2010 US Presidential Election

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Entertainment Weekly
September 8 2010

It has been documented via photographs for decades...how the stress and long hour days/nights take a toll on our Presidents. President Matt Santos is no exception and could very well have had the most stressful four years in office that we've seen for quite some time. We here at Entertainment Weekly give a standing ovation to President Matt Santos keeping that charming smile for the past four years. Below is an in depth look at just how the stressful job of being our country's commander and chief has been for President Santos.

To the left is Then-Congressman Santos during his campaign for President in 2006. The middle photo is of President Santos around mid-term season in 2008 (notice the gray beginning to show in his temples) and to the right, a pitcure of President Santos that was taken earlier this year. Quite a difference four years will do to you.
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On a side note I'd like to say that finding photos of Jimmy Smits in suits is really not that hard...finding images of Goodman in suits not so easy lol
Hah. The joke is that "four years ago" (actually from an episode produced in 2005), Jimmy Smits had TV makeup artists assisting him. I don't think he's had a rough time these past five years. Although with the cancellation of Cane and activities on Dexter, who knows. I hope Outlaw does well.

There are a few Goodman-suit pictures. How 'bout these three:

The first 2004 image would be around early 2006, the second would be his 2008/2009 appearance after slimming down, and the third his 2010 appearance today. I'm sure Walken's visit to the TV Land Awards was really the most thrilling event of that evening.

Looking alright for a man of 61.

Speaking of Walken's image...


Campaign Admits to Cost of Image Consultant?
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Last weekend, the National Enquirer ran an article claiming that Walken image consultant Viggo Monticelli was payed $500,000 for his services to the Walken presidential campaign. In a statement to the press, Daniel Kline, spokesman for the Walken campaign, seemed to confirm the amount, stating "that's the cost of doing business."

Kline has been silenced by the Walken campaign, and deputy spokesman Scott Garrett has issued a "no comment" on all matters related to Monticelli or payments thereof. Financial records from the FEC are expected to be released this weekend.

UN Secretary-General blasts United States presidential campaign
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Secretary-General Usuf Habib has publicly denounced the Glen Allen Walken campaign as being "bad for the Middle East." In an unparalleled outreach, the first-term Secretary-General had this to say:

"I think a President Walken will be bad for the Middle East. This man could be a trigger-happy madman. Any nation he disagrees with, or that he considers 'evil,' will be targets of the Walken American military. What happened in Qumar seven years ago was a rash decision that has had consequences to this very day. Giving him more than three days, I fear, will create chaos in that region of the world. My own nation, Pakistan, has been denounced by this man, and surely his election would mean grave danger to Qumar, Kundu, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Thailand, Myanmar, Cuba, Haiti, and any other nation that is 'different' from Western democracy."​


Secretary-General Habib outside of UN Headquarters in New York.

Habib has had close ties to the Bartlet administration, previously serving as the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States. He has conflicted with the Santos administration since his appointment in early 2008 and has been criticized for helping little in the Palestine-Israeli situation.

New Polls Indicate Race Has Tightened; Texas Even.

A new series of polls today released by Gallup shows that the race between former President GlenAllen Walken and President Matthew Santos has narrowed.

When Gallup polled last month, Santos has 50% favorables, and 50% unfavorables, while Walken had 62% favorables, and 38% unfavorables. This month, Santos had 55% favorables, and 45% unfavorables, while Walken had 60% favorables and 40% unfavorables.

When asked who they trust more to reform health care, education and continue to grow the economy, 57% of responders said Matt Santos, up from 54% last month.
However, when responders were asked who they thought was better prepared to defend the country, and "make the hard decisions," 60% said GlenAllen Walken.

Finally, responders were asked "If the election were held today, who would you vote for-Matt Santos, or GlenAllen Walken?"
55% said GlenAllen Walken-Down from 58% last month.

State by State Polls Were Also Conducted in 10 States Across the Nation.

The Question for this polls was simple:
"Who do you think would make a better President, GlenAllen Walken or Matt Santos?"

Massachussetts: 60% Santos, 40% Walken.

New York: 53% Walken, 47% Santos.

Pennsylvania: 54% Santos, 46% Walken.

Georgia: 64% Walken, 36% Santos.

Florida: 51% Santos, 49% Walken.

Ohio: 55% Walken, 45% Santos.

Illinois: 57% Santos, 43% Walken.

