magellan expedition

  1. TheWitheredStriker

    WI: Ferdinand Magellan sails for Portugal?

    I don't think I've ever seen this one done before. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who circumnavigated the world ... in service of Spain. His history in Portugal became rather turbulent: For the sake of this scenario, let's suppose Magellan and Manuel don't have a falling-out...
  2. kasumigenx

    Magellan in China
    Threadmarks: Magellan in China

    On April 1521, Magellan expedition would be washed north west from Guam to a certain island which was green for him in which he would call as The land of Savages which would be later be known as Formosa to the Portuguese where in some of his own crew would die being killed by the natives, he...
  3. kasumigenx

    Magellan lands right
    Threadmarks: Magellan lands right

    On 1521, Magellan would land in the Spice Islands in March 16 where he would return to the people that he have contacted back in the days which included the people that he once settled in the Spice Islands and decided to live in peacefully and stayed there for the rest of his own life. The...