A Jewish Homeland in East Africa

Also, wouldn't the creation of a Jewish state possibly increase antisemitism throughout the world? If Israel were to come to existence like OTL, wouldn't oppressed Kenyans find an ally with Arab nationalists, who would be determined to rid the continent of Jews.

Will modern anti semtism started in large part in the Middle East and north afria because mass Jewish immigration to Palestine so probably not but it is up to the op
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Rising Antisemitism in Romania and Hungary

With its territorial acquisitions after the Peace of Versailles, the Kingdom of Romania became home to Europe's third-largest Jewish community (after Poland and the USSR). In 1933, the Jewish population numbered some 728,000, the majority being concentrated in the northern part of the kingdom. Having only been granted equal rights in 1923, the Jewish community in Romania was among Europe's most vulnerable. In 1927, a pogrom in Oradea Mare, in Transylvania led to rioting and attacks on Jews throughout the country. Coupled with the extreme poverty of the Jews in the country, especially in Bessarabia, the only option was to emigrate. Until 1924, the United States had been the principal destination, after that, Palestine and Kenya took in thousands of Romanian Jews. However, once Palestine's immigration was limited, Kenya became the only option. In 1936, some 48,316 Romanian Jews settled in Kenya, but that number would reach 78,615 the following year due to increasing antisemitism in the country.

In January 1938, an openly antisemitic government under Octavian Goga stripped Jews of their Romanian citizenship. Goga sought to encourage Romanian Jewry stating "For us there is only one final solution of the Jewish problem—the collection of all Jews into a region that is still uninhabited, and the foundation there of a Jewish nation. And the further way the better." It would be in 1938 that the Romanian government made an arrangement with Kenyan authorities agreed to take in 150,000 Jews, in reality some 178,214 immigrated to Kenya in 1938. The following year, the numbers would peak at 204,816.

In 1940 another 125,019 emigrated from Romania to Kenya and another 76,328 in 1941. Coupled with illegal immigration into Palestine, by 1942 Romania's Jewish population numbered fewer than 20,000. Keep in mind these numbers include persons living in areas that had been ceded to Hungary, the USSR and Bulgaria in 1940.

In contrast with Romania, in Hungary Jews had enjoyed equal rights and had largely been assimilated by the late 19th century. Though antisemitism existed, the first anti-Jewish laws were only enacted in 1938 as the country's Regent, Admiral Miklós Horthy sought closer ties with Nazi Germany. The laws limiting Jewish professions made the majority of Hungary's Jews unemployed. As a result of the new laws, in 1938 some 78,424 Jews from Hungary were resettled in Kenya. The following year another 149,378 immigrated to Kenya, 69,228 in 1940 and 44,609 in 1941. Between 1942-1945 another 16,378 were able to make their way to Kenya by way of neutral countries, especially through Portugal, by way of Mozambique.
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I made a map of Kenya in 1939:


Wouldn't it be better for Jewish State to leave eastern and NE areas ( two eastermost provinces ) out of it, because Kenyan Highlands are the best areas for European settlement- climate wise, and that could reduce future tensions with African population?
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So, how many Jews has left in Germany by say late 1939?

According to Wikipedia, OTL there were 214000 Jews left in Germany at the beginning of World War II. So I am going to estimate between 50000-100000, since in this case, Jews have a government eager to throw them out, and a nation that's eager to accept them.
I still want to know if any of the local Africans have converted to Judaism. I imagine some, no matter how small the number, would do so just to received greater opportunity in Kenya. To say nothing of a heavily Jewish influenced culture and education system.


According to Wikipedia, OTL there were 214000 Jews left in Germany at the beginning of World War II. So I am going to estimate between 50000-100000, since in this case, Jews have a government eager to throw them out, and a nation that's eager to accept them.

