springtime of nations

  1. Question: why weren't the Ottomans affected by 1848?

    On paper, the Ottoman Empire had many similarities to the Austrian one: it was a vast, old entity full of internal problems and restive minorities within its territory. But while the Habsburgs almost fell apart during the Sprintime of Nations, the Ottomans came out of that turbulent time mostly...
  2. Austria loses its Italian territories in 1848?

    Suppose that the Sardinian army adopts a different strategy in the First Italian War of Independence: instead of trying to besiege and take the Austrian fortresses in the Quadrilateral directly (and, among other things, wasting a precious amount of time at the siege of Peschiera), they cross the...
  3. TapReflex

    Let There Be Light! The Illumination of a World in Darkness
    Threadmarks: 13th Hour - There Will Come Soft Rains

    2026 Augusts 26th - There is sunshine over the city of Philadelphia for the first time since the war began. It would not end for another two months. Every so often, someone pokes their head from the rubble, suited up, listening for survivors. This was to be the last war, and all Philadelphians...