Colorado: 52% Santos, 48% Walken.

Texas: 50% Walken, 50% Santos.

California: 58% Santos, 42% Walken.

Santos had a good month, accounting for his bounce in the polls. But there are encouraging signs for Walken: He's unexpectedly strong in Pennsylvania, has a lead in Ohio and New York, and has drawn even with Santos in Texas. If Walken can win those 4 states, he gains a huge edge on the Presidency.

Clark in California: Washington Is "Corrupt,"; Santos Administration "Trapped in the Muck."

Senator Liz Clark was in California today, campaigning for her runningmate, GlenAllen Walken, and several down-ticket Republicans. Speaking at an event in San Diego, Clark launched a blistering attack on Washington, and Matt Santos.

"Our nation's capitol has been clogged with lobbyists, and bureaucrats, and the flow of special interest money," Clark said, speaking at a campaign event in Sacramento. "Instead of a place where good, honorable men and women go to debate the nation's interest, it is now a place of corruption.
That's right, Washington, D.C. is corrupt!"

Clark continued, "Matt Santos, to his credit, tried to fix Washington. He said he would pass the most comprehensive, strictest lobbying reform bill in the history of politics. But did he? No!"
Clark was stopped for audience applause here, before continuing:

"Washington was built on a swamp. But today, Washington is a swamp of a different kind, and the Santos Administration got trapped in the muck. They were pulled down, and are paddling to stay afloat. Matt Santos said he would change Washington-But Washington changed him. He's asking for another chance, saying, 'I'll get it right this time!' Well Mr. President, you've had your chance, and now it's time for a new leader, a strong leader, a leader who won't be sucked in the mire of Washington. It's time for GlenAllen Walken to be elected President!"

Senator Clark is in California for the next 3 days. She will be attending a fundraiser tonight for Senate candidate Richard Lassiter.
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Note - I do not watch Dancing with the Stars. I swear.


Fall TV and Movie Season is upon us

The fall TV and movie season has already begun. Here's five programs you're going to want to catch this fall:

  1. The Election - Yes, everyone in America should gobble up all the presidential election coverage they can. That means the debates (September 24, October 3rd, October 10th, and October 20th), and the constant news coverage of all the crazy comings and goings. Election Night is November 2nd, people, and I already have my TiVo set!
  2. Dancing with the Stars - My favorite reality show. The 11th Season premieres on September 20th. Some heavyweights this year are participating. Michael Bolton, Janet Russell, Margaret Cho, and Ray Sullivan will all be showing off their dance moves.
  3. Who Do You Think You Are? - The second season of the hit American reality show. The season premiere will air later this month, and it's election related. The two-hour special will dive into the family tree of both candidates Matt Santos and Glen Walken. General Alexander also had a special filmed with him, but since he has departed from the race, it will air later in the year.
  4. The Oval 2 - John Hoynes' second film, set to be released the Friday before Election Day (the 29th of October). Filming has been completed, and it's in post-production right now. Contrary to popular belief, Leonard Roberts did return as President Collier for the sequel. Similarly a film based on Acting President Walken's three days in office has been promoted as a counter-point to The Oval 2, although it is still being filmed and unlikely to be out before Election Day. Hoynes is also in talks to produce a television series for next Fall, although at press time, I don't know what that entails.
  5. Conan O'Brien's new talk show, Conan, will premiere November 8th on TBS. He's already scheduled the winner of the 2010 Presidential election, whomever that may be. After his awkward performance at this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner, I'm betting he hopes not to be sitting next to President Santos again.
Wednesday September 8th 2010

State by State Map Poll

Strong Walken 160
Lean Walken 74
Total Walken 234
Strong Santos 140
Lean Santos 59
Total Santos199
Toss-up 105
National Poll
Walken 52%
Santos 48%


Wednesday September 8th 2010

Santos hits Walken on "tax cuts for the rich"

In a fiery speech in Michigan , President Santos strongly stated his opposition to tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and criticized Republicans for holding middle class tax cuts "hostage" in order to help the nation's highest earners.

"Now, I believe we need to make cuts taxes for the middle class ," the president said today. "But my opponent doesn't want to stop there. Make no mistake: he and his party believe we should also give a permanent tax cut to the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans."

"With all the other budgetary pressures we have -- with all his talk about wanting to shrink the deficit by cutting spending -- he would have us borrow $700 billion over the next 10 years to give a tax cut of about $100,000 each to those who are already millionaires," he added.

