
  1. Mossadegh stays on the US' good side?

    Fair warning, my knowledge of this subject is fairly limited. While the overthrow of Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh is seen primarily as an American operation, the country whose government was most invested in his demise was actually Great Britain - the main target of Mossadegh's...
  2. Hossein Fatemi survives, what role does he play in the Iranian Islamic Revolution?

    Mossadegh's right-hand man and foreign minister, Hossein Fatemi, was executed after the 1953 Iranian coup. But if he was spared, I could see him playing a role in the opposition to the Shah like other members of Jebhe Melli. As a journalist and experienced propagandist, is he able to gravitate...
  3. WI: Operation Ajax fails, Mosaddegh assassinated later by Fedayeen?

    Speculation over the butterflies that come out from Operation Ajax's failure or success are numerous, but I want to explore a different line of questioning. Say for whatever reason, Operation Ajax fails and Mosaddegh consolidates his power as head of Tudeh. One year later however, he is...
  4. GauchoBadger

    WI: Operation Ajax fails (1953)

    Operation Ajax, known in Iran as the Mordad Coup, was a coup d'état orchestrated in Iran by the Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, British oil companies, and elements of the CIA and MI6. It deposed the populist-nationalist and allegedly pro-Soviet prime minister of the country, Mohammed Mossadegh, and...
  5. PuffyClouds

    WI No AIOC Nationalization

    Suppose that: After WW2 Britain and Iran negotiated a deal that was much more profitable to Iran. Prime Minister Haj Ali Razmara took it back to Iran's parliament where it was approved. Razmara had sought to provide benefits to the Iranian people, and to do this he took steps to eliminate the...