And that is a key change comparing with the OTL. So yes, I agree. Not more than 100 000, probably even less, especially after Kristallnacht.
I fear that many Jews may not escape in time if there'a an Holocaust ITTL.:(
Soon Kenya may have to be at war, depending on when and TTL WW2 occurs (and with which participants).
What the religious make-up of TTL Kenya at this point, in terms of other faiths?
I made a map of Kenya in 1939:
Good map, Reagent!:)
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By 1940, by my estimates, Jews may end up making up between 35-40% of the Kenyan population, an even higher percentage than of whites in South Africa OTL.

What about Greek Jews? Would the Thessaloniki Jews, say, build a community of dockworkers in Mombasa?
Crisis in Kenya

The year of 1936 would be considered a watershed year in Kenya's history. With increasing anti-Semitic legislation in Europe, a record number of Jewish immigrants Jews settled in the country, 211,314. These additional immigrants, increased the Jewish population to 575,000 by the end of the year. In 1937, Jewish immigration more than doubled to 451,212 with the Jewish population now totalling 1,046,000 on January 1, 1938, or 22% of the territory's population.

This rapid influx had been difficult to cope with, and the Kenyan government imposing taxes to provide aid and refuge for the newcomers. Overall, the major political parties and the Jewish settlers were in agreement with these measures of solidarity. However, the native African population was not represented and began to resent the increased cost of everyday goods. In addition, half a million Africans were illegally squatting on unoccupied lands which had been allocated for Jewish settlement. With the influx of settlers from Europe, these Africans began being evicted to native reserves, causing resentment, particularly amongst the Kikuyu to boil over into outright violence.

In October 1937, there were legislative elections in Kenya, which resulted in a return to Agudat Yisrael in government. The right-wing Orthodox party implemented harsh measures in relation to land settlement, and Kikuyu workers in Nairobi organised a general strike in January 1938. In addition, Kikuyu bands began to rob Jewish farms and houses in remote areas. In March 1938, a State of Emergency was declared by the British Commissioner, and the government dissolved. The Kikuyu attacks on settler farms became increasingly violent as the first settlers were killed. The British government sought to quell the violence, by resettling thousands of Africans in neighbouring Uganda.

However, the Jewish settlers were soon began to resent the British government and protested that His Majesty's government was not doing enough to help the refugee crisis in Europe. In May thousands of refugees in Nairobi protested Britain's limitation of immigration into Palestine, pelting the Commission with tomatoes. Many of the protesters were Zionists who saw Kenya as little else than a temporary refuge, before settling in Palestine. Meanwhile, in an attempt to limit British influence in the region, the Italian government began providing arms and training to Jewish settlers in Kenya. In 1937 and 1938, light arms and munitions in particular began to be smuggled over from Italian East Africa in increasing numbers.

The number of soldiers in the territorial army and police forces swelled into the thousands, with only a few hundred British civil servants in all of Kenya. Meanwhile, thousands of Jews continued to pour into the territory each month, increasing their demands for independence. Not wanting to engage in a war with the settlers, the British government decided that Kenya was becoming a burden and in July 1938, sent a commission to Kenya to prepare the country to become a dominion. After negotiating with the three major political parties, a constitution was drawn up that would grant Kenya the status of a dominion within the British Empire. In Whitehall many assumed that Kenya would become like Egypt and Iraq, a British dominated yet nominally independent state.
Hmm, this could cause rumblings elsewhere, India in particular.
On another note, this disposal of small arms might make standardisation easier in the Italian Army.
Considering the demographics of the refugees, I can see Kenya being anti Nazi but nor particularly bothered about the fate of Poland.
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Negotiations Towards a New Dominion

The transition of Kenya from a self-governing protectorate to a dominion was a fairly speedy one, as there were few British interests in the country, and major political parties all agreed to the terms set by the British government.
The new constitution remained largely unaltered and the Kenya Act passed both houses of the British Parliament with little trouble, receiving royal assent just before parliament went into recess. The act stipulated that Kenya would become Dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations on August 15, 1938.

