"What Madness Is This?" - A Timeline

These are all from OTL Baltimore, by the way.

But yeah, I literally live on the Rockville-line and can imagine things easily devolving into Western-front style trench warfare. It's flat and open, but you're hemmed in by the Chesapeake Bay on one side and the foothills of the Appalachians on the other so there's not actually that much room to manoeuvre.

Whoa. What happened in Baltimore OTL that caused that kind of damage?
Scenes from Baltimore, 1955-56:

These are all from OTL Baltimore, by the way.

But yeah, I literally live on the Rockville-line and can imagine things easily devolving into Western-front style trench warfare. It's flat and open, but you're hemmed in by the Chesapeake Bay on one side and the foothills of the Appalachians on the other so there's not actually that much room to manoeuvre.

Those are great. I'll have to include those in a future chapter. I'd heard of the Great Baltimore Fire, but didn't know it was that bad. That does look like Stalingrad.

Wow, that's a coincidence! I thought it was something like that; I investigated in Google Earth, and saw it looked like a logical place to hold the line. Glad to know it's realistic. :cool:

That was entertaining. I look forward to the next installment.

Thanks! Working on it now.
I guess lucky kills, like that RU bomber from my older collage, will only be rare occurences for the outgunned Marylanders. :(

BTW, will the Tripartite Empire weather the war and succeed in surviving any onslaught of the RU's alliance ?
I guess lucky kills, like that RU bomber from my older collage, will only be rare occurences for the outgunned Marylanders. :(

BTW, will the Tripartite Empire weather the war and succeed in surviving any onslaught of the RU's alliance ?

Maryland still exists in the mainland southern portion of the country below the Rockville Line, so they'll definitely still be sticking to the Union for a while yet. ;) If anything, what you depicted will most certainly be happening along the stalemated Rockville Line.

I can't really tell you much about the fate of the Empire, because that would blow the plot. You'll have to wait and see. :D
Wow, just wow. :eek: The Union is acting more brutally then ever before, and considering their past actions, that's saying allot. The higher levels of brutally are probably due to the fact that's it war time and all I guess, and a major climactic world war to boot. I still have hope that the League of Nations will win and the RU will fall. You did say that the RU would eventually fall didn't you Napo? If not my mistake, I thought you did.

Still a good update as always (thats pretty much a given by this piont) :cool:;). I await to see how the war progresses.
Wow, just wow. :eek: The Union is acting more brutally then ever before, and considering their past actions, that's saying allot. The higher levels of brutally are probably due to the fact that's it war time and all I guess, and a major climactic world war to boot.

I still have hope that the League of Nations will win and the RU will fall. You did say that the RU would eventually fall didn't you Napo? If not my mistake, I thought you did.

Still a good update as always (thats pretty much a given by this piont) :cool:;). I await to see how the war progresses.

It'll get worse, too, as this is just the beginning of the conflict. :eek:

Yes, everyone is a loser in this TL, so the RU will collapse... sometime. ;)

Danke! Working on the next chapter now.
It'll get worse, too, as this is just the beginning of the conflict. :eek:

Yes, everyone is a loser in this TL, so the RU will collapse... sometime. ;)

Danke! Working on the next chapter now.

I await to see how much more evil the Union will become. We can only imagine........

My guess is that the Union wins the war, but later collapses due to internal problems ala the Soviet Union.

Great. :cool: Can't wait.
This chapter shows some new revelations about the shadowy secret society that runs the AFC Church. :eek: It's also pretty darkly humorous, just because it's so over-the-top and insane. Next chapter is the Russian Front, then one about international propaganda and the homefronts, and then 1956 dawns. Listen to "Evil Ways" or "Save My Soul" by Blues Saraceno if you want the mood of this chapter. :D


Reverend William Graham gives the fascist salute to his followers and holds up his AFC Bible during the Christmas Revival of 1955

"Yes, my children. My brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes. We are quickly approaching the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth. And we must prepare ourselves for Armageddon. Bringeth yourself unto my pulpit, and we shall saveth your soul. You must take up serpents and repent! There is a chance that you will die in this war. Do you want to face your Maker and tell Him that you did not believe in our Church when He gave you the opportunity? Confess and be slain in the spirit! Let Reverend Billy drive the devilry out of your souls!"

