Alternative Book Collaborations


Neat idea I got from "Changing the Times"

Give Title and Plot summary of a book by:

Robert E. Howard and Ernest Hemingway

Emily Dickinson and H.P. Lovecraft. (May be set in either Lovecraft's day or Dickinson's, but you must specify which one)

Isaac Asimov and Mary Shelley.

Pat Robertson and Teilhard de Chardin

Jack London and Arthur Conan Doyle

Any others or answers to the above? You don't have to limit yourself to just two.

How about Turtledove and JK Rowling? You would have a book that you could use as an anchor for a battleship. :cool:


NapoleonXIV said:
Robert E. Howard and Ernest Hemingway

Old Conan and the Sea

An aging King Conan, nearing the time of his death, takes a boat out on the ocean to tame the sea-god. Along the way he faces some truths about himself.

Bulldawg85 said:
How about Turtledove and JK Rowling? You would have a book that you could use as an anchor for a battleship. :cool:

Why not have a George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling collaboration. You could use that book as an anchor for a Goa'uld mothership. :D
Even better

Why not have a George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling collaboration. You could use that book as an anchor for a Goa'uld mothership.

How about J.K. Rowling and Tom Clancy collaboration? You could use the books instead of shells for the U.S.S. Missouri.