"So let me be clear we should not hold middle class tax cuts hostage any longer," he said. "We are ready, to give tax cuts to every American making $250,000 or less. That's 98,percent of Americans."

"Now for any income over this amount, the tax rates would go back to what they were under President Bartlet," he said. "This isn't to punish those who are better off -It's because we can't afford the $700 billion price tag. And for those like my opponent who claim that this is bad for growth and bad for small businesses, let me remind you that with those tax rates in place, under President Bartlet, this country created 8 million jobs, and raised incomes, and we had the largest surplus in history. "

Glenn Walken who was campaiging in Buffalo, New York, State said" "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again."
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ooc: Just a comment here, it seems to me that this is being very realistic in reference to our 2010 midterm elections. While Santos is running the better campaign, Walken is succeeding running on his failures, not so much about what he can do. Which is much like today, the GOP is running against Obama rather than for anything in particular. While the democrats continue their defense of certain policies that will help us in the long run. Just my two cents. ;)



War of the Words

Yesterday, New York Times reporter, Anthony Van Stazi reported about a Youth in Revolt rally in Detroit, Michigan. Where at, documentary film maker, Michael Moore had a few things to say about the current Presidential Election among other things. When Nash Rockford, conservative political blogger, arrived at the scene to witness first hand how powerful the Youth in Revolt has become, he said hello to Mr. Moore, and the two disappeared for about 10 minutes.

At some point during that time, both voices could be heard getting louder and louder, with Mr. Rockford eventually leaving the scene. Mr. Moore returned to Mr. Van Stazi and said: "Oh yeah, and Nash Rockford... He's an idiot."

Today, Mr. Rockford fired back, sparking a war of words, if you will. "If I'm an idiot, what does that make him? He calls himself a "Left-Wing Populist," does he realize that no one likes him? How does that equal a populist? I'm sorry that Mr. Moore is so far out of touch with most Americans, that he fails to realize that I am simply a voice for the people. More than 50% of americans are not in favor of universal health care. More than 50% of americans do not support gay marriage. More than 50% of americans do not like our current President. And I think that its fairly obvious that this country is not left-wing at all. So I think I can speak for the majority of this country in tell Mr. Moore to shut up about me, and consider where he's living."

It's unclear what will come of this, but Rockford, a well known conservative political activist has probably stirred some feathers with his latest comments. Not that his blog doesn't do that on a regular basis.
I was trying to make heads or tails out of New York's Senate Delegation, and this is what I came up with:


Andrew Thorn now replaced retiring Senator Anthony Gianelli (who I established in Joe Furman's Wikipedia page). Harvey Beame was a misprint, referencing the last Republican Senator from New York.

Senator Mike Jackson's appearance in "The Red Mass" was as a party elder and former Senator. He served one term and is now the Secretary of Labor.

EDIT: Thanks, West.

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Reportedly, Daschowitz has been in the Senate for 3 terms, and is pursing his fourth. Harvey Beame was a miscast on my part-I had intended to change it to Anthony Gianelli at one point, but forgot about it. So you can include Bobby Kennedy(Maybe), and take out Beame.

Wednesday,September 8, 2010

Walken shame at Yankee Stadium

Walken looking embarrassed in front of a booing crowd at Yankee Stadium New York City; Hey you think Toby Ziegler is at that game? AP

Glen Alen Walken may suffer a drop after today's game he attended at Yankee Stadium, it was a day of progressive game of good sport until one small problem. The problem came when Glen Allen Walken caught a fly ball that would have been a historical catch by pitcher Dan Wesley. Walken thought his catch was a great sports photo op until the enthusiastic Yankee crowd began to boo and jeer him uuntil Secret Service escorted him from the stadium.

Wesley would have had a perfect game with that out and it is said that his other team mates escorted him ooff the field while he was in a rage, even shouting expletives against the former Acting President. When ESPN caught up with Wesley he said to us "WALKEN IS A DAMN F***, RUINED A PERFECT F***EN GAME", he began to menace him on the record saying "THAT FAT SLOB BETTER TAKE HIS LIMO THE HELL BACK TO BUMWAD, MISSOURI, YOU DON'T WANNA MEET ME ON THE SUBWAY WALKEN!!!"