-Reverend William Graham, Grand Central Station Revival, NYC, 1955

In the early 1950s, a man named William Graham rose through the ranks of the American Fundamentalist Church. Born in the Confederation of the Carolinas, his parents had immigrated to the Union after they had been converted to the AFC church. Young Billy became Deacon of the New York City Church in 1949. In 1950, he launched a talkie-box "crusade," and in 1953 ascended to the position of Reverend of the NYC Church and became a member of the elite secret society that ran the AFC, the Council of Jehovah. The Council, made up of around 100 men, performed secret rituals and used strange symbols, and were heavily connected to the Freemasonry practiced by Aaron Burr and his followers. Billy Graham and the Council voted Henry Wilkes into the position of Reverend-Colonel in 1955, but Wilkes, 80 years old, was not expected to last long. Graham launched a "Crusade for Freedom" in August, 1955, as the World War was breaking out. He helped found "Radio Free Europe" which blasted pure lies and propaganda into all of Europe through stations set up in England, where the AFC was beginning to grow in popularity over the increasingly disorganized Anglican Church (which had been leaderless since the fall of the British Monarchy).


Graham was determined to spread AFC into a world-wide religion. He also decided to try and revive old-fashioned methods going back to Burr himself, such as snake-handling. During his "Christmas Crusade" during the bloody months of November and December, 1955, Graham started wielding rattlesnakes at the pulpit, dancing up and down like a man possessed as the deadly serpents wrapped themselves around his arms. He dared others to show their "trust in the Lord" by holding the snakes themselves. Thousands did, and the practice was revived nation-wide. Believing so fervently in "Reverend Billy," his followers almost worshiped him as a messiah. He began tapping his audience members on the forehead, causing them to faint and "be slain in the spirit." It grew more and more over-the-top as he rose in popularity. Eventually, he was simply jerking his hand in a crowd's general direction and they would all drop to the ground and start rolling and thrashing like epileptics. Even landship commander General Robbie Johnson attended one of his services and fell convulsing onto the floor. Graham became a cult leader with a messianic personality, and he seemed totally convinced of his own supernatural power. He spoke like a frenzied dictator, whipping the crowds into jumping, writhing, mobs. He would occasionally lead those same mobs into Inferior neighborhoods, like Queens in New York City, and start burning down Inferior-owned businesses.


"We shall burn the Inferior Sodoms! These Inferior Papist ghetto-dogs will learn to fear the servants of the Lord!"


Graham speaking before the Custer Youth Brigade


Graham dines with Second Chief Consul Oswald on Christmas Day, 1955


Graham and MDP Chief Minister Nixon pray for the troops on New Year's Eve, 1956


One of Graham's followers handles multiple deadly snakes at a revival meeting in rural New York

Graham's followers started to do every single thing he said. He told them to enlist, and enlist they did. He told them to give more money than required in taxes to the state, and they did. He told them to bring everyone they knew to his services, and they did. In November of 1955, he dined in private with Joe Steele. After that, he started making the rounds with the other Union leaders, especially the entertainment tycoon MDP Chief Minister Richard Nixon, who helped run Radio Free Europe. As Reverend Billy's revivals swept the nation and as he gained the approval of the Union hierarchy, he was clearly going to be the next Reverend-Colonel and Head of the AFC Church.

On January 19th, 1956 a "national tragedy" befell Reverend-Colonel Wilkes. He died in a "tragic car accident" when his limousine "skidded" off a cliff in the middle of the Ohio Country wilderness. On January 23rd, 1956, Graham was anointed with oil by the white cloak-wearing Council in an extremely eerie broadcasted event.


The Council of Jehovah marches to the Philadelphia Temple to anoint Billy Graham as Reverend-Colonel. The Councilmen's signature old-fashioned cars can be seen on the sides of the street.


