AHC: Alexander Severus manages to rule the Roman Empire for fifty years

I think you're onto a great idea I think the biggest problem of the Roman Empire was the succession problem. Also no the way Augusta created the position of first citizen was heavily dependent on the support of the army. Alexander Severus would remaining power if he had the support of the army and decided war over peace with the Germans.

Looking forward to see what you make of this.
Penso che tu abbia una grande idea. Penso che il problema più grande dell'Impero Romano fosse il problema della successione. Inoltre, il modo in cui Augusta ha creato la posizione di primo cittadino era fortemente dipendente dal sostegno dell'esercito. Alessandro Severo sarebbe rimasto al potere se avesse avuto il sostegno dell'esercito e avesse deciso la guerra per la pace con i tedeschi.

Non vedo l'ora di vedere cosa ne pensi di questo.
He was hit by illness and misfortune.. He had a great potential, but he hadn't a lucio vero to west.. His syncretism and hunger for the knowledge could had interesting consequences.. Imagine a Christianity that coesist peaceful in a pagan world
A dead thread with all of five replies doesn't really help that much. But thanks for the link.
I mean this would require a major change in his character. He was constantly dominated by his grandmother & even when he wasn't the man was a coward. He didn't even punish the Praetorians for murdering their own prefect, plus even when he did attempt to discipline his legions while campaigning on the Rhine he was simply murdered by the disgruntled men. Something about him has to change in his early childhood so that he isn't so horribly weak willed.

But if he did miraculously grow a pair, I'd say the empire might be on a good track. There was no lack in capable men at the time, and without the Crisis of the Third Century Rome would be better able to respond in the face of major threats like the Sassanians & Germans. Areas like the Rhine and Danube wouldn't be so horribly devastated by the constant re-allocation of legions to fight in civil wars and sacks by Germanic tribes for sure. Shapur I also wouldn't get the chance to curbstomp the Roman East, and neither would the Goths or Dacians. I'd also make the bet that there would be way more religious tolerance than there was irl for Christians and Jews, since Alexander was kind enough to the Jewish community to give them a synagogue in Rome and a lavish Torah, as well as starting tetualege by Origen himself when he was murdered. Who knows he might've been an earlier Constantine lmao, but at the very least Christianity would certainly thrive without the constant persecutions it faced during the period irl.
Coming on this late, but ‘religious tolerance’ was never a problem with Rome and they built temples to the gods of newly conquered/encountered people with regularity. They were very much ‘all are welcome’ religiously, except where that either specifically included legal or political challenges like human sacrifice…or absolute religious intolerance, ie monotheism, both because that specifically denied their political divinities and because it was tied into political insurrection. Because Jude-Christianity became the standard since, people talk about the Romans as intolerant but that’s flipping it on it’s head. The thing they specifically didn’t tolerate about J-C practitioners was their intolerance of all religions but their own.
Coming on this late, but ‘religious tolerance’ was never a problem with Rome and they built temples to the gods of newly conquered/encountered people with regularity. They were very much ‘all are welcome’ religiously, except where that either specifically included legal or political challenges like human sacrifice…or absolute religious intolerance, ie monotheism, both because that specifically denied their political divinities and because it was tied into political insurrection. Because Jude-Christianity became the standard since, people talk about the Romans as intolerant but that’s flipping it on it’s head. The thing they specifically didn’t tolerate about J-C practitioners was their intolerance of all religions but their own.
Yeah the Romans were nominally tolerant of other religions, that's why I specified Judaism and Christianity since they disliked both, Christianity for its impudence in the face of Rome's Gods, and Judaism both for the same thing & the constant rebellions the Jews launched against Roman rule.
Yeah the Romans were nominally tolerant of other religions, that's why I specified Judaism and Christianity since they disliked both, Christianity for its impudence in the face of Rome's Gods, and Judaism both for the same thing & the constant rebellions the Jews launched against Roman rule.

The situation was actually just a bit more nuanced. It wasn't so much the strict monotheism of those faiths, but their exclusivity and relative secrecy. The Jews got more of a pass because their faith predated Rome itself, so it wasn't exactly a fad, and it also did not seek out to expand among the population (and even then, it was just barely tolerated in good times). If you look at any of the eastern mystery cults that practiced similar secrecy, the Romans were often suppressing them.

As far as the state was concerned, any non-sanctioned gathering was concerning, especially in the Empire. Just look at Pliny's famous letter to Trajan, discussing both the local Christians and his proposal for a fire company. Trajan was actually more opposed to the fire company than he was to the Christians.

Obviously, the religious angle made things more difficult, but it was icing on the cake, so to speak.
Penso che il miglior risultato possibile fosse che Alessandro Severo elevasse un generale da co-imperatore a trattare con le tribù germaniche, mentre terminava il lavoro con i Sasanidi
Penso che il miglior risultato possibile fosse che Alessandro Severo elevasse un generale da co-imperatore a trattare con le tribù germaniche, mentre terminava il lavoro con i Sasanidi
Piccolo consiglio, traduci sempre i tuoi messaggi. La maggior parte degli utenti non parla italiano, e credo che postare qualcosa che non sia in inglese ( a meno che non aggiungi una traduzione a fianco) sia contro le regole del sito.


I think that the best way to handle this would have been for Alexander Severus to co-opt one of his general as emperor to deal with the Germanic tribes, while Severus would bring to an end his campaign against the Sassanids.
For a start he needs to make an example out of his usurpers, preferably humiliate them on their way to the gallows. That kind of flex would help the PR in showing "I'm not some mommy's boy"
Fondamentalmente, i militari hanno sempre voluto più soldi e privilegi. Quando Alessandro salì al potere, l'economia civile era sull'orlo del collasso, quindi abbassò la sua paga e le dimensioni dell'esercito. Ciò ha portato ad ammutinamenti, rivolte, usurpatori, ritardi nelle campagne e scarse prestazioni militari. Ma immagina se Traiano, o Cesare, avesse metà dell'esercito che rifiutava di essere spostato per attaccare il nemico in Persia, o se il costo dell'esercito fosse troppo alto per l'economia.. Organizzare la logistica richiede tempo, e gli stessi treni nuovi reclute.. Caracalla concede ai militari il diritto di riscuotere Annona per sé, in pratica legalizza la rapina ai civili


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Fondamentalmente, i militari hanno sempre voluto più soldi e privilegi. Quando Alessandro salì al potere, l'economia civile era sull'orlo del collasso, quindi abbassò la sua paga e le dimensioni dell'esercito. Ciò ha portato ad ammutinamenti, rivolte, usurpatori, ritardi nelle campagne e scarse prestazioni militari. Ma immagina se Traiano, o Cesare, avesse metà dell'esercito che rifiutava di essere spostato per attaccare il nemico in Persia, o se il costo dell'esercito fosse troppo alto per l'economia.. Organizzare la logistica richiede tempo, e gli stessi treni nuovi reclute.. Caracalla concede ai militari il diritto di riscuotere Annona per sé, in pratica legalizza la rapina ai civili
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OK, maybe now I found how deactivated the automatic translation.. It was fault of Google translate, I had wrote in English, but he automatically posted in Italian.. Now should be fine