A Blank Map Thread

For the people working on the Q-Bams: The South-Western part of the Rhine, from Schaffhausen up to where the border to Luxembourg is, corresponds exactly with the German border there. It then moves slightly inwards, to the north and then back out to the west, forming the Rhine Delta, aka the Netherlands.
Yes. It's the western hemisphere maps that have incorrect rivers. So far no one has fully redone the rivers on the western hemisphere QBAM correctly.

I finished most of the US rivers but I ran into trouble with SOuth America's rivers save Argentina and Venezeula. I just haven't had time to go back and finish the work. The greyed out areas are the ones that I have finished. I made a mess of South America which I need to redo

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Holy bad ass thread, batman... I was hoping to find a couple of prehistoric to early medieval OTL maps of the Netherlands and came to page 44 without finding any when I ran out of steam... took me damn near an hour XD ...

guess I'll have to fudge some by myself then :p

*hits himself with a rubber chicken and locates some geology maps that may work*

ok, time to get off my ass and sit down and work XD
i have a little request... can someone make a n00b-editable blank map of 1914 Europe with country borders and internal subdivisions, plus rivers, or a similar map of Kaiserreich Europe?
I apologize if laziness causes me to ask for a map that already exists, but I would like to request a North American map that also has U.S. counties on it like the one on page one, but also with the rest of the continent (2nd level administration regions not needed in the other countries.)
I apologize if laziness causes me to ask for a map that already exists, but I would like to request a North American map that also has U.S. counties on it like the one on page one, but also with the rest of the continent (2nd level administration regions not needed in the other countries.)

I don't think a map using that particular format exists, thought their is a Q-BAM that has the counties of all countries with them.

North America Admn. Dvsn..png
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that works just fine, thank you.

EDIT: I actually have one more request. It looks as if the map of the west coast used in this image was taken from a larger map. If so, can a blank version of this map be found?


Thank you for the help.
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Does anyone have a good blank map of Greece and Turkey together? (Other surrounding bits are fine too, but I'm looking for something basically centered on the Aegean.)
that works just fine, thank you.

EDIT: I actually have one more request. It looks as if the map of the west coast used in this image was taken from a larger map. If so, can a blank version of this map be found?

Thank you for the help.

I'll give you the basemap soon i found it back. But it wasn't a blank map.
Looking for a map with the administrative divisions of morocco. It doesn't have to be provinces, it can prefectures or regions, but it has to be blank except for the internal division lines, no label.

Any help?
Does anyone have a map of the Hudson Bay/Rupert's Land Q-Bam? I thought I had the better and more accurate version, but I can't seem to find it. :(


Monthly Donor
I was planning on making a Byzantine intrigue/political/whatever game over in the Sandbox, and I need a map that is big enough to accomodate all those little themes in eastern Anatolia around 1025 AD. I've looked through this entire thread and couldn't find one, so could you guys help me out?

EDIT: Never mind! Think I've gotten one. Thanks any way.
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Hi all
I'm new here, and it's just amazing this forum. :eek:
But do someone know a 1914 or 1800's style of this fabulous map?

I don't know the name of the creator but it's great!

That map is known as Q-BAM, made by Qazaq (not sure on that spelling though.) Try looking for that. However I don't think anyone has made a Q-BAM with 1914 subdivisions. Mostly because there are problems with Q-BAM map, specifically rivers in the Western hemisphere. I have been trying to clean them up for a few months now
I skimmed through about 15 pages of this thread, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. It may already be here, but I need a really high-resolution map of whole Europe (from Portugal to the Urals) or the entire world, without borders. With really high resolution I mean the detail of the maps on the first page.