiki and therefore apologies to the builder for the gratuitous use) of a similar conversion on the right. Interestingly, the OTL photo has the M26 turret mounted on a what is probably a M4A3 with VVSS whilst the model is based on a M4A3E8 with HVSS. Both look somewhat fat-headed!

90mm Sherman.png
Nice pic but this was the one I was thinking of...

The real hybrid is on the left with a very nice model (picked off of Wiki and therefore apologies to the builder for the gratuitous use) of a similar conversion on the right. Interestingly, the OTL photo has the M26 turret mounted on a what is probably a M4A3 with VVSS whilst the model is based on a M4A3E8 with HVSS. Both look somewhat fat-headed!

I knew what conversion you were talking about, I just said that I wasn't sure I was the one who posted it, not that I hadn't heard of it before.
That is the beast Claymore! I believe that the model was built by Marshal Zod at either/or the What If and Beyond the Sprues forums.

I do like both versions. I would think that the HVSS version would be better due to the wider tracks giving better mobility on muddy terrain and the like. I just wonder if the Israelis could have shoehorned a 105 mm L7 cannon into the M26 turret.

LiB, thank you for posting the pic of the Sherman with the 90mm mounted on the hull.
I knew what conversion you were talking about, I just said that I wasn't sure I was the one who posted it, not that I hadn't heard of it before.

Roger that. As the Grand Master of all tanks strange and wonderful I'm sure that it was on your radar. :p

That is the beast Claymore! I believe that the model was built by Marshal Zod at either/or the What If and Beyond the Sprues forums.

I do like both versions. I would think that the HVSS version would be better due to the wider tracks giving better mobility on muddy terrain and the like. I just wonder if the Israelis could have shoehorned a 105 mm L7 cannon into the M26 turret.

Ah, he is indeed a fine modeller and I have seen and admired much that he has done.

The Israelis did of course mount the French 105mm F1 gun in the M-51 Sherman.
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That is the beast Claymore! I believe that the model was built by Marshal Zod at either/or the What If and Beyond the Sprues forums.

I do like both versions. I would think that the HVSS version would be better due to the wider tracks giving better mobility on muddy terrain and the like. I just wonder if the Israelis could have shoehorned a 105 mm L7 cannon into the M26 turret.

LiB, thank you for posting the pic of the Sherman with the 90mm mounted on the hull.

You're welcome. As for getting a 105mm L7 into the M26 turret,they probably could have, but I can't imagine it would be as effective as other such mountings given the turret is smaller. I'm not sure if the Israelis ever bothered to try putting a 105mm L7 into the Sherman turret, as the M-51 predates the Israelis getting the 105mm L7, so there was no need for such a conversion by the time they used the 105mm L7.
Toldi Mk. IV from a timeline where Barbarossa never took place. Suspension and gun from a TAS 43M and modified turret and exhaust from a Toldi III.
I imagine the TAS 43M being butterflied away by the absence of the Panther, while the evolution of the Toldi is more heavily influenced by the Pz.Kpfw. IV.

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