The Anointing of William Graham as Reverend-Colonel of the American Fundamentalist Christian Church

Upon assuming his position, Graham changed numerous things. For one, he convinced Steele to let him build "Anti-Rome," a special suburb of Shicagwa where the Reverend-Colonel and the Council would permanently live and go about their business. A huge "Pastoral Castle" was to be built, using only the finest materials (even more shocking, since it was going to be constructed during a time of war). Steele was fine with the idea, as he had acquired billions of dollars from Canada and Quebec and had POWs to act as a labor force. In March, 1956, ground was broken for the Pastoral Castle.


Promotional painting showing the concept of the Pastoral Castle

Graham ruled the AFC Church with an iron fist, and as wartime religious fervor took a deeper hold day-by-day on the population, he used psychology and brainwashing every single day on the talkie box and picture box. By mid-1956, he was one of the most-recognized faces in the world. In England, one of his disciples, Wayland Wilson, held rallies and revivals in the streets of Oxford, which became a hotbed of AFC fervor. In March, 1956, Graham became the first Reverend-Colonel ever to visit a foreign country when he landed in Scotland and made his way down to London, stopping in Oxford for two weeks as a massive revival took place. The AFC Church claimed half the city converted to AFC by the time he had left.

But on June 3rd, while slaying in the spirit a crowd of English citizens in London, a Welsh freedom-fighter leaped from the crowd and fired a pistol at Graham's head. The bullet missed by inches and nearby ORRA and English State Security officers yanked Graham to safety while others exchanged fire with the would-be assassin. Several other Welsh opened fire with rifles from rooftops as they tried to form a killbox. Over two dozen English civilians were shot to death, and another five wounded, before English police killed them. As Graham's motorcade sped to the London Airport ten minutes later, another freedom-fighter threw a bomb at the cars. The limousine behind Graham's exploded into flames, killing five ORRA officers and two pastors. Graham was immediately flown back to the safety of the Union as Churchill faced down riots in the English streets. Things were about to get ugly in jolly old England. One week later, Wayland Wilson was gunned down in front of his church in a drive-by by a Welsh group known as "The Red Dragon."


Wayland Wilson's body after being assassinated by Welsh freedom-fighters

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This update really showed how batshit crazy the AFC really is. Very well written in that regard.

In terms of the AFC is England, I imagine that over there the church has been "Englandized" for lack of a better term. Mabye the AFC in England is a sort of English Fundamnetlsit Church. Also with the Anlgican Chruch is disarray since the 1890's, I could see a number of Neo-Puritan and Neo-Cromwellian Christian demonations gaining power in England.

As for General Robbie MacNamara, I imagine he would have to change his surname in order to be in any position of power in the Union, what with McNamara being an Irish surname.
This update really showed how batshit crazy the AFC really is. Very well written in that regard.

In terms of the AFC is England, I imagine that over there the church has been "Englandized" for lack of a better term. Mabye the AFC in England is a sort of English Fundamnetlsit Church. Also with the Anlgican Chruch is disarray since the 1890's, I could see a number of Neo-Puritan and Neo-Cromwellian Christian demonations gaining power in England.

As for General Robbie MacNamara, I imagine he would have to change his surname in order to be in any position of power in the Union, what with McNamara being an Irish surname.
Neo-Cromwellian might not work out too badly, given the general tolerance to people who kept out of politics. That and the banning of certain group public events much joked about these days wouldn't be too bad when you consider it ended the castration of some boys to be actors and blood sports against animal and villager. I for one wish to see an Irish Fundamentalist Church, perhaps with the Presbyterians or wise local Irishmen taking the lead over the High Church Anglican leaning Church of Ireland leadership. Well, if they weren't all deported after the Napoleonic Wars. Perhaps propaganda can claim certain areas had large amount of English, Scottish, Norman, Viking, and Hessian settlers. More for British than American propaganda, of course.
Man, this chapter was good. Billy Graham's awesome as a cult leader and wow, a secret society that controls the AFC! O_O

I just wonder if the RU collapses someday what will happen to the AFC. Will it go down with it too, or will it mutate into a fringe group like the KKK and or the Aryan Nation and carry out attacks against "Inferiors" and Papists?
In terms of the AFC is England, I imagine that over there the church has been "Englandized" for lack of a better term. Mabye the AFC in England is a sort of English Fundamnetlsit Church. Also with the Anlgican Chruch is disarray since the 1890's, I could see a number of Neo-Puritan and Neo-Cromwellian Christian demonations gaining power in England.

