
  1. Sevarics

    WI: Theodore Komnenos Doukas, Emperor of Thessalonica, captures Constantinople in 1230

    As the tin says, what if Theodore Komnenos Doukas, Emperor of Thessalonica, avoided being defeated by the Bulgarians and successfully captured Constantinople in 1230? Up until his defeat and capture by the Bulgarians, Theodore and the Empire of Thessalonica had been expanding rapidly in the...
  2. The Turul on the Bosporus

    The Turul on the Bosporus 1169 Constantinople The Avtokrator had desired a son for his adult life, and been denied again and again. For all of that he had mentored a boy, raised him up right, a smart lad. A lad engaged to his daughter Maria Porphyrogennete, a keen and dangerous...
  3. GauchoBadger

    WI: No Komnenian Restoration

    In the years after the disastrous defeat at the Battle of Manzikert (1071), the Byzantine Empire seemed to be breaking down at the seams. The Turks were invading Anatolia and raided all the way to the western coast, the Normans were raiding Epirus and Greece, and the Pechenegs were raiding the...
  4. Avrorrange

    Why was the Komnenian army significantly smaller than the Macedonian Byzantine army?

    The ERE/Byzantine army under the Macedonians reached a size of 200,000 soldiers.While its’ understandable that the empire’s ability to raise armies would be impaired by the erosion of the theme system and the loss of territories,much of the land still retained by the Turks following Alexios and...
  5. AHC: Better 13th Century for the Byzantines

    OTL, the century started with the Fourth Crusade, leading to an interregnum that lasted until 1261; by then... well, the empire was overrun by Ottomans in the 14th Century, and they weren't in the best position to do anything about it, much less reemerge as the power they were during the...