the anarchy

  1. WI: Matilda became Queen of England?

    Matilda was the daughter of Henry I of England and his First Wife Matilda of Scotland. She became heir presumptive after her brother William Adelin, Henry I's only legitimate son drowned in the White Ship Disaster. Henry I had no children from his second wife and so he tried to make his daughter...
  2. WI: Stephen was succeeded by his son William?

    Stephen of Blois was the 4th son of Stephen, Count of Blois and Adela, daughter of William I of England. He wasn't expected to be King but in 1120, his cousin William Adelin, Henry I's only legitimate son drowned in the White Ship Disaster. Henry I had no children from his second wife and so he...
  3. WI: Henry II of England dies young

    In OTL Henry II was the only son of Matilda and Geoffrey Plantagenet to not die young. His father Geoffrey V died from a fever, his brother Geoffrey died of unknown causes, his brother William died from "a broken heart" and his son died from a seizure. But what if Henry II also dies young? In...
  4. ImperialxWarlord

    What if Empress Matilda won the anarchy?

    As the title goes, what if at some point she was able to decisively win the war and become the undisputed queen of England? What changes?
  5. Matilda, Queen of England
    Threadmarks: NOTES

    The biggest reason or which Empress Maud/Matilda of England was unable to effectively inherit her father’s crown was not her sex but the fact who the English barons either hated or distrusted her second husband, Geoffrey of Anjou and do not wanted be ruled by him. Her cousin Stephen of Blois...
  6. WI: King Stephen victorious in The Anarchy (1135-1153)

    What if Stephen managed to win the Battle of Lincoln (1141) or Matilda dies during her attempt to escape the Siege of Oxford in 1142? What would be the consequences of the House of Blois having succession recognised in Eustace after Stephen's death instead of the House of Plantagenent? Would...
  7. Brita

    A Kingdom Reborn
    Threadmarks: Book the First. A Kingdom Reborn. Chapter 1. A Miraculous Recovery?

    Book the First. A Kingdom Reborn A Miraculous Recovery? 1146 AD. Duke Conan, third of that name, while visiting his beloved daughter the wise Bertha and his ailing son-in-law Alan the Black, dreamt of Our Lady Mary, Queen of Heaven. And said Christ’s Blessed Mother to the lord duke: “Build a...
  8. Empress Matilda HRE Help

    There was a conflict in England called the Anarchy between de jure ruler Lady of the English Matilda and de facto ruler King Stephen. Matilda actually got many of the Germans to like her, and this includes the bishop of Mainz (in Burgundy?). She stuck around and Empress Dowager for awhile after...