As for General Robbie MacNamara, I imagine he would have to change his surname in order to be in any position of power in the Union, what with McNamara being an Irish surname.

Spot on; I'm planning an EFC church. :D Right now AFC's just taking hold, so it'll take a while to organize an actual EFC or Scottish FC church (they might just call it "British Fundamentalist Christianity" since England and Scotland are so close). And Wayland Wilson's murder doesn't help speed things up, either.

Cromwellian would be a good description indeed. We'll see how it goes. :D

And darn, you're right about McNamara. I totally thought that was Scottish until now. That's too bad. Oh well, I'll change it to a different character.

Man, this chapter was good. Billy Graham's awesome as a cult leader and wow, a secret society that controls the AFC! O_O

I just wonder if the RU collapses someday what will happen to the AFC. Will it go down with it too, or will it mutate into a fringe group like the KKK and or the Aryan Nation and carry out attacks against "Inferiors" and Papists?

I'll probably do more with the Council secret/soc in the future. It's a fun, creepy idea, that's for sure. :D

I'm not saying what happens in the future, but I don't think it spoils too much to say the AFC would indeed pull a Aryan Nations type move if that happened. Heck, I got partial inspiration for the AFC from the real-life "Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations."
Surprise! An actual (fairly) democratic revolution. :D I was a little tired when I wrote this chapter, so let me know if I made any stupid mistakes (I don't think I did though). Next chapter is the homefront, and then a pause for a bit while Zoid finishes his Middle East chapter so I can do a chapter talking about the war there and in Russia. :) On we go into 1956!

"Remember, Remember, the 5th of November..."

As 1956 dawned, the British Isles were a place of death and destruction and dictatorship. The League's navies were still bombarding the coasts and bombers regularly buzzed London. Ireland was still holding out against thousands of invading fascists. The aging Winston Churchill was determined to stay in power till the day he died, but some people weren't thrilled with that idea, namely, the Welsh Resistance. As discussed in the last chapter, the Resistance attempted to assassinate Reverend-Colonel Billy Graham during his trip to the British Isles. They ended up killing over 30 people during just that one attack. It wasn't the first "terror attack" launched by the Welsh, but it received the most attention up to that point by far. Following the attempted assassination, the streets of England and especially Wales erupted into violence and rioting as tensions finally boiled over.

On June 10th, 1956, a car loaded with explosives went off in front of Westminster Abbey, causing huge damage to the front of the famous structure and killing twelve citizens and a nearby police officer. On June 12th, 1956, three AFC missionaries in Oxford were gunned down in front of a coffee shop. On June 20th, six car bombs located all around London exploded, killing 120 people. Panic broke out everywhere, and riots again erupted as Welsh and English charged each other with sticks, pistols, and rocks. Anthony Eden, head of the State Security, marched 2000 SS officers into London to quell the unrest with the help of an additional 1000 police officers. Within a day, it had gotten so out of hand that the English National Guard was called in and martial law was declared. By the time the riots had ended by around June 29th, over 300 civilians had been killed, as well as 38 law enforcement personnel.


The remains of a car bomb smoke in the middle of a street during the London Riots of 1956


An English National Guardsman looks at the smoking ruins of a street burned down in the London Riots


A dramatic photo of a State Security trooper during the London Riots


London City Police officers with attack dogs warn an oncoming mob to stop


Another scene from the London Riots

Churchill was absolutely livid. He delivered a shockingly violent speech over the talkiebox and told everyone to go inside their homes immediately or risk being "put down." Churchill was known to follow through on threats, so many cooperated. Then, Churchill, Eden, and other high-ranking officials announced the abolishing of all future elections (including one scheduled that for later that year) and gave Churchill vast emergency powers. Officials deemed "unnecessary" were imprisoned and their powers passed to Churchill and Eden. State Security thugs started tapping into phone lines and spying on citizens much more frequently. Churchill warned the citizens, especially the Welsh, that they had no reasonable expectation to privacy during a time of war and civil unrest. Guards in full combat uniforms were stationed on every street. High-tech new cameras watched pedestrians' every move. The English police state had finally arrived.

