AH Map Challange: Europe

Here's a challange for you. See if you can do it. Please.

You must have:

  • Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, still a domiant power.
  • the Commonwealth, has to have completly annexed one of either, Prussia, Austria or Russia. Although for Russia, just it's western territories will be required.
  • The two remaining of the three, must be weakened by Poland-Lithuania.
  • Greece, must hold, Constantinople and have a sizable nation.
  • England and Portugal must be in a personal union.
The year of this map will be up to you. But it must be on the eve of TTL's WWI.

Have fun.
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I have a map of a sizeable Commonwealth with its spread reaching from Scandinavia to Crimea. It is not the most powerful nation though, but may be considered analogous with OTL modern China, relatively though since it is set in the 17th century. Burgundy is the real power though, with the Greece you were talking about as a vassal. However, Portugal is also a vassal. I forget what I did with Hungary, and Germany is a vassal of Burgundy.
It's not done but I'll post some cropped parts in half an hour as they are not on the computer I'm on right now.
Here is the sliver of the map. The part you see is done.

Lighter shades represent vassals/ puppets.

Burgundy Mao Segment.PNG

Burgundy Mao Segment.PNG
A POD of divergence early enough to make Arles look like that....

To me, that is a different society founded by Magyars. They are doing fine though. They have a Slavic and Bulgarian vassal.