ship of the line

  1. Count of Crisco

    Sources for age of sail navies other than English & sometimes the French.

    During the age of sail, roughly 1600-1850, there were hundreds of actions involving more than two or three ships, and easily over a hundred fleet actions. Some dozens of nations would build and use ships in this era. And they were not just limited to the European powers. Nor was this era...
  2. GameBawesome

    Age of Sails forever

    What would wars be like if every ship still had sails and broadside cannons? For the scenario, let's say that dreadnoughts, Ironclads, and other ships that replaced sailing ships, were never invented. All naval ships are 18th-19th century ships such as the military Ship of the Line, or the...
  3. SsgtC

    The Navy Comes of Age
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    A/N: This is a vignette/part of a much longer timeline I'm currently writing. I'll be posting it in three parts (so maybe not really a vignette). The POD for the story here is the Continental Congress adopts a stronger version of the Articles of Confederation. Mainly, Congress is directly...