whig party

  1. Had Whig Supremacy continued, would the American Revolution have been prevented?

    The Whigs maintained control over British politics until 1760, and the Tories didn't really have a strong grip on power until North came to power in 1770. Considering that North's policies largely led to the American Revolution, would continued Whig supremacy prevent the American Revolution, or...
  2. AlfLandonFan

    Deadlocked - The Alternate Election of 1836
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: The First Ballot

    My first timeline about 1836, an often forgettable but interesting timeline about a pretty wacky Election. I'm busy with school, but I'll try to update regularly. Enjoy...
  3. WI: Earlier Abraham Lincoln presidency in 1850

    So let's say Lincoln is somehow nominated by the Whig Party in 1848 as Zachary Taylor's running mate and they win the election of 1848. After that, Taylor does his milk and cherries thing and dies in 1850, being succeeded by Abraham Lincoln as president. What would his presidency be like, and...
  4. WI: Daniel Webster accepts one of the offers to become Vice President

    In 1840, Daniel Webster was offered the position of William Henry Harrison's running mate. He refused. Harrison died after only a month, and so John Tyler became president. History repeated itself in 1848, when Webster turned down a chance to become Zachary Taylor's vice president, only for...
  5. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Seward in 1852/1856?

    In 1852 and 1856, One potential candidate for the Whig/Republican Parties was New York Senator and future Secretary of State William H. Seward of New York. In 1852, he didn't run at all and in 1856, he was suggested for the Republicans but requested to have his name withdrawn, along with Ohio...
  6. Long-Term Social Effects of an Earlier Abolition of American Slavery

    So working off of this idea (it may or may not be plausible): If the 1784 Land Ordinance, banning slavery in new US territories, passes it somewhat likely means that states like Kentucky, and Tennessee (along with Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri etc.) enter into the Union as free states. This...
  7. Odinson

    The Great Orator-The Presidency of Daniel Webster
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Webster 1841-1845

    The Great Orator-The Presidency of Daniel Webster President Daniel Webster 1841-1845 The election of William Harrison was initially hailed as a victory for the American Whigs over their Democratic rivals. However, President Harrison died after only a month in office, leaving the executive...
  8. yoted17

    ...and Tyler, Too!: What if John Tyler WON the 1844 Election?
    Threadmarks: 1 - The Election of 1844

    (Note: the following is an exploration of how John Tyler could have won the election of 1844, and some of the results of what might have happened afterwards, it is not wholly realistic, and is in fact inspired by a game of President Infinity that I played as Tyler and managed to just barely win...
  9. DBAHC: Whig party disappears, Democrats remain until today.

    Present day American politics is mostly dominated by a two party system with the Whig Party and the People's Party. This wasn't always the case, though. The Democratic party was a major party opposed to the Whigs, but it ultimately fell apart and was later replaced. This challenge has two parts...
  10. AHC: Whig Party survives to modern day while the Democratic Party disappears

    In US history, the Whig Party eventually fell in the 1850s, torn over issues like slavery. Meanwhile, the democratic party survived to the present day. What could have changed so that the fortunes of each party would reverse, with the Democrats disappearing and the Whigs lasting as a major party...
  11. AHC: Millard Fillmore a far more respected president

    I've been working hard in preparation to post my finished timeline detailing the history of the alternate universe from the TV show Fringe. There have been a litany of blogs and wikis dedicated to cataloging and explaining the differences between our universe and the show's fictional alternate...
  12. DanMcCollum

    WI: American Politics with No Andrew Jackson

    POD: In January of 1825, after he failed to secure the necessary votes in the Electoral College, Andrew Jackson was in a bad mood. Hoping to blow off some steam, he goes for a walk and ends up being accosted by one of his many political rivals. Words are exchanged, a duel is challenged and...
  13. WI: Zachary Taylor survives his First Term

    What would happen in American History were Zachary Taylor able to survive his stomach illness just 14 months into his Presidency, and continue on with his first term? How would he have addressed the issue of Slavery? Would his survival have affected the 1850 Compromise? Would have the Civil War...