
  1. General Kenobi

    How would a post-nuclear world look like?

    Let's say this nuclear exchange occurs between 1966 and 1970, assuming the contingency operations of every major power goes as planned and civilization manages to rebuild, what would a post-nuclear world look like say 30 to 40 years after? How would this affect culture including music, cars, and...
  2. WI: Solar Flare starts WWIII

    What would've happened if the 1967 solar flare caused the Soviets to panic and lob their nukes at the US forcing NATO to retaliate? Was the world arsenal at the time large enough to cause total human extinction or is it more like the Cuban crisis arsenal where we'd still be able to rebuild...
  3. WW III during the early 80s

    Let's say the soviet leadership's worst fears come true, and the US, under the Reagan administration, assembles a coalition of the willing (and the pressured) and launches a "preventive" attack against the socialist camp. How would this conflict develope, and which implications would it have...
  4. Question about a post WW3 USA

    Hey guys, it's my first post here. So right now, i'm writing an alternate history novel based on a timeline where WW3 happens, but only with a limited nuclear exchange (which sounds unlikely, but that's not really the point of this question). What i want to ask is, do you guys think that...