islamic revolution

  1. Hossein Fatemi survives, what role does he play in the Iranian Islamic Revolution?

    Mossadegh's right-hand man and foreign minister, Hossein Fatemi, was executed after the 1953 Iranian coup. But if he was spared, I could see him playing a role in the opposition to the Shah like other members of Jebhe Melli. As a journalist and experienced propagandist, is he able to gravitate...
  2. WI Islamic Revolution failed in Iran

    Suppose that the Islamic Revolution failed; specifically, that interim PM Shahpour Bakhtiar did not invite Khomeini back to the country to create a "Vatican in Qoms" and so the theocrats fail their violent coup of the provisional government. How does Bakhtiar govern? What happens when...
  3. Exporting the Revolution - The Islamic Republic of Iraq?

    One of Ruhollah Khomeini's objectives was exporting the Islamic Revolution across the Muslim world. Now, this was always going to be an uphill battle due to the Shi'ite dimension of Khomeinism not being readily applicable to the mores of Sunni governance (concepts such as Velâyat-e Faqih are too...
  4. AHC: Iranian style revolution in Egypt

    With a post-WW2 POD, have Egypt become an Islamic Republic in the same manner as Iran in 1979.
  5. AHC: Liberal Democracy in Iran post-Shah

    Either by butterflying the Islamic part of the revolution or by having the theocracy collapse, how could Iran have become a liberal democracy after deposing the Shah?
  6. Tresckow

    AHC: Prevent/Shrink Iranian Revolution?

    As tensions between the U.S. and Iran are at an all time high, I have been wondering, how would it be possible for the Iranian (or Islamic) Revolution to be smaller and crushed by the Shah, or even prevented all together? What would be the ramifications of this?
  7. How to avoid the Islamic Revolution?

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a project and I'm quite curious about Iran. Is there a way to avoid the revolution with a POD on 1960 at least? Not before that year but you are free to use anything after 1960. Thanks!