The Walken campaign has no comment

535.com Special Report
Part 28 of 50
Previous entries
  1. April 10th - Indiana
  2. April 12th - Oregon
  3. May 4th - South Carolina
  4. June 2nd - Maine
  5. July 13th - Maryland
  6. July 23rd - Texas
  7. July 30th - Montana
  8. August 2nd - Arizona
  9. August 3rd - Massachusetts
  10. August 7th - California
  11. August 8th - Hawaii
  12. August 12th - New York
  13. August 20th - New Hampshire
  14. August 20th - Florida
  15. August 21st - Pennsylvania
  16. August 29th - Illinois
  17. August 29th - Washington
  18. August 31st - North Carolina
  19. August 31st - Nevada
  20. September 1st - Rhode Island
  21. September 2nd - New Mexico
  22. September 4th - Connecticut
  23. September 5th - Ohio
  24. September 5th - Oklahoma
  25. September 6th - Virginia
  26. September 6th - Colorado
  27. September 7th - New Jersey

From East to West, we continue our zipping across the United States in no logical pattern. Here we have the tenth largest, but least populous state, Wyoming:


For this edition of the 535 Special Report, we have resident Wyoming specialist, and former Editor-in-Chief of the Casper Star-Tribune, Rich Cheney.

Thanks. As a Wyomingite, I find it my duty to report that Wyoming is not the place to go if you want to enact social change. A very rural area, with the second lowest population-density, brings about a very rural atmosphere. That said, the Democrats have had great trouble establishing any bit of a foothold in this state, and with Kevin Harris' recent resignation, it seems unlikely any Democrat will represent Wyoming in the near future.

Senior Senator: Herman Morton, Republican
Elected: 1988 (Class I; fourth term)
Residence: Laramie

I might be wrong, but I'd say this guy is *the* most conservative member of the Senate. He was against both Ray Sullivan and Glen Allen Walken during the Republican primaries, publicly denouncing them several times. After he attacked Sullivan for "failing as a father," Morton was snubbed by all moderate Republicans, including the likes of Glen Allen Walken and Edward Pratt, and was asked by Jeff Haffley to stop stumping for him. Morton made it big as an executive for the Laramie Cigarette Company, and many still see him as the largest proponent of tobacco rights.
Electoral Prospects: He's up for re-election in two years. He was elected with 82% of the vote in '06, and I doubt the Republicans would risk losing his seat. But if Walken gets in office, then Morton might be in a heap of trouble for his comments regarding Walken as a "flip-flopper."

Junior Senator: Kent Harris, Republican
Elected: 2002 (Class II; second term)
Residence: Casper

Kent Harris followed his cousin Kevin into politics. Although Kevin has been seen as the lowly Wyoming Democrat when he ran and run election to the House in 1994, Kent was more pragmatic about it. Starting from the bottom Kent entered state politics as a Republican, distancing himself from the loud, outspoken Kevin and quietly working his way up. The plan worked and Kent was hand-picked by outgoing Senator Ben Jennings in 2002, easily winning the primary and by default the 2002 Senate election.
Electoral Prospects: He easily ran re-election in 2008. Although seen as a moderate Republican in the state legislature, Harris' willingness to alter his ideals and vote with the average Wyomingite's opinion has helped him in opinion polls.

At-Large: Vacant

For a long time, this seat was seen as an anomaly in the American voting system. On the Cook Partisan Voting Index, it receives an R+18, a high Republican bias. Yet, consistently from 1994 to 2008, they elected former businessman Kevin Harris, a man who it turns out, was the biggest proponent of social and fiscal upheaval in the United States. When asked how he won in the state of Wyoming, he simply quipped "Because I can." Harris beat out an incumbent six-term Republican (Brad Jenkins) with no DNC backing and little knowledge statewide. He continued to trounce his opponents every two years (it was almost always a Republican target), but he never sought higher office. In 2003, he personally sent a letter to President Bartlet, declining the Vice Presidency, without ever being asked. Sadly, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in '04, and it led to his debilitation last year and resignation earlier this year.
Electoral Prospects: The Democrats would like to keep this seat, but its been deemed a low priority by the DCCC. The Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon, with their candidate Abel Sheen, and their first chance at winning what should be Republican staple.
We've got Idaho and Utah cornered. Plus their's one state that can connect the East Coast and the West Coast. A state that happens to have a certain former Acting President among its congressional delegation.


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