tno analogue

  1. Mina-van-Mako

    Thatcherreich, for the lack of a better name: a TL blurb about a collapsing Nazi Europe
    Threadmarks: Paris, Place de l'Etoile, First of May 1968

    Paris, Place de l'Etoile, First of May 1968 The crowd had amassed on the Avenue Foch, waiting for the big speech. It had been announced that the whole thing would be televised (as if that'd make it more accessible, pfff) and retransmitted to all city halls to announce it to the rural...
  2. Waltzing Brunhilda

    The Red Order: First Days of Eurasia- A New Order Spinoff

    The Red Order First Days of Eurasia is an upcoming Hearts of Iron 4 mod. Based off the popular, The New Order: Last Days of Europe we explore a world where the Allies won the Second World War from the view of the world of TNO. The world stands divided into a Cold War between the Union of Soviet...
  3. Marklin

    What would a TL 191 version of The New Order: The Last Days of Europe look like?

    Exactly what it says on the tin.