Churchill powers at this point were almost godlike. Every word that came out of his mouth was law. Order was established immediately. Speaking Welsh was banned, and all Welsh road signs were replaced with English versions. Welsh government officials who had voted to join England peacefully years before feared for their lives. One, Jonathan Jones, former Welsh Minister of Diplomacy, was found hanged from a tree in his front yard. Whether it was murder or suicide was never known.

Things calmed down quite bit after Churchill's junta. But on November 5th, 1956, Welsh terrorists dropped small brown cardboard packages filled with anthrax (likely supplied by the Irish Royal Biowarfare Agency) all over England, including one at the London subway station. When they exploded, anthrax spores went everywhere. Over 800 people died immediately or soon after, and another 50 died later on. Simultaneously, Welsh members of the Red Dragon, the same group that assassinated Wayland Wilson, opened fire throughout London on government buildings. As SS head Anthony Eden's limousine tried to speed away from the Parliament Building during the outbreak of the shooting, a terrorist using an Irish-manufactured snipe rifle fired a shot directly through the back window of the vehicle and into Eden's head.

That was the last straw. Churchill ordered thousands of Welsh to concentration camps. Guns around the nation were confiscated, and firearm ownership was declared illegal. Wales was finally on the breaking point. Mobs waving the old Welsh flag rallied in Cardiff with Red Dragon members, anarchists, and radical socialists. Together, they overthrew the local military post, killing 570 soldiers and taking their weapons and supplies. Horse-mounted police went out in the streets but turned around and joined the revolution. Portraits of Churchill, Eden, Steele, and Greer were burned in enormous bonfires. Cars packed the streets, honking their horns and waving homemade flags out the windows. AFC missionaries were arrested and then shot by firing squad.


Red Dragon members in masks are mobbed by cheering Cardiff citizens during the Welsh Revolution of 1956


Welsh citizens burn portraits of Churchill


Socialist Revolutionaries in Cardiff


English landships are rushed and their crews dragged out by Welsh revolutionaries

Welsh leaders immediately requested help from the League of Nations. The Tripartite Empire didn't like dealing with anarchists, but they saw that this was an opportunity not to be missed. On November 6th, 1956, Caesar Napoleon VI took to the airwaves of Europe to address the situation.

"Free Peoples of Europe. My friends. My countrymen. The People of Wales have unanimously rejected their tyrannical, oppressive, murdering English overlord. Yesterday, at approximately 12 noon, the city of Cardiff overthrew its government and proclaimed a republic. The local authorities have joined them, and the English military personnel stationed in the city have been killed or captured. This is a great moment in the history of the British Isles, of Europe, and indeed, of the world. After consulting with my generals and advisers, I have approved a plan to send Imperial soldiers into Wales to assist in its liberation and the safekeeping of its newly-regained independence. About twenty minutes ago, Spanish paratroopers touched down on the Welsh capital and along the border. We have also deployed Imperial marines to take back the nearby Isle of Man. If we succeed in this endeavor, we shall give Churchill's despotic tyranny a massive blow that could take them out of the world war. May God bless us in this mission, and may God bless the people of Wales who are at this moment struggling for their own very survival. Vive Pays de Galles! Vive la Révolution Gallois!"

NapoleonVI was by no means exaggerating. Imperial soldiers were indeed gaining footholds in Wales as he spoke. The normally impregnable beach defenses in Wales were being attacked by revolutionaries from behind. Situations couldn't have been better for Imperial troops coming in. Within 24 hours, Imperial landships were arriving and the overstretched, overwhelmed English Army, the same army that was still enduring horrific casualties in Ireland, was cracking and running back to English soil. On November 21st, Wales was admitted as a member-state of the League of Nations. As 1956 came to an end, arrangements were being made for their first democratic elections. Moderate Welshmen were concerned about the Red Dragons' growing power, however. The Dragons were the ones who had resorted to terror tactics and murder. A new coalition of anarchists and socialists were determined to keep them from gaining power...
