
  1. Portugal sacrifices Guinea-Bissau to win in Angola and Mozambique. What next?

    So I've seen in a few threads here on the Portuguese colonial wars that under less hardline leadership-say, if President Tomas dies of a stroke or something and Marcelo Caetano can do what he thinks needs to be done-if Portugal had been willing to write off the future Guinea-Bissau as the lost...
  2. British Biscuit

    WI: Portugal wins the Colonial War?

    Despite facing backlash and criticism both at home and abroad over the wars in Angola, Guinea & Mozambique, the Portuguese Armed Forces were reported to have been rather successful on the battlefield in at least 2 out of the 3 theaters...
  3. South Africa AHC

    Lets say we go with a POD of 1815 can we get South Africa to control all of Southern Africa by 1945? Basically OTL Union of South Africa plus Zimbabwe/Rhodesia Botswana Lesotho and Swaziland Mozambique south of the Zambezi Bonuses if: Namibia has more Germans...
  4. Rhodesia/Angola/Mozambique/South Africa Alternate History

    I wanted to imagine how these countries might have survived into the present day. My POD's would be Slightly earlier settlement of Angola and Mozambique, so that they have a slightly larger white population. I saw another thread imagining something like this called Angola Avante . Portugal...