The most significant change in the system of government was that King George VI would be henceforth represented as Head of State by a Governor-General appointed by His Majesty on the advice of his Kenyan Ministers for a period of 5 years. As in the other dominions, the British government would be represented by a High Commissioner, acting as its chief diplomat. Kenyans would remain British Subjects, and Kenyan posts could issue passports and visas for residence or travel to Kenya. To that end, the Kenyan government began opening its diplomatic missions around the world, many of these in Europe had formally been immigration offices.

Other provisions of the Kenya Act were that religious freedom was to be guaranteed to all inhabitants of Kenya, so as to safeguard the non-Jewish native inhabitants. In addition, the rights of the native population of Kenya to land in the native reserves would remain inviolable. Additionally, the natives would be governed by their own set of customary laws and maintain their own courts. Finally, the Uganda Railway would remain property of the British government for a period of 25 years, or until August 1, 1963. The government of Kenya would be granted additional shares each year based on revenue collected.

At midnight August 15, 1938 the Union Flag was lowered from Government House in Nairobi for the last time, with the National Flag of Kenya replacing it. However, some members of the British armed forces and civil servants would only remain in Kenya at the behest of the Kenyan government.
Évian Conference

Due to the increasing numbers of Jewish refugees in Europe, American president Roosevelt called for a conference in July 1938 to respond to the crisis. The conference took place in Évian France, with representatives of various nations, along with Jewish relief organisations in attendance. The results were disappointing in that none of the nations pledged to host large numbers of refugees. Worst of all, the British government refused increase immigrant quotas into Palestine, placing most of the burden for receiving Jewish refugees solely on Kenya.

However, there were some important concessions obtained in the form of aid. France, the United Kingdom and the United States all delivered aid to the refugees in the form of foodstuffs, medicines, and construction materials for housing. The United States in particular was able to provide millions of dollars worth of agricultural equipment including tractors, pesticides, ploughs and other tools. In addition, low-interest loans were made available to Kenya. The government was able to use these to acquire ships for Kenya Line which would transport of millions of Jewish refugees, among them the 51,950 gt Berngaria, which would be retrofitted in Mombasa in 1939.

Acquiring as many old passenger ships as it could, Kenya Line possessed a total of 22 large ocean liners by September 1, 1939. These sailed through the Suez Canal picking up their largest numbers of passengers in Trieste, Italy and Constanta, Romania. The Kenyan government was able to purchase the cooperation of the respective government by providing large quantities of coffee at low rates. With ships leaving Kenya full of coffee and returning full of refugees. Many of the ships began calling at Haifa, often assisting illegal immigrants make their way to shore there.

The relief could not come soon enough as in 1938 847,566 Jewish refugees arrived in Kenya, bringing the total Jewish population of the country to 1.9 million by the end of the year, or 36% of the total. The influx particularly increased from Germany and Austria increased in particular once the German government planned to have newly annexed Austria free of Jews within 90 days (later extended to 6 months). In Poland, and Romania too, increasing hostility to Jews led to larger numbers of refugees arriving at Mombasa each day. In addition with Italy and Hungary passing antisemitic laws, Jews began arriving from those two countries in increasing numbers as well.

Though the influx of refugees was at times chaotic, the Kenyan government was able to ensure that the refugees were all accommodated, and many brought much needed skills to the country. Benefiting Kenya was the arrival of a large number of doctors, nurses and other highly-trained or skilled professionals. This would lead to the establishment of a medical school in 1941 in what would eventually become one of the world's leading research facilities for tropical medicine. This school would become part of Nairobi University upon its founding in 1945.
I am loving this TL and I have just caught up with it.

One question, In Kenya do the Jews tend to form communities and groups along the lines of where they originated from in Europe?
I really hope Kenya doesn't end up treating the natives like OTL palestinians. I just want Jews to both happy and not morally compromised. :(