popular vote

  1. WI & AHC: Electoral College Districts reform is enacted.

    So, again, in my research of Electoral College reform, abolition and such, I came across a reform attempt which was earlier than the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, earlier than the Bayh-Celler Amendment in the 70s (which I made a thread on not too long ago), and earlier than a...
  2. WI: Bayh-Celler becomes the 26th Amendment

    Before the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, before the Every Vote Counts Amendment, and before the all too infamous 2001 Presidential election, there was the Bayh-Celler Amendment of 1969. The Bayh-Celler Amendment was probably the closest point in US history where the Electoral College...
  3. Zyobot

    Which Post-1900 Presidential Candidates Could've Surpassed LBJ's Popular Vote Share?

    Winning in a landslide of 486 electoral votes and 61.1% of the popular vote, President Lyndon Johnson's 1964 victory currently holds the record for the largest share of the popular vote won by a modern president--a tally that narrowly exceeded FDR's 1936 victory over Alf Landon, and was only...
  4. WI: Bush Wins the Popular Vote in 2000

    If not for that last minute DUI scandal, George W. Bush might have won the popular vote in 2000 and carried enough electoral votes to become America's 43rd President. The POD is that the DUI story doesn't break until a week after the election, allowing Bush to narrowly win the presidency with...
  5. What if Obama lost the popular vote in 2012 but won the Electoral College?

    Given the results of the 2016 election, it may appear as if the Republicans have an Electoral College advantage. However, in 2012 Obama could have lost the popular vote and still won the Electoral College, and the Democrats held an Electoral College advantage. This scenario already occurred in...