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  1. RangrimRumneheim

    WI: An Anti-Appeasement Popular Front in Interwar Britain

    About a month ago I made a post related to my brainstorming PODs for a timeline about pre and post-WW2 Britain. https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-possibility-of-a-change-in-british-government-during-ww2.552093/ In short that post’s idea ran aground in relation to the premise of...
  2. H.Flashman(VC)

    Earlier policy of popular front governments by the Comintern.

    In 1934 the Comintern changed abrupt it's political "ukase"* to it's minion parties from a ban on working with bourgeois parties to forming popular fronts with leftist parties. I was wondering if this change could have been done a couple of years earlier? PRO: Stalin had already broken with the...
  3. Time Enough

    Labour Majority in 1935?

    So I was quickly wondering what would happen if Labour got into a majority in 1935, per say the National Government doesn't happen and instead Conservatives and Liberals form a coalition government which is voted in 1935. This means that there's a Labour Government lead by Clement Attlee in...