
  1. AHC: "Sea Nomad" ethnic groups elsewhere

    The term "Sea Nomads" (or, somewhat more pejoratively, "Sea Gypsies") refers to a number of different ethnic groups mostly concentrated in Southeast Asia, though the Tanka people of southern China and the Jalia Kaibarta of eastern India have also been labeled as such. While these peoples are all...
  2. MarquessAngewoah

    Frozen Land of Elk and Honeybees: A Very Different Hungarian TL
    Threadmarks: Hungarian Arrival in the Homeland

    Hungarian Arrival in The Homeland 2000 BC-800 AD In 2000 BC, the migration of the Hungarians was changed. They began to move east, not west, riding their horses and slowly moving east. In around 1500 BC, the Hungarians lost a major upset with a nearby tribe after years of warring. They...
  3. AHC Domestication of Animals, but no crops

    Is there any way for humans to become pastoral nomads without the invention of agriculture? Herding sheep and goats occurred around the same time as the first cereal domestications IIRC, so is it possible for this to occur and continue without any settled permanent farmers? Similarly, will...
  4. Sevarics

    WI: Scythian Invasion / Conquest of China

    Basically as the tin says, could the vast Scythian horde have pushed east into China instead of focusing on the northern Black Sea and Central Asia ? What impact might a Scythian invasion/conquest of China have ? What time frame would make the most sense for a Scythian invasion and conquest ...
  5. No Gengis Khan and No black plague

    What if the two most devastating events in medieval era, the rise of the Mongol empire and the Black Death , were both averted? Let's assume that yrsinia pestis went extinct and Gengis Khan fell from a horse at a young age, how would history change? What happens to China, India, Russia, the...
  6. Salvador79

    AHC: No horse-based steppe nomads

    With a PoD after 5000 BCE, prevent the emergence of the specific Eurasian variety of nomadic steppe-dwelling soceties which are based on horsemanship, i.e. horse-drawn wagons, riding horses, later horseback bowmen etc. (The PoD limit prevents any very early extinctions of the horse in Eurasia...